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Do You Like It? I’ll Get It for You

"I'm not interested," answered Jing Yue. Her lack of interest made Helian Xiu frowned.

"Let’s go outside! Come with me."Helian Xiu put the glass down and pulled Jing Yue out of the cabin. They both stood on the deck when the sun was just set and its orange glow reflected on the sparking lake.

" can compare to the enchanting scenery of West Lake!" exclaimed Jing Yue, looking at the lake, the sky, and the people walking on the stone bridge.

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"Hah..."Jing Yue suddenly wanted to play with the water. Unexpectedly, she sat near the edge of the boat, took her shoes and socks off and lifted up her skirt; then she extended her white feet into the water, dabbling happily.

"Ha-ha...It's so cool! Helian Xiu, come and join me.” Jing Yue smiled with two curved eyebrows, waving at Helian Xiu.

"Enjoy it yourself." Helian Xiu smiled. He felt the warmth in his heart while looking at the girl’s delightful face. He came and sat beside her and was about to speak something. Suddenly, she turned back and splashed the water in her hands onto Helian Xiu’s face directly.

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"Hah…got you!" After this, Jing Yue immediately jumped up and fled away quickly.

"Jing Yue!"Helian Xiu looked at his drenched clothes, and grinned his teeth toward her with a terrible look.

" comes a murder!" Jing Yue screamed and kept running when Helian Xiu chased after her. They played in this small deck and had lots of fun. Helian Xiu laughed loud like this was something that he had never felt before.

The laughter lingered for a long time, until they were tired of chasing each other. They lay on their back in the cabin with a comfortable pose, watching the sky slowly dark down. The night came. Jing Yue and Helian Xiu got off the boat and walked towards the bank.

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"What's that?” asked Jing Yue curiously, looking at the strange-shaped lanterns hanging on the bamboo pole.

“Do you like it? I’ll get it for you.” Helian Xiu strode to the stall and bought the lantern. He left Jing Yue with no reaction time and handed the lantern to her.

“Did I say I like it?” Jing Yue looked at this big lantern with disgust and confusion. She didn’t recognize what shape it was.

The street was full of people now. Jing Yue wondered around and was curious about everything. Helian Xiu took her hand, and strolled around with her. No matter what Jing Yue asked with curiosity, he bought them for her. His action made her speechless. Because she just asked causally out of curiosity, which didn’t mean she like them. 

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After that, Jing Yue learned the lesson and kept silent. As they walked forward, they saw a street which was full of men and women wearing masks. Jing Yue suddenly wanted to play with Helian Xiu. She asked for a mask and put it on. Then her petite figure disappeared into the crowd.

Helian Xiu was about to hold her hand habitually, only to find no one was there. His facial expression changed suddenly. He took off his mask and searched for Jing Yue in the crowd. His gaze swept across the faces of people, but failed to find her out. It seemed that she had escaped all of a sudden. 

Helian Xiu pursed his lips tightly and searched in the street by pushing one person after another frantically. His beautiful face was covered with frightened color, as if he had lost the beloved toy. This bad feeling made him frowned uncomfortably. But finally he stopped.

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