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"Lintian" on the other side couldn't help laughing and said: "wrong, you and I are the same, so is our mood. Of course, it's meaningless to talk about it. In the final analysis, only one of us can survive. "

With that, he suddenly raised his hand and pressed it.


Endless sword spirit emerges and condenses into a sword spirit.

The sword Qi is full of the profound meaning of nirvana.

Lintian was shocked.

He was very familiar with the power and breath of the sword, as well as the general trend of the spirit and spirit on the sword, which was originally from the same vein with him.

In other words, there is no other person who can show his sword Qi!

But now, he was shown by Lintian. How could Lintian not be surprised?


Have a light drink together.

Lintian's voice, eyes, and even his indifferent manner made him have a mirror like illusion.

But Lintian didn't have time to think about it. The sword Qi had been cut.

However, when he wanted to deal with it, he suddenly found that he had lost control of his own way and could only watch the sword come.


With one sword, Lintian was badly injured, blood spilled, and his body was cut out with a sword mark, which almost opened his stomach.

It's a serious injury!

However, what was more difficult for Lintian to accept was that he was hit by his own sword!

"Don't struggle. I've cut you off. I'm you. In other words, our mood, temperament, morality, wisdom and great way are all the same. If you die, you will help me and you will help yourself."

Not far away, "Lintian" spoke calmly.

Then he raised his hand and cut it out with a sword.

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Lintian still couldn't resist. He was destroyed by a sword, and his body was completely broken, just like a cracked porcelain, which was about to be broken.

For others, I'm afraid that they have already been defeated by this strange scene, and the whole person will fall into an unbearable sense of collapse.

But Lintian didn't.

He tried to recall all the details of his previous experience.

"With another sword, your body will be destroyed. Don't you want to give up?"

In the distance, "Lintian" frowned slightly.

But at this time, Lintian suddenly stood up to the broken and bloody body, looked extremely calm, and said: "I understand, now you don't exist, what I'm facing is just a" robbery "in my mind."

After a pause, he sneered, "in other words, you are just a heart robbery caused by my" state of mind "

On the other side, "Lintian" was stunned, and suddenly he also laughed, "who is who's heart robber, but I can't say for sure!"

He said.

He cut it with a sword.

But at this moment, Lintian closed his eyes, all his thoughts disappeared, and all his consciousness returned to his state of mind.

Heart, square inch of land, Lingtai.

Mood is often the most mysterious and elusive.

But for Lintian, he was no stranger to these forces. When he was transforming the world, he was tempered to the point of "traveling in the heart and communicating in the heart forever" by fighting with the master of Taoism and karma!

It can be said that in terms of mood training, if you look at all the peers in the world, it is difficult to compare with Lintian.

However, Lintian didn't expect that on the road of chopping, the robbery of chopping would turn into a "heart robbery". Without his awareness, he launched a surprise attack on him!

However, now he has completely reacted and naturally has a solution.

The state of mind can also be regarded as the "secret state of mind".

Even the monks themselves can't get a glimpse of their own state of mind. What they usually know and feel, happiness, anger, sadness and all kinds of obsession, in fact, all come from their state of mind.

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At this time, when Lintian's consciousness was all in his state of mind, he saw the "heart robbery".

This robbery is invisible. When it appears in the state of mind, it has turned into the appearance of Lintian. It is like the family of the heart thief and the heart devil, but it is different from the heart thief and the heart devil.

Both the heart thief and the heart devil are transformed by obsession.

But this heart rob, then by cuts the road the rob to melt!

"I finally found you..."

Lintian's idea appeared a strong murderous opportunity. Suddenly, the scene in his mood changed, condensed a sword, and cut to the "heart robbery".

The heart is like a sword, cut the heart to rob!

Without a sound, Lintian, who was transformed by the "heart robbery", disappeared and was destroyed by the heart sword.

However, soon, the heart disaster was formed again, and said with a smile, "I come from your state of mind. If you destroy me, you will destroy your state of mind."


In the state of mind, another sword condenses and cuts it off impolitely.The heart robber is broken, unable to resist at all, crushed to pieces.

In this state of mind, this was Lintian's field. Since he had noticed the existence of heart robbery, he was naturally too lazy to talk nonsense.

Soon, the heart was reunited again.

But in the moment of his condensation, he was destroyed by a sword.

In this way, the heart robber constantly appears, and is constantly cut out, and it goes back and forth in sequence, giving people the feeling that the heart robber is immortal and cannot be erased.

But Lintian could detect that the breath of the heart robbery was weakening a little, but it was hard to detect if he didn't feel it carefully.

Therefore, he never stopped from the beginning to the end, and cut down with his heart sword.

By this time, Lintian had completely understood.

The "Lintian" he had seen before did not exist at all, but because his mood was doomed, which affected his perception and resulted in a real illusion.

The reason why you hurt yourself with the punch you once hit is that you have a problem with your perception, so that you hit yourself with the punch.

Similarly, the two swords that "Lintian" cut out were actually made by himself. It was impossible for him to avoid them.

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In the final analysis, everything is caused by this "heart robbery"!

The only thing that Lintian didn't expect was that he was so accomplished in his own state of mind, but all of them were caught unconsciously. From this, we can see how terrible the robbery was.

No wonder that even the Wuliang Taoist master and the Wuliang master are dying when they set foot on this road.

In fact, Lintian didn't know that the dangers he experienced on the road of chopping were far more than those characters who had stepped on this road in the past.

The reason is that the more powerful the monks are, the more terrible the killing and looting they will encounter on this road.

Just like the "heart robbery" he experienced at the moment, it is precisely because his state of mind has reached the point of "heart travel ten thousand Ren, heart forever", that "heart robbery" will become extremely strange and terrible!

Time goes by.

Lintian's state of mind sword was cut tens of thousands of times, and the "heart robbery" gradually became vague and weak.

Until the end, after being cut off again, the "heart robbery" completely disappeared and never appeared again.

So far, Mr. Lin was relieved.

Also at this moment, he clearly felt that at the moment of cutting off the robbery, his mood was like cutting off an invisible fetter, and the whole person had an indescribable ease and freedom.

Then, Lintian had many incredible feelings.

The previous robbery against the "past" is the cause and effect of the "past".

At this time, the "present" is the cause and effect of the "present".

At this point, every move, every word and every deed will no longer be calculated by others, and will not be detected and sensed by the myriad ways of heaven!

At the same time, waves of chaotic forces emerged from the road, drowning Lintian's badly damaged body.

It was visible to the naked eye that his injury almost recovered within a few breaths, while Lintian felt that the road he had mastered was further transformed and more and more chaotic!

"By cutting off the cause and effect of the past and the fetters of the present, I have been killed and robbed in all kinds of ways, but I have gained two eras one after another, and I have been in a state of chaos step by step."

Feeling his own changes, Lintian thought of the eight words "the beginning of chaos, the beginning of xuanhuang".

When he was in the world of xuanhuang, his main road had been transformed into the way of xuanhuang. Now, his main road is transforming into the way of chaos.

From the outside to the inside, touch the essence of the road!

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For a long time, Lintian's change came to an end.

And his breath, all become ethereal and ethereal, standing there at will, seems to be based on time and space, beyond cause and effect!

"I don't know how many murders are hidden in the next" future robbery. "

When he thought about it, Lintian stepped forward.

This chopping path is the source of chaos, the breath condenses, runs through the endless nothingness, has been spreading to the depth, as if there is no end.

Along the way, Lintian was always on guard.

But unexpectedly, there was no danger along the way, except for some more illusory fog, but those fog also had no danger.

Until Lintian frowned after walking on for a long time.

The way to cut the way is to cut the way of the past, the present and the future. However, he has solved the past and the present two kinds of murders before, but this "future robbery" has not appeared yet.

That's a bit of an anomaly.

Can't those mists be the robbery against the future?

Lintian stopped and looked at the mist floating in the nothingness in the distance again.

Before going through the past and present two robberies, there was nothing and no mist near the road.In other words, the haze came later.

But along the way, although the fog could be seen everywhere, there was no danger. Lintian didn't feel any threat, so he ignored it.

But now, for a long time, no "future robbery" appeared, which made Lintian realize that there was something strange about these mists!

Thinking of this, Lintian thought a little, then released his divine power and swept away towards the mist in the distance.

Hua La ~

those motionless mists seemed to be frightened at this moment and faded further away, as if they were afraid of being touched by Lintian's divine sense.

"There's a problem!"

Lintian was shocked.

But immediately, he couldn't help wondering why it seemed that he was extremely afraid to approach the fog if it was a disaster in the future?

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