Battered Young Miss

Chapter 54

After pulling some strings, Tao Jun was able to get a date for the case of Zhang Mi at the Supreme court. Not wanting the same Judge as last time, she had to file to have Judge Pan Tingzhe replaced with another Judge. That wasn't an easy fit to accomplish, with a dark past herself, Tao Jun had to employ some tricks under her sleeves to get the request passed.

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There was someone that fought hard to remain on the case and that was Prosecutor Yu, he kept lobbying to be retained on the case involving the heiress of Zhang Corporation. Despite how much of a threat her lawyer presented him, the obnoxious man refused to budge to the pressure, instead he struck a deal with her when neither of them was willing to give way to the other.

That left the lawyer of Zhang Tianyu to pass the news to his client, after both he and the lawyer of his client's niece had gone to the prosecutor's office a couple of times, either together or separately. During that time, a lot of arguments occurred mostly between Prosecutor Yu and Tao Jun, while Zhou Yunxiang chipped in from time to time, when the need to do so arose.

Zhou Yunxiang didn't know how the President of Zhang Corporation would take the news regarding the further appeal of the case involving the Zhang heiress. It was on a Thursday morning when the drafted documents was handed to both lawyers with a date for a hearing at Monday morning.

They both left the administrative building of YuShan court and went their separate ways. Tao Jun went on to call Yang Lin first on getting to her personal office at the firm, since he was the one paying her legal fees, before lastly dialing Lu Yi's number to pass on the upcoming hearing at the court.

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When Zhou Yunxiang left the courthouse, he had to run to his firm to put other things under wrap, before heading to see his client at Zhang Corporation.

Zhang Tianyu was going through some files at his desk, when a knock sounded at the door, seconds after his secretary walked in to inform him that his lawyer wanted to meet with him. The President of Zhang Corporation asked that he be shown in. Moments later, Zhou Yunxiang in a dark corporate suit, strolled into the office of Zhang Tianyu who remained behind his desk without looking up from what he had laid out in front of him.

"President Zhang..."

The lawyer gave a respectful curtsy to his client, before raising his head to take a seat at one of the couches facing Zhang Tianyu.

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"I'm all ears! Tell me, what brings you to my office?!"

Even as he spake, his eyes was still glued to the stash of papers in front of him. The lawyer then informed him that his niece had petitioned to have her case retried at the Supreme court and the hearing was to take place in the next four days. After speaking, Zhou Yunxiang pulled out the document from his leather bound bag and placed them on the cut oval glass center table for Zhang Tianyu to view them later on.

On hearing what the lawyer had to say, the President of Zhang Corporation's head snapped up. He had a furious look on his face, he thought he had gotten rid of his niece, but who knew she could be so tenacious as to fight back after being imprisoned for not too long.

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"Take care of it! You better not lose the case or else!....."

The President of Zhang Corporation did not need to finish his sentence, the other man knew what he meant, because if the well paid lawyer wasn't able to win the case, his firm will be shut down and all those that was employed under him will end up getting laid off for good. His reputation as the lawyer for Zhang Corporation will go down the drain, he might even lose his license to practice if an investigation was carried out into what he did for Zhang Tianyu in the past. All this went through the mind of Zhou Yunxiang as he heard the thinly veiled threat from Zhang Tianyu.

Rising up from where he sat, Zhang Tianyu walked over to his lawyer, who on seeing him approaching, got on his feet. Standing close until they were eye to eye, Zhang Tianyu raised his hand as though swiping dirt off the other man's suit, but in actuality he was clearly reminding the lawyer who was calling the shots. This was followed by a firm pat on the shoulder, as a further reminder to that.

Zhou Yunxiang had an expressionless look on, he knew that men like Zhang Tianyu fed from the fear of others that he perceived to be weaker than him. As long as he didn't give the other man the satisfaction of witnessing it, then he would not have a tool to use against him.

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"If there is nothing left to discuss, you can go back to what you were doing. Just keep me in the know."


The President of Zhang Corporation dismissed his lawyer, who curtsied once again, before picking up his bag and exiting the office.


On the news that day, report on the court hearing for the former heiress to Zhang Corporation was heavily broadcasted, reporters talked about the criticism that Zhang Mi was facing by netizens and the general public. Some felt that she should just quietly serve her time in jail and stop causing a ruckus with repealing at a higher court. The view regarding her case by the public was divided, some felt she made the right choice "the what if she was innocent" was what they clamored about. On the other hand, the negative criticism almost drowned out the other voices that were in support for her retrial.

At the end of the day, the verdict still rested on the hands of the presiding Judge handling the case of Zhang Mi.

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