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Zhao Lanxiang took a deep breath. She turned her head indifferently and walked away after leaving this next sentence, "None of your business."1

The sentence was filled with a very light ridicule, as if it was fluttering without weight. It was so soft that it was almost submerged in the whistling cold wind. However, this calm and light tone plunged into Jiang Jianjun's heart and lungs like needles.

His pupils contracted suddenly.

In those quiet nights, when it was late, and lights were extinguished one by one, how many times she slept on the sofa waiting for him. She occasionally asked him carefully: 'What were you doing today?'

He will warn her: 'It is none of your business.'4

He unexpectedly recalled this familiar conversation, which was a long time ago. At that time, he didn't care about her reaction at all, and now Jiang Jianjun could not remember her expression back then.

Jiang Jianjun frowned. The accumulated ache spread in his heart little by little.2

It turned out that this sentence could hurt people.11

Jiang Jianjun said in a cold voice, "You... I will know sooner or later without you telling me."2

Zhao Lanxiang stopped abruptly. Her ex-husband was reborn, and his mind seemed to be mushed with water. Many women waited for him to pick, but he had to knock the hard stone.

'Then let him have a taste of knocking his head.'

Zhao Lanxiang pretended to have a sympathetic and bored expression on her face.

She bluntly said, "What you gave me is a feeling of frustration. Since I was a child, I have never felt any hardship, and everyone around me likes me. I have never met anyone who scorned me and refused so thoroughly."

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"To be honest... after you wrote that letter to me, I was completely victorious. I didn't feel happy from my heart, but I also understand that the feelings I invested in you before are not what I thought it was."

Zhao Lanxiang took the initiative to tell him the flaw and negligence in his letters, and used a reasonable explanation to pave a path for what she would do later.

"I like an independent and strong man, unlike you, a stalker and sticky like brown sugar. Since you asked, I will tell you."2

"The man I like doesn't talk much, but he is down-to-earth, positive and enthusiastic. He is smart and hardworking."

The more Zhao Lanxiang said, the darker Jiang Jianjun's face became. However, the look in her eyes at the moment was so real that he believed it. Those beautiful descriptions came out of her mouth as if they were mixed with thick honey. He could smell the sweetness through the air.

Her feelings were as strong as ever. When she loved someone, like fire and flames, it was burning hot.

However, every word stuck in his heart like a needle. The jealousy made him feel that the volcano erupted and the glacier burst, and the intense feeling almost overwhelmed him.

Jiang Jianjun had only tasted this intense jealousy on that stinky profiteer, and he had endured it for a lifetime.4

He put away the smile that didn't belong to him and said lightly, "Are there anything else?"

Zhao Lanxiang said, "Also, I like him one-sidedly. Please don't interfere with his life!"


After Zhao Lanxiang returned home, she was relieved. Her sweater was probably wet with sweat.

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If it were not because Jiang Jianjun was deeply involved, probably with his sharp eyes, he would discover Zhao Lanxiang's loopholes soon.1

Zhao Lanxiang walked outside for a walk. In fact, she was observing whether He Songbai was nearby. She ran to the guest house where He Songbai stayed and learned that he was carrying a big bag and left early in the morning.

Zhao Lanxiang couldn't see He Songbai, so she went home. Her cousin and aunt, who had just waited a long time, immediately gathered around her.

The surprised and pleasant eyes were revealing a strong purpose.

"Niuniu, do you know Mr. Jiang?"

"Brother Jiang just went out with you and said something? Why did he leave? Hey, sister, you are too insensible. Why didn't you ask him to drink a glass of water?"

Feng Lian dragged the two of them away with difficulties and gave Zhao Lanxiang a wink.

Zhao Lanxiang said lightly, "I didn't know that you also know each other?"

"We are ordinary acquaintances, and we have nothing to do with others. I advise my sister to dispel the idea of ​​tying a knot and save my uncle from discredits."1

She washed some fruits and went downstairs to play with her younger brother. She threw a round sand-ball, and little Huzi ran over, picked it up, and threw it back at her.

Little Huzi's eyes become brighter and brighter as he ran around. Finally, he was tired and sat on the ground while panting and gasping.

He tugged at his sister's clothes. "Sister, someone over there is watching me."

The child rushed to the opposite street like a whirlwind. He slipped into an alley quietly, slowly moved to the person's side. He tugged at his pants and asked, "Aren't you playing with me?"

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The child was not taller than the man's knee. His face was dirty, but his bright eyes were burning. He was expecting and curiously waiting for the man's answer.

The man finally squatted down and said fiercely, "Are you afraid of me kidnapping you, you stupid child."

Zhao Lanxiang saw the big man and the small boy looking at each other, and she couldn't help but laugh.

She lifted little Huzi on her waist and slapped his bottom a few times.

"Naughty, don't you remember what dad told you?"

"Don't talk to strangers in the future. If strangers approach you and give you something to eat, tell your parents."

Zhao Lanxiang scolded him hard.

She put down little Huzi and patted his soft hair.

He Songbai was suddenly speechless. He was... was treated as a bad example, for his girlfriend to teach her brother?

He couldn't help but choke, and his temples hurt painfully.

Little Huzi was beaten and fled back home quickly.

He Songbai coughed lightly, "Is this...Is that little Huzi?"

"He is cute. He is only as tall as Sanya. He is very lively, but not afraid of anything."

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"He is two years younger than Sanya."

He Songbai was silent for a moment, "He looks very tall."

The children in the countryside didn't have food and clothing like children in the city. What's more, the seven-year-old Sanya is actually about the same height as the five-year-old Huzi. He Songbai was very happy to see his girlfriend, but these days, he was very stressed.

He saw her come down from a car with her family. She was talking and laughing. She was wearing new clothes for the New Year. Her black ponytail hair was wrapped by a black scarf, revealing half of her white face. She was dressed exquisitely and decently.

In an era when you couldn't even own a single bike, the existence of a car was undoubtedly a shocking representative of "power and potential".

Her family is decent and bright. Many people come to their house to visit in the New Year, and they were all well-dressed.

Standing in the dark alley, He Songbai looked up at the dim light leaking from the house, and truly felt his girlfriend's family situation. They were much better than he had originally thought. This made He Songbai feel that next spring might not be enough time to marry Zhao Lanxiang.

He subconsciously touched the hard objects in the bag.

Zhao Lanxiang's gaze fell on his bulging bag, and she whispered in a low voice, "Why are you still in a daze? Are you afraid of being checked for the contents in your bag?"

"Return to the guest house as soon as possible, you..." She seemed to think of something and snatched his bag. "I'm afraid that the guesthouse is not safe. Give it to me. No one dares to check my house."

Her voice was very quiet and low, and her ears were listening to He Songbai.

Zhao Lanxiang hadn't heard the man's answer for a long time. She suddenly turned her head and saw his gloomy expression. He lowered his head suddenly, mumbled vaguely, and concealed the complicated emotions in his heart.

She patted her forehead and suddenly said, "You haven't seen my parents yet. You finally came here for a visit, so you have to come to the door."

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