A dark night without moonlight.

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At the end of the line of wizards heading toward the northern wall of Sheridan was an old carriage that the cold wind was blowing through.


Inside, a crouching boy was sitting among the luggage.


In front of the boy was a piece of bread that had not been eaten for several days and had hardened. 


It’s already been a few days since he decided to stop eating.


The boy counted it with his still clear mind, then stopped.


How much more should he do to bring death to this horrible body? 


The road to the wind seemed like it was so far away.


The boy tossed the red pebble he had been holding out of the small window, then bowed his head deeply between his knees.


* * *


About a week had passed since Clarisse’s first dinner with the Duke and Duchess, and only five days were left this year.


Of course, nothing particularly happened to Clarisse just because the year was over.


Her work hasn’t changed.


Growing up healthy and wonderful.


So, Clarisse and Sir Benson did morning exercises together this morning.


It is said that stretching her arms and legs helps her grow taller, so Clarisse worked really hard on her body.


She wanted to be tall.


That way, she’ll be able to get things from the high shelf without bothering anyone else. 


After her workout, she used the math book Rosalie gave her to learn how to count.


There was no teacher, but all the explanations were written in the kind book, so she was able to follow them without much difficulty. It was so much fun.


And after lunch, she heard the message that the Duke was looking for her, so she headed to his office.


Rosalie knocked instead, announcing Clarisse’s visit.


Clarisse held her hands with a nervous feeling.


‘What did I do wrong…’


Being called into someone’s office like this happened several times in Grezekaia Kingdom.


It was when she did something wrong.


Didn’t say hello properly, accidentally broke a stone in the garden, or offended her brother—.


“Come in.”


When she was startled by the Duke’s loud voice, Rosalie opened the door.


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Clarisse kept her head down and walked a little stiffly towards the Duke’s desk.


“H, hello, Duke.” 


“How are you, Clarisse?”


“Yes, thanks to the Duke’s grace today… I studied math. I worked hard.”


Clarisse held her trembling hand still for some reason.


It was so strange. She wasn’t this nervous when the queen, who she had always thought was “scary,” called her.


On the contrary, to be scolded by someone who has been considered ‘kind’ is somehow more frightening.


‘Anyway, I should say I made a mistake.’


When she decide to do so.


“What do you think of going to the north wall?”

The Duke asked a question.


“I, I made a mis—!”


Clarisse, who answered that almost reflexively, quickly corrected her words and asked again.




It seemed that she had heard it wrong.


“At the northern wall, fireworks are set off at the end of the year. To comfort those living in the harshest places.”


“Fireworks ?”


“Yeah. A colorful firework. I think you’ve also seen it in Grezekaia.”


Clarisse nodded.


On the anniversary of the kingdom, she saw some of the flames scattered through her room window several times.


Although this was only for a moment, Clarisse immediately closed the window and snuggled under the covers, pretending nothing had happened and falling asleep alone.


She pretended not to hear the joyful shouts of the people in the distance.


“Am I… being transferred to the northern wall?” 


“There is no transfer plan. You’re scheduled to return to Sheridan Manor on New Year’s Day.”


It’s kind of like going on a trip.


Clarisse dared to think so, but she couldn’t bear to say it. 


A prisoner travels.


She’s a little excited, but that’s ridiculous, isn’t it?


“If the Duke takes me, I will quietly follow you.” 

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“…Yeah, thank you.” 




It was strange for him to say thank you, so Clarisse quickly asked back, but he didn’t talk about it further.


“Then tell Rosalie to get ready. Be careful not to catch a cold until the day of departure.”


“I will never catch a cold, Duke.”


“You should be.”


Back in the room, Clarisse immediately asked a question on the inner wall.


“I don’t know why the Duke is taking me to the city wall.”


[It’s thanks to the Duchess.]




[Yes, after thinking about it for about 12 hours, the Duke wrote a love letter to his wife asking her to go to the northern wall together.] 


“He wrote a love letter! It’s so wonderful.”


[Yes, they seem to be exchanging love letters with each other at least once a day these days.]


The inner wall answered in a joyful voice.


When Quentin said something foolish, they thought Clarisse’s efforts had been for nothing, but the couple was safely passing between the two. 


[Anyway, the Duchess replied that it would be a bit difficult for the two of them to go alone, and she asked if the Duke would take Clarisse.]




[Of course, Duchess was delighted. Do you understand, Clarisse?] 


“What do you mean understand?” 


Clarisse tilted her head at the sudden question.


[Oh, my. Clarisse is so slow-witted. What should I do.]


The inner wall was sorry but kindly added an explanation.


[The Duke and his wife began to notice that the relationship was improving thanks to Clarice.]




[Otherwise, how else would they take Clarisse on their date? So now you know what to do, right?]


Clarisse nodded quickly.


“I’m bringing the two closer! Even if it’s to repay the favor.”


[That’s it!]


But there was a problem here.

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How can they become closer after they know each other’s feelings? 


There was no such content written anywhere in the fairy tale book that Clarisse read.


[It’s simple. Just make them hold hands.]




[Yes, wouldn’t it be nice if someone who also likes Clarisse would hold your hand tightly?] 


“E, eung?” 


Clarisse looked down at her hands.


She had held hands with other people, but it was more of a procedure that happened during the transfer.


[I believe you know how happy it is to hold hands and look at pretty things together.]


“…Ah, eung.” 


For some reason, Clarisse couldn’t answer that she didn’t know, so she nodded her head.


[So, please make sure the two of them hold hands.]


“Eung… I will definitely succeed.” 


* * *


Three days later, on a clear winter day.


Clarisse arrived at the northern wall in a carriage.


It is the first wall built between the north where dragons and monsters live and the human habitation, and it has already collapsed and been rebuilt several times in its long history.


It was also famous for the unfortunate incident of losing both the king and the wizard leader at the end of confronting the cruel monsters that constantly surged.


There was a time when the entire continent mourned for that sadness, but now only the statue of the late king erected in the north remembers that time.


The Duke gave Clarisse a warm room with a nice fireplace—No, they gave her prison.


And he said that she should never catch a cold and ordered her to wear two layers of socks. 


Clarisse replied that she would wear two layers of her gloves and received the Duke’s praise.


“As long as you don’t climb the top of the northern wall, you can continue outdoor activities for health. Make sure to be with Benson.” 




“Before mealtime, you must come back and wash your hands. You know how important hygiene is in prison life.”


Of course. Clarisse nodded her head with her determined face.


“I will be Sheridan’s model prisoner.”


“Good. Then I’m going to have a meeting with the wizards.”


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“But he just arrived?”


Clarisse took his hands with a worried look on her face.


“I think the Duke… is having a hard time.”


It was said from the heart, but Clarisse soon realized that she had been presumptuous.


As evidence of that, she felt the gaze of the Duke looking down at her as if he was a little surprised.


Clarisse quickly took a step back and bowed her head.


“I, I’m sorry.” 


“…No, uhm.” 


He answered something in a bitter voice and then stopped. 


“Take a rest.”


And he left the room without even listening to Clarisse’s reply.


“…I’m pathetic.”


Left alone in the room, Clarisse sighed as she kissed Mallang. 


She seems to think that she has a right to be worried about the Duke because he is kind to a prisoner.


Perhaps Clarisse seemed quite arrogant. 


Mallang, with arms and legs, slipped out of Clarisse’s hands and into her small bag.


“What’s the matter? Is it because it’s cold here?”


“Coo! (It’s noisy, I can’t stand it!)”


It’s noisy…?


Clarisse listened to her surroundings. But other than the sound of soldiers chanting in the distance, it was quiet around here.


“Coo! (This!)”


Mallang, with its head sticking out of the bag, was holding a red pebble.


Clarisse found it on the way to the north and put it in a bag.


It felt a little special, and as expected, it seemed that it was a stone that she could have a conversation with.


“Coo. (Why did you pick up such a noisy stone? I can’t rest at all.)”


Mallang jumped up through the chair and desk to the window sill.


“Coo. (I should throw it out right away.)


As Mallang pulled the stone onto the window frame, Clarisse quickly approached and asked, clasping the red stone tightly.


“Is something happened?”

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