Qin Chu suddenly became great and glorious.

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Facing Qu Muyao, a girl who didn’t know how to behave, he wanted to use his status as an elder brother to teach her a lesson. But when the words came to his mouth, he seemed not to be able to say anything.

For one thing, he had no position.

Lu Tong had no familial ties or friendship ties with him. So if he rashly drew a clear line with Qu Muyao, Lu Tong would inevitably mock and ridicule1 him if he found out. When he thought of Lu Tong’s rejection of Old Cheng that night, Old Cheng’s face suddenly became his own in Qin Chu’s mind.

— — It was too awful.

How twisted must be Lu Tong’s heart to stay unloved even when endless love and compassion are sent to his door?

Secondly, Qu Muyao was only his stepsister, and Qin Chu couldn’t control her if she was reasonable. If Qin Heng found out about it, he would probably catch him again and give him a lecture.

He would not want to make things difficult for himself.

Qin Chu pulled the door shut and said coldly, “Go if you like.”

He did not hesitate to close the door. Qu Muyao was afraid that he would close the door too quickly and her hand would get caught, so she hurriedly took a step back.

Qu Muyao spat out, “A son of a b*** that even dogs hate.”

Qin Chu was not willing to be outdone and cursed in his heart, “Annoying yellow-haired girl2.”

After a few days, Qin Chu made up his mind to leave this happy family of three.

When Qin Heng asked him where he was going, Qin Chu had a very good reason, “I’m going to get medicine for Old Zhao.”

Zhao Yan’s health had never been good. She had been suffering from minor illnesses and recently she had been suffering from nosebleeds. Qin Heng also brought Zhao Yan several kinds of medicine that were not available in China when he came back from the trip. When he heard Qin Chu say so, he did not suspect it.

“She is not well. Remember to go early and return early.”

Qin Chu thought to himself: Bye-bye to you.

Once he went, it was like flinging a meat bun at a dog3, or like Great-Sage Sun4 stepping on the Southern Heavenly Gate — He would never return.

Old Zhao saw that since he was living well at his house, he ran back again to make a fuss about nothing. When Qin Chu said that he would go to the hospital to get medicine for her, Old Zhao was overwhelmed by the honourable favour and acted as if she had seen a ghost, “You are so kind? Then why don’t you get a higher score on the exam then? The average score of our class is not determined by Lin Xiaomian and the others but by you.”

Qin Chu shamelessly said, “Let’s put off a discussion until later.”

He had just returned to China, he didn’t even fully know Chinese. So of course he didn’t have the concept of being strongly determined to succeed.

Old Zhao had something else to do that morning and couldn’t make it to the hospital. She always didn’t take these problems of hers to heart. And Qin Chu, who was living in her house like in a lodge, remembered them all better than she did.

The hospital from where Zhao Yan got her medication was the Zheyi Hospital in the city centre. Her disease was very stubborn and she had been treated in the hospital for several years. The attending doctor knew her. Every time she came to get the medicine, she didn’t even need to register. She went directly to the consulting room to inform them. And that was it.

Qin Chu had come to help Old Zhao get it a few times, and after the doctor recognized him, he was able to write the list of items like driving a lightweight chariot on a familiar road5.

When he arrived at the pharmacy on the west, he had just stood and glanced out of the corner of his eye when he saw a familiar person standing at the entrance of the lift.

“Lu Tong?”

At first, he was a little unsure.

Walking a little closer, Qin Chu saw clearly that it was indeed Lu Tong without a doubt.

“I thought he said he was coming to the hospital on Saturday.”

Qin Chu belatedly remembered that Lu Tong had indeed mentioned that he would come to the hospital before they parted on bad terms in the Political and Educational Office last time.

Why come to the hospital if you have good health and good luck?

Qin Chu turned his feet6 and followed Lu Tong.

Lu Tong had registered first. Qin Chu’s eyes were sharp and he saw at once that he had registered for internal medicine.

He muttered quietly: Still saying that he is not sick?

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When Lu Tong lifted his foot to step on the elevator and went to the second floor. Qin Chu thought that he was hiding well and followed. But as soon as he reached the second floor, Lu Tong was “waiting” for him like guarding a tree stump and waiting for a rabbit7 — A brat rabbit.

“You have nothing to do?” Lu Tong leaned against the pillar on the second floor with his arms behind his hands, “You have nothing to do in the morning, so you came to follow me?”

Qin Chu: ……

“A chance encounter.”

Lu Tong, “Do you think I will believe that? Your chance encounter also comes with a GPS to turn the corner and get on the lift?”

Qin Chu’s face didn’t change as he bullshitted, “I came to see the doctor.”

Lu Tong, “Internal medicine?”

Qin Chu, “Internal medicine.”

Lu Tong looked at Qin Chu’s expression, and the latter bit the bullet and looked at internal medicine, so he let it go.

Mainly, Lu Tong wasn’t that thick-skinned to stamp that Qin Chu was following him from behind. How thick his face had to be to say that the new school grass of the Provincial No. 1 High School was stalking him?

The two of them sat in the waiting area outside the internal medicine consulting room, and Qin Chu had nothing to talk about, “Why are you here for internal medicine?”

Lu Tong said sarcastically, “It’s not as if I am here to see if there’s a brain disease.”

After he finished speaking, he stood up and went to the water dispenser next to him, took a free plastic cup, and took a glass of water.

Qin Chu was sitting in the waiting room and looked to the left. A child was carrying an FIBC bag on his back with a cat in it. After opening the bag, he was playing with the cat in interest using a cat stick.

The cat was a snow-white ragdoll with a very dignified appearance, and could only move its paws after a few teasing sessions. That standoffish appearance looked like that of Lu Tong. And its fur was also milky white like Lu Tong’s skin and could turn pink when pinched.

Before Lu Tong came back, Qin Chu was blessed to the heart that he seemed to have removed a block in his acupuncture points8 and commandeered the child’s cat teasing stick.

There was still half a glass of water left in the disposable water cup. So in line with his good habit of being thrifty, Lu Tong didn’t throw it away in the end and held it in his hand to drink later.

Just as he took out his mobile phone to read for a while, a snowy white ball of fluff suddenly landed in front of him.

Lu Tong looked along the hairy ball and saw the end of it — It was a cat teasing stick. Moreover, a cat teasing stick that was held in Qin Chu’s hand.

Lu Tong’s face was expressionless as he stared at Qin Chu.

Qin Chu shook the teasing stick, and the hairy ball jumped a little to the left and a little to the right with his movements, distracting Lu Tong.

He reached out his hand and grabbed the fur ball violently.

Qin Chu, “Ah.”

It was exactly the same as the cat.

Lu Tong bared his fangs, “Are you sick!”

The mechanical female voice on the large screen in the internal medicine consultation room sounded: Please asking Lu Tong, number 012, to go to consultation room one.

Lu Tong: ……

Qin Chu returned the cat teasing stick to its original owner, “It turns out that it doesn’t seem to be me who is sick.”

Lu Tong decided in his heart that there was something wrong with Qin Chu’s brain. He shouldn’t be in the internal medicine department but should go to the psychiatric department to have a look.

He got up and Qin Chu followed him into the waiting room.

The nurse at the door thought they were together and did not stop Qin Chu.

There were two other people at the door of consultation room one.

Lu Tong stood outside and waited for a short period of time.

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The doctor in the consultation room was a young attending doctor: Dr. He.

Dr. He was so gentle and handsome that he did not look like a real-life doctor, but like a doctor who was the protagonist of a novel and falls in love with the heroine.

Dr. He also spoke in a gentle manner, “Hello. May I ask what is wrong with your body?”

Of the two patients in front of Lu Tong, the first one said as soon as he sat down, “Doctor, I feel that my body has been a little itchy recently. I suspect that I didn’t wash off the foam when I took a shower.”

Dr. He nodded gently.

Patient 1, “I’ve had this before. Maybe it’s an allergy caused by the dry autumn weather? Just rub some xx and take some xxx and I’ll be fine, right?”

Dr. He, “Yes.”

Patient 1, “Thank you! Doctor!”

Dr. He, “You’re welcome.”

After hearing this, Qin Chu spat, “What kind of sickness did this man come to check? Didn’t he even diagnose himself? Is this doctor reliable?”

Just after he finished spitting, the patient in front of Lu Tong also went in.

Lu Tong whispered, “Stop talking.”

He was standing very close to Qin Chu, and his voice was low. At first glance, he sounded a little as if he was feigning anger coquettishly.

Feigning anger coquettishly?

Qin Chu’s back teeth were sour.

What’s wrong with me? He thought to himself: What connection could there possibly be between Lu Tong and feigning anger coquettishly?

Patient 2 sat down, “Doctor, I always have bruises on my thighs, what’s going on? Baidu says that it’s bone cancer……”

Dr. He, “What exactly does it look like? Let me see?”

Patient 2, “It’s just bruises! Just check it on Baidu. It’s a precursor to bone cancer!”

Dr. He, “Okay. Then I will prescribe you some medicine to stop bleeding and reduce stasis.”

Patient 2, “I’ve looked it up. But Baidu says that taking medicine to stop bleeding and resolve stasis won’t work.”

Dr. He, “So what do you think is okay to have?”

Patient 2, “It says on Baidu……”

Qin Chu, “Is there something wrong with this person?”

At the same time, he became even more suspicious of Dr. He’s medical skills: It was too unreliable.

Dr. He dismissed patient two, Lu Tong went in and sat down. With a glance of his eyes, he saw the Baidu page opened on Dr. He’s computer: Is bruising a precursor to cancer?

Lu Tong: ……

Dr. He was willing to accept other people’s views and he closed the web page, “Sit down. Where is the discomfort?”

Qin Chu did not consider himself an outsider at all and got into the consultation room.

Dr. He, “Give me your hand first.”

Lu Tong put his hand on the table.

Dr. He took Lu Tong’s pulse, and Qin Chu was speechless, “You internal medicine doctors also take pulses?”

Dr. He said modestly, “I know a little.”

A moment later, Dr. He spoke in surprise, “Secondary differentiation?”

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Lu Tong was also stunned, “Are you really able to find that?”

Dr. He, “I’m ashamed. I know this from reading your medical records.”

Lu Tong, “…… Then what pulse did you take?”

Dr. He said soothingly, “Let’s go through the procedure. It makes me look professional. This case of yours is really rare.”

Qin Chu interjected and asked, “What is secondary differentiation?”

From the meaning of the term, he seemed to have guessed half of it.

Dr. He said, “Secondary differentiation refers to the transformation that re-enters after the experiencing of the original differentiation period following one’s growth to adulthood. For example, if you first differentiate into a beta, then you may become an omega after the second differentiation. Do you understand what this means? The gender after the second differentiation is the final gender.”

Lu Tong had also looked this up on the internet but did not find as much detail as that was in Dr. He’s speech. So he asked, “What would cause secondary differentiation?”

Dr. He, “There are many reasons. For example, if you are an a and you really love another a. Due to your subconscious desire to be united with him, your body will re-select your gender according to your strong will to achieve the purpose of the union when your differentiation is unstable.”

Qin Chu’s gaze swept over to Lu Tong.

Lu Tong was puzzled by his look, “…… I don’t have anyone I like.”

He couldn’t help but mock in his heart: Is this doctor really a proper doctor? Talking in such a weird manner. I see that this does not belong to the realm of science at all. This is a secondary differentiation due to witchcraft, right?

Dr. He, “Of course, this is a relatively rare case. The medical profession has not yet been able to fully understand the cause of secondary differentiation, but there’s nothing wrong with being an omega. I see that the data on your ID card says A. Haven’t you yet gone to the government to change your gender?”

Lu Tong, “No.” He glanced at Qin Chu, “Excuse me, can you step back for a moment.”

Qin Chu, “What are you asking that I can’t hear?”

Lu Tong:……

Does this person have any sense of being an outsider? Does he have any emotional intelligence?

Of course, he couldn’t listen.

Lu Tong had come to the hospital today to find out why he was so dependent on Qin Chu’s pheromones. Moreover, not only was he dependent on Qin Chu’s pheromones, but also rejected other alpha’s pheromones. And it was getting worse and worse every day, to the point that now — He could not go to places dense with alphas, and his body would experience a series of dizziness, nausea, sweating, limb weakness, and even high fever.

It was just a pity that even though Lu Tong had given words and behaviour intended at turning the visitor out, Qin Chu would not leave.

He simply found a stool in the consultation room and sat down, acting like a little hoodlum. Lu Tong could do nothing about it, so he coughed dryly and said unnaturally, “I’m resistant to alpha pheromones.”

Dr. He, “That’s impossible? You’ve differentiated into an omega, how could you be resistant to a pheromones.” He flipped through Lu Tong’s medical record, “Cases of secondary differentiation are really merely rare. In fact, most secondary differentiated omegas are similar to ordinary Os. As long as you don’t get marked by other alpha — Not even temporarily — There’s not much of a problem. ”

Lu Tong’s body stiffened, “What if there is?”

Dr. He was surprised, “You’ve had a temporary mark?” His gaze fell on Qin Chu, “No wonder. It’s not hard to understand. There are many cases of secondary differentiation like yours, where you are in puppy love, you are confused, and let your boyfriend mark you. It’s normal to have an aversion to other’s alpha pheromones. It will disappear in a few days. It doesn’t matter.”

Lu Tong, “…… But it hasn’t gone away after half a month, and it’s already affecting me more and more seriously.”

Qin Chu’s mind was completely different from Lu Tong’s, and he thought: Why didn’t Lu Tong refute the statement about him being his boyfriend?

Dr. He paused again.

Lu Tong,“?”

Dr. He smiled and said, “I’m sorry, that touched the blind spot of my knowledge. Let me Baidu.”

Lu Tong: ……

Qin Chu said, “Are you really the doctor here?”

Dr. He, “Authentic.”

Qin Chu said sarcastically, “It’s rare to see one sitting in the position of the attending doctor at such a young age.”

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Dr. He, “I’m ashamed. You won’t believe me if I say I’m young and talented. Actually, the dean is actually my uncle.”

…… You don’t have to be so honest.

Although Dr. He said he would go to Baidu, he actually didn’t touch the computer at all.

He took out a very thick stack of data from the side and after flipping through a few pages, his expression gradually grew serious.

Dr. He looked up, ”Your case seems a bit serious. Since it’s not a secondary differentiation of your own volition, there must be other reasons. Can you think of any? Could it be that an alpha induced your secondary differentiation?”


Lu Tong thought back carefully. The first time he felt something was wrong was during the summer vacation of his sophomore year of high school. He couldn’t remember exactly what had happened that day.

But the first heat was entirely induced by Qin Chu.

“There can be two reasons why you are still rejecting other alpha pheromones after half a month,” Dr. He said, “First: The alpha that marked you is very aggressive and possessive, and second: You have very high compatibility with each other. Either way, you need to complete the final marking as soon as possible. Otherwise, your body organs will be depleted from rejecting other alpha pheromones, which can cause death in severe cases.”

“The medical realm calls this pheromone dependence. The probability of this happening is very small, occurring only in couples with a very high degree of compatibility after secondary differentiation. It is difficult for an ordinary person to encounter secondary differentiation, let alone encounter a partner with a high degree of adaptation after secondary differentiation. So it is very rare.”

…… He is joking, right?

Lu Tong’s head was spinning and his eyes were blackened by these few words.

Completing the mark?

How could that be!

Unlike temporary marking, if an omega was fully marked by an alpha, then the alpha’s mark would be eternally engraved on their body and they would forever belong to the other person alone. No matter if they lived, grew old, or died.

This was not even the point.

The point was that the conception rate for completing the mark was so high and he would only roll with a man if his brain was kicked by a donkey!

Qin Chu didn’t expect this result either, and he glanced at Lu Tong.

Lu Tong quickly returned to his senses and spoke in a slightly less calm voice than usual, “Is there no other solution?”

Dr. He hesitated for a long time before speaking slowly and offering a solution, “Actually, before I became a physician, I still had a dream of becoming a gynaecologist. To be honest, my clinical experience in the caesarean section is not bad, would you be interested in booking me in advance?”

Lu Tong, “Can I say a few words to you?”

Dr. He was willing to accept other people’s views, “If it’s ‘Get lost!’, then I suggest not.”



frigid irony and scorching satire (idiom)


a witless young girl


to kiss sth goodbye


You can check for him on Wikipedia. The webpage is by the name Monkey king.


fig. to do sth routinely and with ease / a walk in the park


Changed his direction


to wait idly for opportunities / to trust to chance rather than show initiative


Understanding a very complicated cognition

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