Qin Shiwu, who had failed to put up this letter “囍”, was sent back to the other side of the dormitory by the auntie.

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In room 1202, Lu Tong put down his suitcase and turned his head to see Qin Chu.

He was visibly stunned.

Qin Chu was lying on the bed next to his and was playing with his phone without feeling any pressure.

“What are you doing here?” Lu Tong swallowed his doubts and broke the silence.

Qin Chu swiped his phone without looking up, “I thought you knew I lived here before you filled in 1202. But looking at you, I see that you didn’t know.”

…… He knew f***?

If he knew that Qin Chu lived in 1202, he wouldn’t have filled it in even if he had to cut off his own hand!

“Don’t you live at teacher Zhao’s house?”

“I occasionally stay at her house. But I board at school when I go to school.” Qin Chu put down his phone, took a look at Lu Tong, and said, “Have you finished putting your things in order?”

Lu Tong only had one suitcase, containing only clothes and a few books. So he could just open it and put them in the locker. There was no need to put things in order.

He was startled by Qin Chu’s appearance, and only now did he have time to observe the dormitory.

The International Department’s dormitories were furnished to the standards of a standard two-person room in a hotel. There were two beds in the middle of the dormitory and a desk by the windowsill, which was big enough for two people to sit side by side. Entering the door was the bathroom. The place where the TV was placed was a white wall with wallpaper pasted on it by people who used to live in this dormitory.

The wardrobe opened directly from the wall and there were two sides in total.

Before Lu Tong arrived, Qin Chu had been living alone in the International Department, so his clothes were all over the place in the wardrobe, taking up almost all the space.

The desk was also filled with Qin Chu’s comic books and a few Iron Man figurines, not much different from the stuff in his room.

The room was not messy, but it was not tidy either.

Lu Tong unpacked his suitcase and silently put his clothes in the wardrobe.

When he had finished putting things in order, Qin Chu had gotten off the bed and sat down at the desk.

Lu Tong placed his suitcase on the left side of the wardrobe and turned his head to see Qin Chu staring at him with his legs crossed, staring at him with disinterest.

The air was filled with the cold scent of roses from Qin Chu’s body. The smell was not strong, but it had a strong sense of presence. The pheromones that was barely detectable, swarmed around Lu Tong.

Lu Tong could not avoid it and looked at Qin Chu, “You seem to have something that you want to tell me.”

Qin Chu, “It is you who have to say something to me.” He nodded, “Have you thought about what I asked last time? What do you plan to pay it back with?”

Lu Tong avoided answering the questions, “You can lend it to me first.”

“Can pheromones be lended casually?” Qin Chu pressed his tongue against his mouth, “What if you fall in love with me? Ain’t I asking for trouble then?”

Lu Tong rolled his eyes, “That’s the last thing you need to worry about.”

“No.” Qin Chu suddenly sat up straight, “In order to prevent you from falling in love with me while using my pheromones, we must make a pact1 between us.”

……If it weren’t for the thing that you would have to end your life early and complete the next reincarnation task if you don’t borrow the pheromones, a person like Lu Tong who was dead determined to save face would never suffer such a big loss from Qin Chu.

He looked up at Qin Chu, who was so complacent that he almost had the words “Give some color and I’ll open a dyeing workshop” written on his face.

Son of a b***.

Lu Tong gritted his teeth and thought: What a f*** son of a b***.

“How do you want to make a deal?”

He thought to himself without batting an eyelid: From where did he get the confidence that I would fall in love with him? I wouldn’t love him even if I fall in love with a mallet, OK?

Qin Chu was waiting for Lu Tong’s words. He rummaged around on his desk and pulled a printout from a drawer. Just with a rough glance, those sheets of information were still quite thick, and Lu Tong froze slightly when he saw them.

“This is your revision material?” He asked subconsciously.

Obviously, the word revision had nothing to do with Qin Chu by nature.

Qin Chu threw those sheets of paper into Lu Tong’s hands, only to see the sheets being set together with a few big words displayed on the front page of the material: Three-Point Covenant2.

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Lu Tong flipped it over and sneered, “This is your three-point covenant? Why does it look like more than three clauses to me?”

Qin Chu said shamelessly, “The three point is just a chinese classifier, which means that there are many sheets. Don’t you understand?”

The corner of Lu Tong’s mouth tugged, “Is this an agreement? With such a thick set of paper sheets, are you sure you are not writing a ‘Message to Compatriots in Taiwan’?”

Qin Chu asked rhetorically, “What is that?”

…… Well.

He shouldn’t be expected to read history books at all.

The “Message to Compatriots in Taiwan” written by Qin Chu was much thicker than the original version, and the content was not aimed at Taiwanese compatriots, but at him Lu Tong.

From the many sheets of paper, Lu Tong casually glanced at a few clauses and complained in his heart: Crazy. If he has this much ability to prevent me from plotting against him, then why doesn’t he use it to study? Who isn’t letting him take the exam at Tsinghua University and Peking University when he already has this ability?

The first clause in the “document” was a warning to Lu Tong not to fall in love with him because of his pheromones.

The next ones were a bunch of requests for Lu Tong to do this and that, a bunch of trivial3 things that were comparable to the ancient Three Obediences and Four Virtues4.

Lu Tong took a quick glance at it and then put it down.

Qin Chu asked in high spirits, “How did it go?”

“What do you think.” Lu Tong glanced at him coldly, “I’ve had enough.”

Qin Chu had written this three-point covenant purely to tease Lu Tong. He did not expect him to be stupid enough to look at it twice.

The room, which was already small, became even more crowded when Lu Tong arrived.

The other party seemed determined to draw a clear line with him, no matter whether it was the bed or the desk, personal items were all separated, as if there was an invisible Military Demarcation Line in the middle.

After Qin Chu’s illogical ‘three-point covenant’, Lu Tong had also created a ‘one room, two systems’ in the room — — His side of the room was clean and tidy, while Qin Chu’s side was still a mess.

Qin Chu had nothing to do in the house, so he watched Lu Tong make the bed.

He had thought that the other person was a person with a level 9 disability who could not take care of himself. But it turned out that the kaolin flower who had not eaten the food of common mortals could make the bed with unexpected skill and even revealed a trace of a good wife and a loving mother.

The four words that popped into Qin Chu’s head stunned him and he shook it off. But as if the thought had taken root in his mind, Qin Chu couldn’t help but land his gaze on Lu Tong’s waist again.

Was it necessary? He thought. A man with such a thin waist.

Qin Chu compared it with a very experimental spirit, and to sum up felt that he could hold it with one hand.

He irritated Lu Tong a little in the afternoon and neither of them exchanged any more words by the time they went for their evening study.

Lu Tong picked out a few mock test papers and brought them to class. He Nian was already waiting for him, “I heard that you are boarding at school?”

“Where did you hear that from?” Lu Tong sat down in his seat as soon as he arrived and started flipping through his book.

“On the campus forum. You were seen carrying your bags to the International Department during the afternoon. Who are you staying with?” He Nian made a fuss about nothing. He was one of the few people who knew about Lu Tong’s omega status. Since Lu Tong himself didn’t make it public, He Nian helped him keep it a secret by default.

Lu Tong thought of Qin Chu and kept his mouth shut, “Why do you care so much? Do we still have to move tables tonight?”

The mid-term exams were on the next Monday.

The night before each mid-term exam, each class had to re-arrange the class according to the school’s specifications and clean up the class during the process. It usually took hurrying for a whole class period.

In this kind of free time, the teachers would be solely engrossed in sanitation, and some students will take the opportunity to run out to go on a date.

After all, it was late at night, and the Provincial No. 1 High School was so big that there were many places that couldn’t be seen from the blind spots of surveillance. So it was perfect for murmuring endearments.

In the end, during the second period of the evening study, it started to rain after an afternoon of dull weather.

The incandescent light in the classroom made his eyes hurt a little, and Lu Tong did his problems for the rest of the period — — And also endured a session of harassment from Qin Chu. This person was very good at harassing him with text messages. He sent more than a dozen non-repetitive messages to which he replied to every one of them.

He rubbed the back of his neck wearily, feeling a little uncomfortable there.

In fact, he hadn’t been feeling well since yesterday at the hospital.

He Nian looked out of the pitch-black window. And through the window of the exam building, he could just see Building D, which was a building away from them.

It was raining heavily outside. And the rain beads were blown by the wind and hit the glass, making a crackling sound. So the Building D next door looked like it was situated inside a waterfall.

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Apart from He Nian, who was not interested in doing his homework and was staring at Building D with his chin propped up, there were a few other girls in the class who were also staring at Building D with nothing to do.

Lu Tong knew who they were looking at — Qin Chu was on the fourth floor opposite.

The bastard was not very well received in front of him but was unexpectedly popular in the school. From the younger schoolgirls down to the older schoolgirls, those who were interested in him could line up under the school building to take their lot.

It was raining heavily and it was a sentimental time for the schoolgirls. So naturally, their eyes fell on whoever was on their mind.

He Nian let out a sigh that was very obvious in the silent classroom.

Class one of the second year of high school was a key class and the class could complete self-study on its own without the supervision of a teacher. He Nian took advantage of the absence of a teacher to ask leisurely, “What kind of girls do you think Qin Chu likes?”

Lu Tong’s pen directly scratched out on the notebook, “Are you sick? You are yearning for love here without doing your homework in the evening self-study?”

He Nian turned his head to look at him, “I was just asking. Aren’t you still close to Qin Chu?”

Lu Tong, “Who has a good relationship with him? Which one of your eyes saw that?”

He Nian said in his mind: If you guys had a bad relationship, would you still have been able to complete the temporary mark?

He, “I’m just thinking for the female students in our class. Qin Chu hasn’t been in a relationship since he transferred to Provincial No. 1 High School. Do you think he looks down on girls at Provincial No. 1 High School, or does he have a white moonlight in his heart?”

Lu Tong ignored him.

The rain outside the window crackled and pelted even louder, filling even the classroom with a sense of humidity.

Lu Tong glanced at the heavy rain silently and said in his heart that he was unlucky. He didn’t look at the weather forecast when he went out and didn’t bring an umbrella.

The rain was likely not to stop for a while, and He Nian was still thinking about Qin Chu’s marriage life, “What kind of woman do you think Qin Chu will marry? Or what kind of omega?”

Lu Tong suddenly changed the subject, “When will the rain stop?”

He Nian propped up his chin, “Haven’t you seen the weather forecast? There will be a typhoon for the next few days. So you have to be careful when you go out.”

Lu Tong, “What time is it? There are still typhoons?”

He Nian, “It came late this year. It hit Zhoushan5, and the news reported in the afternoon that the water there was half a meter deep. Be careful when you go back to the International Department alone at night. The flat area connected to the school building is an air vent, and every time one goes through it, they are blown away.”

At the end of the second evening class, Old Zhou came to the classroom and assigned the students who would be cleaning up during the third evening class period.

Lu Tong was given the very simple task of cleaning the glass. He directly took a few test papers from the drawer and went up to the corridor.

He Nian had no work to do. So he came over to Lu Tong and got in the way.

The two of them chatted about English Listening for a while, when He Nian’s eyes lit up and he suddenly tapped him on the shoulder, “Lu Tong, look. Isn’t that the class flower of class 4, Gao Yuting!”

Lu Tong tilted his head slightly. Gao Yuting from Class 4 was walking towards Building D with two cups of milk tea in her hand.

There was a connecting corridor between the exam building and Building D, and there were vents on both sides. Now when you walk through it, the cold rain hits on both sides of your face. Although there were shelters, you would still be drenched.

He Nian said, “What do you think she is doing running towards the firs year’s place in the middle of the night? Fearless of wind and rain. The steel rose is really a hero of the people6.”

Lu Tong concentrated on cleaning the glass.

“What else could it be?” The sports committee member next to him replied with a smile, “Isn’t it just to find Qin Chu? Didn’t you hear others say that the class flower of class four has finally bowed down under Qin Chu’s school trousers?”

He Nian, “She — Is a sophomore in high school like us eh. In any case, she is a class flower too. How can she be so disrespectful to us and go after a junior? Doesn’t that make us look unattractive?”

The sports committee member looked down upon him, “Even Lu Tong didn’t say anything. What are you blathering about here then? Ain’t I right, school grass?”

Lu Tong finished cleaning the glass, didn’t care about them, turned around, and went to the class.

Gao Yuting was really there to find Qin Chu.

Just as she arrived at the door of class 12 of high school first years, there were sounds of rowdy jeering.

Gao Yuting was so natural and unrestrained. She didn’t feel embarrassed and handed the two cups of milk tea to Ji Rang — Qin Chu wasn’t in the class right now and no one knew where he went.

Sitting next to Qin Chu, Ji Rang could only bite the bullet and accept the milk tea.

Gao Yuting asked, “Where’s Qin Chu?”

Ji Rang, “Actually, this question…… Was asked to me once by He Yuanyuan a while ago too.”

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— — At these times when the school was more loosely controlled, several of the beauties exerted all their strength to go find Qin Chu.

Gao Yuting, “Then how did you answer?”

Ji Rang answered truthfully, “I don’t know where he went.”

Gao Yuting continued to ask, “When will he come back? I will wait for him here.”

Ji Rang, “No need…… He might have gone back to his bedroom to sleep. He won’t come even if you wait.”

— — That was how he sent He Yuanyuan away, and now Ji Rang was doing it with ease.

Gao Yuting, “He has gone back? Wasn’t he here just a while ago?”

Ji Rang, “He left just a while ago. But he’s a bit strange today. He isn’t usually so active in going back to the dormitory. He ran so fast that I can’t help but think that he is hiding a mistress in his golden house.”

Gao Yuting pouted, a little regretfully, “I was planning to go with him. So I didn’t bring my umbrella.”

Ji Rang hurriedly said, “Then you don’t have to count on Qin Chu. He definitely won’t have an umbrella either. Moreover senior, this Qn Chu is a heartless person. I’ve been at his table for so long, but I’ve never seen him give an umbrella to anyone, nor have I seen him give anyone a lift. So don’t worry, if you can’t ask him out, no one else can either.”

Gao Yuting was skeptical, “Really?”

Ji Rang patted his chest and promised, “Really. It’s more true than true gold. If he can learn how to send girls home, I will walk back to the dormitory building on my own hands today.”

Gao Yuting left, feeling disappointed.

The heavy rain outside the building was falling with increasing ferocity, and the bell for the third period of evening study finally arrived late, and at the same time it was almost drowned in the sound of the rain.

One by one, the people in the class left the classroom with a few unfinished homework books in their arms and went back to their dormitories in twos and threes.

It was Lu Tong’s first time living at school and his first time going back to his dormitory by himself.

He walked down from the fourth floor, through the hallway and across the end of the corridor to the edge of the supermarket — This was the last piece of ground with the ceiling in the way.

Further on, there was a large campus square, and the International Department was so far away from the supermarket that the only way to get back to the dormitory was to walk through the square.

The school was also very busy at night, especially by the supermarket, where students crowded together to buy things.

Lu Tong looked at the pouring rain in front of him and became worried.

— — He should have asked He Nian to give him a lift.

He stood still as the two female students near him, sheltering from the rain, discussed with each other, and the conversation fell on Lu Tong’s ears.

“What happened? She went straight to find Qin Chu?”

“She didn’t find him. Gao Yuting came back on her own. I thought she was going to go with Qin Chu tonight.”

“What’s wrong with her? I’ve never heard of Qin Chu getting close to any girl. Except that He Yuanyuan — He Yuanyuan hasn’t been chasing Lu Tong lately.”

Lu Tong: ……

There was no such thing.

“Qin Chu is so hard to chase. Gao Yuting hit a wall for the first time.”

“Who knows. F***, how can we go back in such a heavy rain!”

The subject suddenly came back around.

“If Gao Yuting really goes back with Qin Chu tonight, it’ll be all over the town tomorrow.”

“The hot post of the campus forum is already booked. Doesn’t she just enjoy the taste that everyone envies her?”

Lu Tong stood on the left of the two of them, with a pillar separating him from them.

Under the cover of the night, the two girls didn’t notice him.

It wasn’t that he wanted to listen about Qin Chu in that corner, it was just that Qin Chu’s presence in Provincial No. 1 High School was too high that he could hear some gossip about him wherever he stood.

He was bored and was listening with great interest when, out of the blue, one person appeared in front of him.

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“Are you happy to listen to it? Roommate.”

Lu Tong’s heart jumped, “Are you a ghost? Walking without making a sound.”

In the night, the contours of Qin Chu’s face were polished by the warm rain, making his face more and more beautiful.

Qin Chu leaned against the pillar in front of him, crossed his arms, and looked at him leisurely, “It’s you who listened too carefully that you didn’t hear me even when I made a sound.”

Lu Tong’s face heated up a little and he changed the subject, “Why are you here?”

Qin Chu, “I’m here to get someone.”

Lu Tong, “Get who?”

Qin Chu, “Whoever who doesn’t have an umbrella.”

Lu Tong without an umbrella: ……

Qin Chu conjured up an umbrella from his hand, “Let’s go. For the welfare of the newcomer who is boarding at the school for the first time, this handsome guy will personally take an umbrella and sent him back to his dormitory.”

Lu Tong said, “Don’t make it sound like you are here to give me a lift. You know how many people you’ve given this benefit to. You don’t need to use this trick for picking up girls, on me. It’s a waste of time.”

Even though that was what he said, he still got under Qin Chu’s umbrella, readily following good advice.

The umbrella was a bit small and was not enough for two people.

Lu Tong was almost standing close to him.

As soon as they stepped out of the corridor, the rain came down on them.

Qin Chu suddenly took Lu Tong by the waist, contentedly thinking that he could really hold him with just one arm.

The latter’s body went rigid as if struck by lightning.

“You’re going to put another person between us, aren’t you? Why are you so far away? I am not going to eat you.”

Qin Chu spat.

Lu Tong retaliated, “Why don’t you make your umbrella smaller? And your paws, get them off me.”

He heard the two girls behind him, who had been originally discussing about Qin Chu, suppress a gasp of surprise.

They seemed to recognise Qin Chu, but not Lu Tong.

He was considerably shorter than Qin Chu, and being held in Qin Chu’s arms like this, they couldn’t tell whether it was a boy or a girl from looking at his back.

Suddenly, Qin Chu’s voice rang out over the heavy rain, “You’re the only one who’s ever been given one.”

Lu Tong was concentrating on avoiding the puddles on the ground and when he heard this, he asked back without looking up, “What?”

Only after replying did he realize, as an afterthought, that Qin Chu’s words were in answer to his previous question.

— — He hadn’t given it to anyone else, but only to him.

Lu Tong’s face instantly burned up in the dim light of night, and even with his waist separated by two layers of school uniforms, he could still perceive the heat of Qin Chu’s arm.

It was so hot that he felt like he was getting a fever all over his body.


to agree on three laws (idiom) / three-point covenant / (fig.) preliminary agreement / basic rules


To Agree On Three Laws(idiom) / (fig.) preliminary agreement / basic rules


lit. chicken feathers and garlic skins (idiom) / fig. trivial (matter)


Confucian moral injunctions for women, namely: obey in turn three men father, husband and son, plus the four virtues of morality 德, physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功


prefecture-level city in Zhejiang (consisting solely of islands) / formerly Dinghai 定海


I think he is referring to the song 风雨彩虹铿锵玫瑰

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