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Ren Shiyuan actually tried calling Nian Jiezhen before he planned on going on with his plan but then, his call couldn't reach her since her line was busy.

In the end, he went to the costumer's service area and paid the staff so that he could make the announcement himself.

"She is a beautiful Chinese, wearing a white A-line dress. Her hair is long and black and her eyes have a galaxy in them. She's tall, about 5'11. If you saw her, she'll definitely take your breath away so please contact the costumer's service as soon as possible. Thank you."

Nian Jiezhen's face was in its deepest shade of red, she was so embarrassed at what Ren Shiyuan was doing. How old does he think she was? She was not a lost child!

"Nian Jiezhen, what was that?" Her mother asked from the other line after hearing Ren Shiyuan's announcement.

"I... I'll talk to you later, mom. Bye." She quickly ended the call without waiting for Jing Wanru's reply.

Nian Jiezhen noticed the stares she was from the people who saw her since she fits the description that was announced earlier.

Nian Jiezhen wanted to hide herself away from the people that were looking at her. She wanted to dig a hole and escape!

She hurriedly grabbed the paper bag and stood up, leaving the restaurant.

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She lowered her head in embarrassment while she was heading straight to the exit but then, as soon as she got to the exit, she was stopped by a guard.

"Aren't you the one that-"

"I'm in a hurry, so please move aside." She looked at the guard and showed her FBI badge to him.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry." The man gave her way after he saw the badge.

Nian Jiezhen went out and stopped a taxi, escaping the place.

She thought that everything was going to be fine when she left the mall but the moment she reached her place and stepped out of the taxi, Ren Shiyuan was already waiting for her.

"Let me help you with that." He smiled as he took the paper bags from her.

"..." How the hell did he get to her place first?

"W-What are you doing here? H-how did you know that I was going to come here."

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"I used my brain." He said as if he was stating a fact. "Come, I heard that your parents are at home, I can't wait to meet them."

"You heard?"

"Meimei told me."

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Xia Meilin?! She should have known! That woman was really crazy!

Ren Shiyuan was expecting Nian Jiezhen to leave the mall after he made his announcement so he sent Xia Meilin a message earlier to report to him if she has gotten home. It really was a good thing that he arrived before she did.

Nian Jiezhen sighed in defeat. Her parents were at home and they were demanding an explanation from her. Since Ren Shiyuan was already in front of her, she should just use him again, right? But that didn't mean that she has forgiven him!

"Since my parents are here, you better behave yourself!"

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He chuckled lightly, "As long as they won't bully you then I'll do that." He offered his free hand to her, "Well?"

She looked at his slender fingers and his soft looking palm. How could his hand be prettier than a woman's? Unlike his, Nian Jiezhen's palms were rough because of training.

He is a man and yet, he was more womanly than her. She was already used in being compared to others and she would usually ignore it but as she looked at the man who was more womanly than her, she couldn't stop from comparing herself to him.

'He's even prettier than me...' She thought as she held his hand, 'His hand feels really soft and warm too...'

Ren Shiyuan noticed that Nian Jiezhen seemed to be distracted by something so he tried to snap her out of her thoughts by pulling her hand and kissing the back of it, "Don't worry, princess, you won't be facing your parents alone."

She scoffed at that. She has faced so many scary criminals and she even encountered different kind of dangers so why would she be scared of her own parents?

Though if she had to be honest to herself, she felt nervous. She knew that her parents wouldn't like the idea of her being a 'lesbian'.

"I'm going to be the dominant, okay?" She suddenly said.

Ren Shiyuan blinked a few times upon hearing her words, "Shouldn't I be the dominant one in this relationship?"

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She raised a brow at him, "You? Dominant? Are you trying to make me laugh?"

He held her chin and pulled her face close to his, "Oh princess, do you want me to prove it to you?"

Nian Jiezhen sneered at him, "I would like to see you try." Then she showed her fist to him.

"Ahhh, that's not fair you know, I am a gentleman, I don't hit and fight back to women."

She rolled her eyes, "I have hit you twice and yet you're still appearing in front of me, are you a masochist?"

Ren Shiyuan pouted, he was not a masochist. "I'm not, I'm just persistent."

"Oh, so you know."

"Can I kiss you?"


"Will you allow me if it's in front of your parents?"

Nian Jiezhen frowned, "Do you want me to punch you this time?"

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