“What was happening?” asked the two armed escorts, looking at the wound on his shoulder.

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The man in grey shook his head, saying nothing. After a while, the officers finally arrived and cleared up the mess. They didn’t let out a sigh of relief until they confirmed the gold Buddha wasn’t damaged.

What happened on Chengcang Avenue fast spread among people out of town. Jing Yue heard about it when she had already come into the Come with Money. She really turned up her nose at the velocity of the news.

It took totally half a day for such big news to come to town. Jing Yue had got washed and was enjoying herself in the restaurant. Across the table, Fang Zicheng and Jing Lang fixed their eyes on her.

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“Well… guys… how soon will you stop staring at me?” asked Jing Yue when she rolled her eyes and stared at them.

“…” They kept staring at her, saying nothing to reply. 

“Come on…” Jing Yue wailed, “I just shoot an arrow, didn’t I? What made you so shocked?”

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“Yue…” Jing Lang muttered with mixed expressions in his eyes. He tried to say something, but didn’t know how to put it.

“Stop! This is over. We failed to get the gold Buddha.” said Jing Yue when she stood up and stared at them. She added, “Take what happened as fun. Now, this is over. Let’s just go back home! I’m tired. And I’m going home.”

As she said, she walked out, leaving Jing Lang and Fang Zicheng there, dumbfounded. They looked at each other and sighed.

In the carriage, Jing Yue went back to the Mansion. She wondered if she had a delusion. Without Xiao Chen, she felt the mansion desolate. She stayed in the restaurant every day. After she came back, she got washed quickly and went to bed.

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In the middle of the night, Jing Yue was having a sound sleep in her quilt. A firing candlelight slightly swayed. Cold wind blew in gently. A pair of black boots landed on the clean floor. They stepped lightly towards the bed.

The approaching man stretched out a thin finger, trying to reach out to Jing Yue who was sleeping. As the finger got closer, he nearly touched her face. Jing Yue suddenly opened her closing eyes and jumped up.

“Oh!” yelled the man. A dark dagger was put by his neck, which could almost cut his throat.

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“Who are you?” asked Jing Yue with fierce eyes. In the darkness, her eyes glinted with a green color and it disappeared in no time.

“Sweetheart. I come to give you something. And this is how you treat me?” said the man. Hearing the familiar voice, Jing Yue suspended her hand on his shoulder and toned down her murderous look.

“Helian Xiu? Why are you in my room instead of sleeping in the middle of the night?” Jing Yue asked and slowly took the dark dagger off his neck. She stood straight, staring at him with confusion.

“You hit me so hard.” said Helian Xiu, straightening himself up. He raised his hand to touch his neck. When he looked at Jing Yue, he couldn’t help fearing. Just at that moment, he almost thought he was dying. The feeling of getting killed stuck him in a state of shock.

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