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From the original shock and disbelief, Sister He gradually showed weird emotions on her face.

She is originally a person who didn't like to remember things, but at this time, her mind is madly flooded with all kinds of things that she thought was wrong.

Her younger brother took the initiative to ask her to help the educated youth Zhao to dig the ditch.

Educated youth Zhao was unwilling to send lunch to her brother.1

Educated youth Zhao, who is friendly and harmonious to others, communicated with his younger brother at home very poorly.

That night... They appeared outside the bullpen at the same time, Zhao Lanxiang's expression was very strange.


Sister He couldn't help but want to cry. She watched her younger brother carefully wash every piece of Zhao Lanxiang's clothes. Seeing his calm and dark eyes, there is a silent depression.1

She gestured with shaking hands.

"We are poor."

"How dare you think."

How dare you think about her?

This question once appeared in He Songbai's heart countless times.

He didn't dare to think about it, but it was the woman who approached him vigorously. Cooking for him, distressed that he was hurt, buying him medicine, taking him to the hospital, looking after and washing clothes for him, and even boldly she said that she only likes his sweet words in this life. If there is a trace of uncertainty and indecision in her, He Songbai will not agree.

People of his type are like walking on the edge of a cliff, and are in danger of falling to pieces at any time.

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He never dared to think about marriage, let alone to talk to girls from the city.

But she gave him the courage to try.

He said to his elder sister calmly, "Don't tell Grandma about this, she will be very sad if she knows it."

"But I will tell her clearly about Si Ya, and you will never be so enthusiastic about Siya in the future, and you will never ask me about a wife again."

"Because for these years, I don't want to beg for a wife."

Even if the younger brother is calm and speaks slowly, it falls into the eyes of Sister He as desperate stubbornness and despair.

Sister He's hand is still shaking unceasingly, and her tears could not help but fall down. She said sadly, "Are you going to be unmarried all your life?"2

He Songbai's hand rubbing his clothes paused, and after a long silence he nodded and said, "I only like her."

"I want to ask her to be my wife."

Sister He can't wait to slap her younger brother and scold, "A toad wants to eat swan meat".7

[T/N: It is a metaphor for people who have no self-knowledge and want to get things that are impossible to obtain.]3

But her hand was raised, but she was reluctant to swing it.

Her brother Bai always stood up to protect them at the critical time. From childhood, he was fierce like a wolf, protecting the whole family, but he was the only one who suffered.

If it wasn't for them to fight, how could his reputation be so bad, and how could it be so difficult to find a wife. Others say that he is a second-rate, but they don't know that he is kind and gentle.

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Sister He choked with sadness.

He Songbai handed her a handkerchief, "Why do you cry?"

"Do you think I can't marry this kind of wife in my life?"

Sister He nodded and shook her head again.

"She, not, like you."

"She likes that educated youth."2

Sister He pointed in the direction of the branch secretary house, where Tang Qing lives. She didn't know Tang Qing's name, but it did not prevent her from knowing that the educated youth is a very good boy.

He lent Zhao Lanxiang such a valuable thing like a foreign bike three or four times, and Zhao Lanxiang also cooked for him three times or four times.

He Songbai wanted to correct the misunderstanding of his elder sister, the person she liked was obviously him. But in the afternoon, the two people he saw stood talking and laughing together, and his heart feels as if it was punctured. He feels powerless and uncomfortable.

His lips squirmed for a while, and he said with a deep voice, "Okay, I will wash her clothes in the future. When she asks, you will say you washed them."4

"You don't have to worry too much, I have a sense of justice and will not do anything to harm her."

Sister He wiped her tear, only to feel that the belief in her heart collapsed suddenly.

She shakes her head hard and made a decision.

"I want educated youth Zhao to move out."1

He Songbai was dumbfounded by the words, and the clothes in his hands were almost torn.5

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"I won't allow it."

Sister He quickly snatched the clothes from his basin and quickly passed the water.

She cried and laughed and said, "You have a good vision, and you're in love with such a good girl."

"But, our family is not good enough."

"You don't like her, okay?"

He Songbai said, "If she moves out, and I can change the way I like her, that's fine."

"I let her go long ago. I told you at the beginning not to let her come to our house, you didn't listen."

He paused and said, "Now I will follow her wherever she moves. I will worry about her going to live in someone else's house. She is so stupid and easy to be calculated."15

Sister He didn't know whether to cry harder or laugh harder.

She grabbed her brother's ear vigorously. She was anxious and angry, even feeling more sad than yesterday when she saw her brother refused Si Ya.

"You can just think about it and take good care of her."

"Don't, offend her."

"Good or not?"

He Songbai's brows stretched, his white teeth grinned, and he smiled.1

He nodded vigorously.

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After the short autumn harvest has passed, the long-lasting trenching project started in full swing.

The county even held a meeting to look forward actively, saying that engineers and intellectuals from City B would join in to re-plan and guide the terraced project. These young engineers are students of the former chief engineer Gu Huaijin. They have also participated in many bridge designs, which is very remarkable.

And the chief engineer... It's a pity that he was left in the Hezi village to guard the bullpen because of the embezzled project funds case.

The only bullpen in the first brigade of Hezi village is in the He family. The brigade directly used the bullpen in the home of the old landlord as the place where the whole team raised cattle, and raised five cows. Gu Huaijin's task is to pick cow dung every day and fetch fertilizer for the fields.

He Songbai carefully took the Phoenix bike to the slaughterhouse every night, and Teacher Gu, who was not asleep, always looked at him silently with a pair of bright eyes.

He Songbai handed a cigarette over, "It's so late, don't you sleep?"

Teacher Gu said sadly, "I feel so bad in my heart, how can I sleep..."

He Songbai did not want to listen to his thoughts which is like pouring bitter water, and said in a brief manner, "Life is short, so enjoy it in time."

Teacher Gu said, "Where are you going to ride?"

He Songbai made a booing gesture, he said, "I'm going to have fun."

Teacher Gu mumbled and said, "You think I didn't smell the smell of pig blood on you?"

"Okay, okay, if you have anything, I can help you," He Songbai said.

Teacher Gu quickly rolled from the haystack and stood up. He pulled out a letter from his arms and handed it to He Songbai.

"When passing the county town, send this letter for me."

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