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Gu Huaijin stuffed the money into Zhao Lanxiang's bicycle.

He sighed and said, "My family sent me some money. I'm afraid I won't be able to keep it for a long time."

"You help me give it to He's second, as a little of my gratitude to him."

Of course, Zhao Lanxiang refused to take it. She put the money on the straws and stepped on the bike and disappeared quickly.

She went to the county town and gave the loach sauce to Li Zhong. Li Zhong dipped a spoon to taste it.

He smacked his mouth for a long time, "Tsk... fragrant, fresh! There is no muddy smell of loach, and the sauce tastes very good."

Loach is very nutritious and has the reputation of "water ginseng". In this era when pesticides are not popular, it has grown wildly in paddy fields. The fertilizer is mostly farmyard manure, which makes them fat and delicious. Of course such a pure natural fat loaches are good to eat.

Zhao Lanxiang said, "I want to sell it one yuan per pound."

Li Zhong pondered, "I think it should be two yuans per pound."

A total of ten pounds, so he counted twenty yuan to Zhao Lanxiang.

Zhao Lanxiang shook her head and said, "I don't dare to be too expensive, I also need an industrial tickets for a pound of loach sauce."

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Li Zhong readily gave her ten industrial tickets.

He said frankly, "I plan to sell this sauce for three yuans per can, one can per pound. Such a large portion is enough to eat for half a month, and it is delicious and worth the price. You can hold the industrial tickets, just take it as me taking care of my family."

"If you still have such a good product in the future, remember to bring it to me. If you take it out and sell it yourself, you might as well give it from me. Many old customers on my side don't worry about price. It's better than you take it out yourself, it would be hard and tiring."

Zhao Lanxiang was almost touched by his speech.

But she smiled and refused.

"I'm going to do it myself, I will take care of Brother Li's business if it is suitable."

If she has not previously promised it to Li Zhong, Zhao Lanxiang would continue to let Tiezhu to take it to the black market.

She has already has the idea of ​​long-term cooperation with Tiezhu. While he delivers new food to her, she can give him the newly made pastry at home and let him take it to the black market for selling. It can also make Tiezhu earn more money without effort.

Tiezhu has the qualities of a good collaborator, loyal and flexible, abide by the rules but not rigid. If she cooperated with Li Zhong, she does not know who will be the boss in the future.

The customer base is accumulated bit by bit from the beginning to end. It doesn't matter if they make less at the beginning. When the time is ripe for another two years, it's not too late to let go their hands and feet and take a big step.

Hearing this, Li Zhong felt very painful and regretted the business he might lose.

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He mumbled and said, "Okay, I will be waiting until you are 'suitable'."

He moved the loach sauce from this big clay pot, and the heavy weight diluted the regret in his heart.

Zhao Lanxiang put fifteen yuans and ten industrial tickets into her pocket and said with a smile, "This is an opportunity."

"I want to buy a sewing machine. Does Brother Li have a way to buy it?"

Sewing machines are also hard to find in this small place. Probably she has to wait for a while to buy them in department stores. But He Songbai's clothes has been damaged so badly, and because of the pig blood rubbing every day, the thin layer of clothing is worn out.

He didn't have his mother to take care of making clothes for him, and the eldest sister could only sew and repair.

Zhao Lanxiang wanted to make him a dress shirt. In addition, her younger brother's birthday is approaching, and she plans to sew a suit for Little Huzi and send it there.

When the weather gets colder, he doesn't want to wear a lot, but could add a piece of clothing. It doesn't matter whether it's hot or cold, just that he needs a proper outfit to maintain his decency. Before Zhao Lanxiang went to the countryside, she brought a few pieces of cloth over. The cloth is kept pressed on the bottom of the box and has not move.

When Li Zhong heard the words, the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitched, "What, are you planning to take care of Brother's business?"

"Yes, there are, but the sewing machine is around 150 or 160, which is not cheap."

Zhao Lanxiang said, "If there is, Brother Li, please help me keep one, and I will come over next weekend to pay."

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Li Zhong responded readily.

The control of sewing machines is not as strict as that of bicycles. As long as you have money and tickets, people can open a letter of introduction from the unit and go to S city to buy it. The price is not as high as that of a bicycle, and it is still affordable.

The price of one hundred fifty or one hundred sixty is indeed quite real. Zhao Lanxiang still has a hundred yuans left, plus the fifty yuans that He Songbai kept for her, it would barely able to buy a sewing machine.

But she doesn't plan to use the money from her box. She will try harder to make more food and sell it during the week.

She said goodbye to Li Zhong and drove back to the village cautiously.


Taking advantage of these two days without work, He Songbai picked up a pile of firewood, which are plenty and thick enough to burn for a month. It took another whole day to chop the firewood that was to be used for a whole week.

Sister He saw her brother washed the clothes of the whole family, and the washed the clothes of educated youth Zhao separately.

Even the thought of stopping him is gone.

She cooked two big buckets of pig food with freshly chopped firewood and take them out to feed the pigs.

When she walked to the bullpen, her face suddenly turned pale.

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"Aya yī yīyā ya——" She mumbled in a panic.

She hurried up to stop the people. The few troublesome young people in the village punched and kicked the intellectual who is living in the cowshed.

"Dumb girl, go away!" The young man pushed Sister He aside impatiently.

"This corrupt person actually hides money! You help him, are you also an accomplice?"

Sister He shook her head in horror. She saw the intellectual bleeding from his nose, curled up in the hay with his legs without resisting or yielding. He silently endured it.

Sister He hurried home to find her brother.

He Songbai saw the elder sister's gesture clearly, quickly washed off the foam from his hands, and ran towards the bullpen quickly.

Without saying a word, he tossed the three troublemakers to one side and sullenly said, "If you hit him again, you will kill someone."

"Open your eyes and see."

He Songbai pointed at Gu Huaijin and said fiercely.

"Is he your enemy?"

After all, boys are boys. After encountering the most legendary second-rate in the village, their hand were caught by his great strength and were hurting.

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