Chapter 177: I Believe in You.

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Translator: Claire.KK

Jing Yue didn’t see Xiao Chen the next morning. She habitually touched the place beside her that was kind of warm. It seemed Xiao Chen had come here last night but left at dawn. With their secrets kept inside each other’s heart, the uncandid two felt uncomfortable at the mere mention of it. 

Xiao Chen harbored an extremely strong feeling of it.

But Jing Yue just began to care.

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“Where is Xiao Chen?” On the carriage, Jing Yue was obviously distracted. She looked at Xing Er and asked, blandly.

“Master went to handle his affairs.” Xing Er answered with his head bowed, with no intention of revealing what the affairs were. Jing understood Xing’s meaning, lying down silently with eyes open, with some unknown ideas in her mind. After a short while they arrived at the hotel.

Shen Yucheng had been waiting there. He came to welcome Jing Yue at the sight of her carriage. Not until entering the room did Jing give the design paper to Shen, saying, “This is drawing for refitting the restaurant. It will bother Uncle Shen to purchase the needs and hire workers.”

”Please don’t say that. That’s within my duty.” Shen Yucheng waved his hands. Jing Yue rolled out the drawing and explained the details bit by bit.

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Clearly, it was the first time for Shen to see such kind of decoration. Showing surprise and wonder in his eyes, he took down all Jing’s words and asked her when it came to something he was not clear with. Finally, he took a pen and paper to record them to reassure himself lest any information was missed due to his dim memory.

“That’s it in general. This is the money for refitting. If not enough, tell me and I’ll send more three days later.” Jing Yue took out the silver drafts and put them on the table.

“As an employer, you don’t monitor the process?” Shen Yucheng was shocked. Looking at the huge sum of drafts on the table, he stared at Jing and asked her with confusion.

Jing Yue waved her head slowly and said, “I won’t use suspicious people, and I will not doubt the ability of those I’ve employed. I believe in you.” She stood up and smiled at Shen.

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“My Master...” Judged from Shen’s eyes, he was in fact moved, as it was pervasively held that every employer kept a close watch on their money lest it was embezzled. But Jing Yue didn’t, who directly gave silver drafts to Shen Yucheng, a man she only met once three days ago, without hesitation.

It couldn’t be true that Shen was not touched. Since he could be trusted by her like that, what else would he be dissatisfied with?

“Master, I have another question. Our cooks have went to other restaurants, so in the capital we have no excellent cooks to employ now.” Shen looked up and elaborated to Jing.

”Cooks?” Jing Yue frowned. Then she said smilingly in confidence, with arched eyebrows, “Are you afraid you won't get a cook when you have money? It’s not urgent. Fix the refitting first. I’ll come every once in a while. Don’t be in a rush. We don’t need cooks that are only good at cooking.”

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“So you mean?” Shen Yucheng looked at Jing Yue, feeling bewildered.

“I will select the servants and assistants on my own. You shall find some reliable ones for decoration as well, who talk less but do more. Whoever performs well can be awarded. We don’t lack that money.”

“I see what you mean.” Shen’s eyes lit up a little and he nodded his head slowly.

“Make arrangements carefully. I will come over a few days later.” Jing Yue turned around and was seen off by Shen Yucheng. Shen looked at Jing’s leaving carriage, and then looked back at the silver drafts and design drawings on the table. Suddenly, his long-extinguished confidence rose again.

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