“Is this...edible?” One of the noble gentlemen picked up the object with chopsticks. He blinked and said, “As Ninth Imperial Uncle is here, it shouldn’t be poisonous.” With that said, then he had a taste.

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“Oh my gosh...” The gentleman opened her eyes wide; his look of incredibility attracted everyone’s attention.

“This... This is made of banana. It’s crisp. Fried bananas. So delicious...” The noble man stood up in surprise and glutted himself with the food. With one person taking the lead, others picked up chopsticks and began to eat.

The whole house was filled with applause soon, Shen Yucheng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, shining a happy smile in his eyes. He saw that the folks were still lost in the first dish, so he waved the waiter to serve the second one. Ball-like things were put on the table.

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“Everyone, this dish’s name is ‘Money Rolls in’. Please have a taste,” loudly said Shen Yuchenglang. With the prelude of the first dish, people almost had no hesitation to put their chopsticks on the second one. The taste of seafood made people stare.

“This is...Octopus? Chinese cabbage...What kind of sauce is it? Sour and sweet. It’s delicious...” Gasps of amazement rang out, and people could not stop nodding as they ate the dish, for it was an unprecedented taste.

Jing Yue hid behind and saw those people eating gaily; her eyes curved like crescents.

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They were easy to be satisfied. Just fried bananas and octopus balls were enough to be continually praised by those who’d never eaten them before.

And it was only the first day.

The third dish was named “sushi” that had never been heard.

When the three dishes were all served on table, Shen Yucheng uttered, “That’s the closure of today’s free dishes. See you tomorrow.”

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People became very anxious. Their appetite was just provoked; how would people anticipate that only three dishes were prepared? Wasn’t that teasing? But the manager claimed that their restaurant had cooked merely three today.

“Not to mention you, even those gentlemen and Ninth Imperial Uncle who sat upstairs could only have the three. If you don’t want them, just quit. Tomorrow our “Come With Money” restaurant won’t prepare dishes for you.”

On hearing this, all people immediately closed their mouths. They had no choice but to eat up all the food, and they almost licked the plate.

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Looking at the people who had left one after another, Shen Yucheng turned around and looked at Jing Yue standing behind. He walked to her and said with a smile, “Master, your tactic really works well.”

“Of course.” Jing Yue proudly raised her chin and said, “We’ll see, tomorrow the door of this restaurant will definitely be full. Let them queue up until the seats are totally occupied. If anyone dares to make any trouble, tell them Ninth Imperial Uncle is our prop.”

“Yes, I see.” Shen Yucheng smiled and nodded. As Ninth Imperial Uncle backed here up, who dared to be innocent and make trouble?

Jing Yue didn’t ran up to the second floor until giving a command. The second floor had various private rooms that were decorated quite delicately and suited customers perfectly. They could choose deluxe, simple or fancy ones, depending on what style they liked.

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