Fang Zicheng smiled gently. Looking at his fox-like false smile, Jing Yue could hardly stop herself from slapping him.

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“Freaking psycho...” Jing Yue squinted and scolded at him. Then she continued her conversation with Jing Lang, “Tell me the route and the number of people. That's settled!”

“You...” Jing Lang’s face changed slightly. He stared at Jing Yue's stubborn face and shook his head helplessly, thinking that he must make good preparations for this trip—he would not allow any mistake or accident.

When Xing Er heard that Jing Yue was going to rob the golden Buddha statue, he was also shocked. He immediately sent a letter to Xiao Chen. However, before Xiao Chen received the letter, Jing Yue and Fang Zicheng had already set out.

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"What are we coming here for?" At the foot of a mountain outside the city, Fang Zicheng looked around and asked Jing Yue in confusion.

“Of course for my Yin Jian and Yin Feng.” Jing Yue smiled, scampered towards the mountain and whistled. As her whistle echoed in the mountain, Fang Zicheng and Jing Lang were stunned to see two gray wolves galloping towards them.

Jing Lang had long heard that Jing Yue raised two gray wolves but never had a chance to see them before. Now he finally saw them.

He didn't expect that the story of Jing Yue raising wolves was true.

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"With the help of these two big guys, you can just relax." Jing Yue said with a smile as she rubbed the head of Yin Jian, "Even if we don't get a piece of the golden Buddha, it's certainly not a problem for us to escape."

“Tsk...These two guys are really big." Fang Zicheng's eyes were full of amazement. It was actually the second time he met these wolves. At the first time, when the gray wolves that seemed to be drunk were carried back to the Mansion, he saw them by chance.

"Well, where shall we go now?" Jing Yue looked at Fang Zicheng and asked.

Jing Lang's face changed slightly. He squinted at the two gray wolves and then looked into Jing Yue's eyes. There was something deep flashing in his eyes, he pursed his lips and then said, "Let's go to Chengcang Road and wait."

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"OK." Jing Yue didn't notice Jing Lang's unusual expression and nodded before they climbed on the back of Yin Jian and moved towards the foot of the mountain.

Chengcang Road was ten miles outside the city. It was the only turning point on the state highway and the best place to ambush. In order not to be seen by others, they did not take the main road, but a path around an isolated mountain outside the city.

"Thanks to you, we can find such a secret path." Fang Zicheng sighed as he climbed the mountain.

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"I found it when I was a kid. After so many years, I didn't expect that this road is still here. "Jing Lang looked at the road with his tone full of memories of the past.

“We are so lucky that you know this path. Otherwise we would certainly be in some trouble if we took these two eye-catching guys to the main road.” Jing Yue looked at the wolves running in front of her, smiled and said softly.

"Um." Jing Lang and Fang Zicheng responded lightly. Along the way, they found that Jing Yue and the wolves get along very well. Jing Yue could understand the sounds made by the gray wolves, and the wolves could also understand her words, which amazed Fang Zicheng so much.

"How can they understand you?" Fang Zicheng approached Jing Yue and asked.

"If you live with them long enough, they can understand you, too." Jing Yue said with a smile, "Listen with your heart instead of ears."

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