“If you say so.”

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With a smirk, he thrust his erect flesh into the throbbing walls. He had given up the thought of loosening her dry inner walls. With his swollen glans, he slowly swept the opening, and rubbed it, forcibly coating it in liquid. The more the wet sounds resounded in the room, the more liquid was wrapped around the round glans.

However, the red, swollen flesh was clearly drier than usual. If he thrusted this, the bottom would be torn.

The dry red eyes were fixed on the red, tender flesh. From a man’s point of view, it was still erotic, but it wasn’t as though it had much change. He had no intention of looking at it in the first place, so he just put it in as it is, but this time, he was thinking about how many days she would have to stay in bed.

Thinking that far, a hesitation arose for the first time. He was so reluctant to do whatever he wanted, no matter what condition she was in, that even his lust disappeared.

“I’ve lost interest.”

As the sensation of being pinned down disappeared, Anne was bewildered at the words. She was dubious of this man’s favor.

But before he could change his words, Anne hastily pulled her staggering body upright.

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“I have a banquet with the vassals this weekend. It will be difficult if the woman named Grand Duchess were to lie in bed that day.”

After saying something that sounded like an excuse, he laid his back on the chair and picked up the pen again, and Anne left after staring at him for a moment.

* * *

Perhaps the Grand Duke’s words were not empty words, and Mrs. Wald, who visited the next morning, spoke politely about the banquet.

“There is nothing special for Your Grace to be concerned about. We’ll take care of that, so you can focus on your recovery by the weekend.”

“So be it.”

Anne, who was sitting by the window, answered shortly.

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Anne’s cloudy eyes stared blankly at the busy workers. She heard that it was the first banquet held by the Grand Duke since he took over the position of head, so it was the first time for today’s attendees to meet the Grand Duke face to face. No, it was the first time that the gates of the Grand Duke’s castle would be opened to outsiders in the first place.

In the employee’s bustling movement, Anne saw that their expressions were bright for the first time since she came here. Indeed, for the first time since she came, the Grand Duke’s castle was engulfed in vibrancy.

After breakfast, as she was walking down the hallway, she overheard the maid’s strange voices over the stairs. Their chattering voices were exhilarating and they couldn’t hide their joy.

“Are they finally opening the gates? Pinch my cheeks. I can’t believe it.”

“Well, I never dreamed that in my lifetime, I would ever see the day the Grand Duke’s castle held a party. Now it seems like a place where people could live.”

The maids would usually keep their mouths shut. Now, they were engrossed in conversation, not even dreaming that the Grand Duchess was nearby.

From the standpoint of those who served, preparing for a banquet would be difficult, but Anne later realized that not only the maids, but also the servants and knights in the Grand Duke’s castle had brighter faces. It was strange. Why were they so happy?

And what they said after that, made her feel a little puzzled.

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“But it’s strange. I don’t think it’s the date yet. Weren’t there 30 years left? Is it because the new Madam has come?”

“Shh. Quiet. Did you forget the order not to speak recklessly about the madam?”

While talking excitedly, they mentioned the Grand Duchess, and then suddenly shuddered and lowered the tone of their voices. As a result, Anne could no longer overhear their conversation.

As she recalled their questionable conversation, Anne soon gave up on guessing what they were talking about. Now was not the time for her to pay attention to some maids’ chatter.

A shadow fell on Anne’s face. For some reason, the Grand Duke yesterday did not satisfy his greed due to the banquet. His whims weren’t welcome, but it was unexpected.

Afterwards, she left the Grand Duke’s office and hurriedly returned to her room, but Anne was disappointed by Emily’s words as she had already disposed of the letter. She couldn’t be more sorry for her own rashness.

So, the plan to bury the marriage went completely over the water. Either give birth and leave neatly as promised, or leave after ruining the marriage in the hope that Libelois will pay it back as soon as possible. Otherwise . . . run away. There were three possible options, and she liked none of them.

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“Madam, I brewed these fragrant hymon tea leaves today.”

A cautious voice awakened Anne to reality. Anne looked at Marie, who came to her again.

“Really? Serve me some tea.”

As she pushed the teacup, Marie carefully tilted the steaming teapot toward it.

“By the way, Marie, you come to my room every single day. Aren’t you uncomfortable with me?”

“Well I . . . I like to spend time with Madam.”

Anne held back her laughter. It seemed that this one had not yet heard of the conversation between the Grand Duke and Anne yesterday.

“But the Grand Duke comes to my room every night. When could he sleep with you?”

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