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How Could I Be The One Who Killed That Horse?

The woman frowned as she looked at Jing Yue who suddenly stood up; raising her chin as she looked up to stare at Jing Yue, she asked: “You…. Who are you!?”

“This words should be asked by me right?” Jing Yue felt ridiculous as she looked at the woman whose age seemed similar with hers; opening her mouth she asked: “How could you ride a horse on the street?”

“If it wasn’t for…..” that woman was about to talk when they suddenly heard horses’ steps came through from a place not too far. Jing Yue and that woman raised their eyes to look; Jing Yue was stunned right away as she looked at the woman on top of the horse, what an exquisite and refined lady ah!

Getting down from her horse; that woman, whose whole body was dressed in white clothes, worriedly pulled the woman’s hand and anxiously said: “Lan younger sister, are you all right?  Moment ago really scared people to death.”

“I’m all right.” that woman raised her hand to shake her touch off. Looking at the white dressed woman loftily, she said: “Miss Jing Yan, I am not your younger sister; you must not always call me that way.”

“I…… I just……” the face of the white dressed woman who was called Jing Yan went pale slightly; she looked at that woman in a somewhat apprehensive manner, as if she felt she was being very wronged to be told that kind of words. That look really made people felt pity.

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One miss in the back couldn’t stand it anymore; standing to glare at ShangGuan LingLan whose whole face was lofty, she said: “ShangGuan LingLan, Miss Jing Yan was simply concerned about you; there is no need for you to talk like this!”

“Heng! Did I say something wrong? There is no need to put on this kind of look, looking at it make people feel disgusted! Beside, who was it that flung her whip toward my horse when we were riding back then?” ShangGuan LingLan stared coldly at Jing Yan; the meaning in her eyes was kind of obvious.

“Lan…… Miss ShangGuan, before, I really wasn’t careful in flinging that whip; I…… this was also the first time I ever rode a horse; unlike you who were born in General’s household and rode a horse ever since you were a child……” Jing Yan hung her head down, didn’t dare to look at ShangGuan LingLan.

“Good words, wasn’t careful; next time I’ll also try to be not careful in flinging the whip.” ShangGuan LingLan looked at the horse that fell on the ground; loftily looking at everyone and said: “This matter has nothing to do with you, all can go and distance yourself from this; I, ShangGuan LingLan, didn’t want to cause any trouble.”

Once ShangGuan Ling Lan’s words fell, the faces of everyone who followed behind Jing Yan changed and they slowly retreated one step. In the back, Jing Yue was watching with great interest, her heart was sighing loudly; it seemed this ShangGuan LingLan was also someone with a background, looked at how she gave instruction to others.

“You saved me, but killed my horse, we’re even!” ShangGuan LingLan suddenly turned her head towards Jing Yue and spoke.

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“A…… o……” Jing Yue went blank for a moment and then nodded her head. Speaking like this, it seemed there was nothing wrong……

Wait, how could I be the one who killed that horse!?

Obviously they were the one who killed it!

Jing Yue turned her head to look at those black clothed men who resembled a pile of woods behind her with hidden bitterness. As she was about to turned her head back, she found Yin Jian and Yin Feng the two guys were actually licking something with gusto; when she finally saw the huge ‘wine’ word on the jug, it scared Jing Yue that she almost jumped.

“You! Two alcoholic ghosts! You don’t want to live ah!” everyone’s attentions, which originally were pointed at ShangGuan LingLan, were drawn towards Jing Yue’s loud shout and furious tone; only then they suddenly realized Jing Yue’s existence. When they saw Jing Yue’s figure fleeing quickly, they finally saw the two huge gray wolves.

“Yin Jian! Yin Feng!” Jing Yue raised her leg and stomped; panting with rage she pulled the two gray wolves’ ears up; directly scared stupid a group of misses.

“Wolf…… wolf……”

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“Ah!!! There are wolves a~!” everyone suddenly screamed; their sight all focused on Jing Yue’s body.



Some of you might wonder why I post on Monday instead of Tuesday, it’s because today I have a love letter:

To the person who re-posted my translations,

Dear Mr/Mdm.Nice,

I’ve admitted that I am a new translator, I’ve admitted that I’m not good at using wordpress or even technologies in general; I’m not being haughty, I know I’m not that good and need a lot of help; I’m glad that people read and appreciated my translations, I am also very thankful to those share about my translations to others.

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However, to re-post the whole chapters of my translations on your site without asking me first was…. downright annoying…. You may called me stingy or over-reacting, but hey, I’m the one who racked my brain and glued my fingers on the keyboard here while you copied-pasted-finished them in less than five minutes….

For God’s sake, as a tech-idiot, I only know a few writing site, which are wordpress and blogger; but then, suddenly, there they are, my translations, posted right there, in a site I don’t understand, without my permission, thank you very much….

Wanting to share stories you liked is not wrong, posting someone’s works without asking and crediting them IS (You did give us the translators credits, but still, permission darling, permission….). I was going to privately message you, but I saw you posted a lot of stories which some of them I am sure you have no permission of; I don’t want you to take down my translation but still posted others even though you have no consents from their translators. If you did have the permission from the translators to post the 103 stories you have in your site, be my guest. (102, I hope mine can be taken down ^_^)

Once again, I am very, very thankful that you like the story that I translated (big applause for the original writer please). I am also very thankful for (IF) you, taking the time to like, to comment, to rate the story on novelupdates, or to share about this story to others. I think you just want to share good stories and didn’t intend to hurt anyone; so please, be kind and take my translations down from your place and do not re-post them without my consent, it was very not nice….


Your Tech-Idiot-Brain-Damaged-Fingers-Broken (but still lovely) Translator,


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