Battered Young Miss

Chapter 105

The long train of luxurious cars drove straight out of Zhang villa heading out to the Zhang family burial site. Within the limousine where the "body" of Zhang Mi laid in the closed see through casket, Yang Lin and Director sat in silence within the vehicle.

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"Bring down the Partition!"

Hearing the strange request from Yang Lin made Director Ko frown with a look of utter confusion marring his clean looks.

"Why?! The body of Miss Zhang is safe where it is, there is no need to keep checking!"

The words of the funeral director, although it was said with good intentions, seemed to further irritate Yang Lin.

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"I'm warning you! If you don't lower the partition! I will f**ckin' blow your head off!"


Director Ko turned slightly to see if Yang Lin was bluffing, until he saw the gun the other man pulled out of the inner pocket of his coat, pointing the deadly weapon straight at his temple.

"Oh..kay...I will lower it, no..need to resort to violence."

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Scared by the threat, but wanting to appear unaffected at the same time, Drirector Ko pushed a small dark button by the steering wheel, causing an automatic lowering of the partition, a steel cushioned barrier that separated the upper part of the vehicle from the lower region.

"Now listen to me and listen well! Young Miss Zhang is not dead! She only appears as though she is..."

The fear that was once evident in the funeral Director disappeared on hearing what the former aide of the Zhang heiress said, abruptly cutting off Yang Lin. As his mind was unable to take in what the other man was trying to insinuate.

"What nonsense! I have held many funerals and this is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my years of working in the funeral business! You are telling me that inside that coffin is a living person?! Have you gone made from grief?!"

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"I know you may find it hard to believe, but O swear that the heiress is alive."

The look of disbelief was in the eyes of Director Ko, as he stared ahead still in charge of the wheel, despite hearing what Yang Lin had to say, which was absolutely mind boggling to him. Yang Lin lowered the gun and placed it back in his coat.

"I'm not listening to your crazy talk, there is no way she is alive, I touched her for goodness sake! She was cold! You hear me! That is how dead people's skin feels like!"

"What if I can show you proof that Young Miss Zhang is still alive? Huh?!"

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"Then show me, If really she is alive."

The tone of sarcasm was not lost on Yang Lin, but the former aide shook it off and gave the other man a reply he wasn't expecting.

"Bury me along with Miss Zhang, if I am unable to show you that she is not dead."

The look of resolution on the face of Yang Lin shook the Director Ko to the core when in that rare moment be turned to face him.

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