She was so exhausted that she closed her eyes and fell. Immediately, Jing Lang held her tightly with panic in his eyes.

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"Your Highness!" Xing Er yelled with surprise and then he noticed Jing Yue's pale face.

"Get in the carriage right now. Someone is watching us." Jing Zhan got a shock, and he supported himself with his hands trying to stand up, but he couldn't move at all.

"Yes." Jing Lang looked around and then helped Jing Yue to get in the carriage together with Xing Er. Then, he rode the horse in front of the carriage to leave. After they disappeared on the road, a figure hiding in the corner turned around, heading towards a hall.

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In the carriage, Jing Yue closed her eyes tightly and remained unconscious. Her face turned into pale entirely, and even her lips lost its original colour. Looking at Jing Yue, Jing Zhan kept silent and the expression on his face changed unpredictably. No one knew what he was thinking right now. He reached out and raised Jing Yue's sleeve but found no wound on her smooth arm.

Jing Zhan frowned. The first time he stared at Jing Yue so closely. Her babyish face was quite similar to the gorgeous woman in his memories, but they seemed to have something different.

He could see the firmness and bravery clearly from Jing Yue's eyebrows, which was the things that his wife, Qi Yun haven't. Her familiar face made Jing Zhan blank for a while. His eyes staring at Jing Yue were filled with tender love.

Xing Er, who sat near them, pressing his lips silently after he saw Jing Zhan's expression.

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Soon, they arrived at the Mansion and Jing Lang held Jing Yue all the time until he put her on the bed in the Lotus Garden. Then he called a doctor at once. What shocked them was that the doctor said Jing Yue had suffered a lot of pain so that she ran out of all the energy and passed out.

But Yin Qiao had checked Jing Yue's body and found nothing. At this time, they all confused, except for Jing Zhan. He told them that there was an instrument of torture in the Palace and explained how it worked on a person. He said calmly but the brutal scene he described made Xing Er’s and Jing Lang's expressions changed greatly.

"We should discuss with her highness after she wakes up. Since she didn't tell anyone else about this, she must have the plan." Xing Er pressed his lips and then said, looking at Jing Lang and Jing Zhan.

"I will never let it go easily." Grabbing handles of the wheelchair, Jing Zhan shouted in anger.

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It was his beloved daughter and he even wanted to give her all the good things in this world. But now, she was bullied by someone like this. He won't let it go.

"Father, I will figure it out." Jing Lang nodded and said in a chilling voice.

"You should leave now. I will let you know when her Highness wakes up." Xing Er bent down and said to Jing Zhan and Jing Lang. Hearing Xing Er's words, they all knew that it was not a good thing if they stayed here too long. They nodded and looked at Jing Yue, who was still in a coma, and left with a sigh.

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Until the next day, Jing Yue still didn't wake up. In the late-night, Xing Er leaned on the door with his eyes closed, protecting the comatose Jing Yue. Suddenly, some sound of footstep came. Xing Er opened his eyes widely and saw a figure coming in a hurry from the gate of the yard.

"Master." Xing Er was shocked by Xiao Chen's unexpected appearance since he was told that his Master would arrive tomorrow morning.

"Where's Jing Yue?" With an anxious look, Xiao Chen rushed to Xing Er, his sleeves bearing a cold wind. His eyes were still calm and emotionless but Xing Er could see the worry hidden in his deep eyes.

"She is still sleeping." As soon as Xing Er answered, Xiao Chen pushed the door open in haste. He stepped into the room and walked to the bed hurriedly. The lighted candles flickered in the wind out of his quick-moving and the shadows of the furniture in the room shook slightly.

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