This scene, almost like a painting, surprised Jing Yue.

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“I discovered it unintentionally.” Xiao Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the scene in front of him, and satisfactorily aroused his mouth corners.

“It’s sooo beautiful!” Jing Yue ran over happily, looked at this flower and then at that one. Xiao Chen watched her movements with a slight twinkle in his eyes. He walked slowly to a grassland and sat down. He leaned over there, squinting at Jing Yue’s figure.

“Xiao Chen, look, I weaved a garland.” Jing ran towards Xiao with a smile and a delicate wreath in her hand.

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“Uh-huh.” Xiao Chen squinted and nodded.

“Ha-ha... Wear it!” Jing immediately put the garland on Xiao’s head. Suddenly, the man having a cool face turned into a flower fairy. That funny look made Jing laugh.

“...” Xiao Chen silently removed the flower that blocked his sight, but did not take off the garland on his head. Seeing Jing Yue chortling on one side, he lifted his mouth corners with a gentle smile.

“You dare humiliate me. I think you are tired of living.” Xiao Chen smiled and said a few light words. Noticing the situation was not right, Jing Yue immediately turned around and escaped. Looking at the Jing, who ran away quickly, he smiled evilly and lifted his feet to catch up.

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“Ha-ha-ha... Can’t catch me...” Jing ran fast and was evenly chased by Xiao Chen.

Looking at Jing Yue’s proud face, Xiao Chen suddenly made a quick chase. She exclaimed but didn’t react before she was hugged in his arms. They fell down and rolled down the hillside into the sea of flowers. Xiao’s hand bolstering Jing’s head, they stopped and Jing was under Xiao.

“Where are you going now?” Xiao’s mouth aroused a dangerous smile. Jing looked at him in a daze. She felt his palm lying behind her head. Under such circumstances, what he wanted was to protect her, not care about his own hand?

“Xiao Chen.” Jing bit her lips and looked at him.

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“Huh?” Xiao Chen squinted at Jing Yue, who suddenly shrunk her smile, and replied with a question.

“Do you like me?” Jing Yue stared at Xiao Chen with a pair of bright black eyes.

Xiao Chen, do you like me?

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The voice sounded like a magic spell in Xiao Chen's head. He shivered, and tightly fixed his eyes on Jing’s cheek. For a moment, neither of them spoke, and there was sole silence around them, except for each other’s inhalation and exhalation.

“Ha-ha-ha...Got you!” Jing Yue suddenly pushed Xiao Chen away, turned and ran away. The arrogant and complacent words came as if she was applauding for her escape from Xiao.

Pushed aside by Jing, Xiao supported his body with his hands. Looking at Jing Yue in a distance, he made a helpless smile, but his eyes were filled with complex emotions which did not show up under her laughter. Xiao stood up and patted the weeds off his body.

Jing Yue’s words seemed to be just a deception. Next, Jing Yue didn’t mention anything about what she had just said. She was still playing around until the sunset. They lay on the grass and looked at the orange sky, appearing a peaceful view.

“I’m going out to work in a few days.” Xiao faintly said, with one arm propping up his head, “Perhaps it will take a month to come back.”

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