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Who Did She Offend?

“No, don’t tell me you want to continue standing for four hours more?” ShangGuan LingLan rolled her eyes and threw a fruit into her mouth. She stared at Jing Yue and said: “I really don’t know what this head of yours is loaded with inside, to actually pour all the water onto the plate and drink it… No wonder Yun momo punished you.”

“Wuuu (whimper)…… I know I was wrong. If I had known earlier, I would have drunk it directly instead of pouring it onto the plate; that way, I wouldn’t have to carry this broken plate on my head.”

“Pu (pfff)…… you had better continue to stand.” ShangGuan LingLan looked away, seemed too lazy to acknowledge Jing Yue.

“Hehehe…… Yueyue you are really adorable.” Ning XiangYuan laughed on the side. Having gotten along for these few days, the three people seemed to have become a small group, forming a unique friendship that was hard to come by.

Jing Yue was embarrassed.

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Grew up that big, it was the first time someone told her she was adorable.

(If you are not reading this story on Renren’s WordPress page {}, then you’re reading a stolen material; I hope you can just read on my wordpress page, it’s free of charge and free of virus. To those people and web’s admins who copied-pasted my translations, I wish you a whole life of fungi-infested-armpits and bald-scabious-head.) — RenRen —

When Jing Yue dragged her exhausted body out of the school’s gate, she actually found that the entire road in front of the gate was already empty, leaving only the wind-borne dead leaves on the ground.

‘Really*!? Who was it that came and told me a carriage would be prepared!?’

‘Is the carriage being eaten!?’

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Jing Yue looked around and was absolutely sure that the carriage had indeed disappeared, she was the only person left behind at this entire school’s gate area. Jing Yue suddenly wanted to cry yet she had no tears; there weren’t any kind of carriage around and she had no money on her body! At this moment, Jing Yue felt a profound thread of resentment.

She swore to God, if she’d like to go outside next time, she would absolutely bring some money!

Because she was punished to stood, she wasted some time and went out much later than she usually did. The people on the street were already somewhat sparse and the streets were almost black. Jing Yue hung her head, dragged her exhausted body and walked step by step forward. She stared bewilderedly at the street before her eyes.

“It’s this way…… or that way……” Jing Yue kept turning around, completely bewildered.

“I don’t recognize the road ah……” Jing Yue crouched on the ground; she really wanted to cry yet she had no tears. Having rested for a while, she was ready to choose and walk towards a random direction. Unexpectedly however, just after she stood up, she suddenly felt a thread of ice-cold killing intent came towards her.

Jing Yue’s expression went cold; at once, she rolled away to avoid that killing intent. She then saw a dart was nailed on the paved road where she had stood a moment before; when she lifted her eyes, she saw a black figure holding a curved sword came straight at her without saying anything. Alarmed, Jing Yue promptly fell back and grabbed a bamboo pole beside her and raised it to block his attack.

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“Who are you!?” Jing Yue was pressed to the point she continuously retreated, her heart was filled with apprehension.

What a thick killing intent! Only killers had these kinds of skills.

Who did she offend?

“Damn!” The bamboo pole in Jing Yue’s hand was already chopped off so much that only a short part of it was left; she had no choice but to lift her foot and kick that black clothed man until he fell back several steps while she herself turned her body around and broke into a run. In several turns, she made had her way into a small alley, while the person behind her was still pursuing closely.

“You! Old man!” Once Jing Yue turned her head around, she found that black clothed man actually had jumped onto the roof of a building; the appearance of that agile body made Jing Yue firmly pulled the corners of her mouth out. ‘Able to do ginggong** is amazing ah!’

Jing Yue kept running and found a half-opened door; without thinking further, in one move she already drilled her way inside, promptly closed the door and held her breath. She peeked at the movement outside from a small crack on the door; that black clothed man already went past but Jing Yue still didn’t dare to move.

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Years of experiences told her; if she moved now, it would be equal to courting death.

Sure enough, that black clothed man, who had walked away a moment before, came back once again. He kept turning around unable to find Jing Yue’s silhouette. Finally, he, in spite of everything, stopped in front of the gate of the courtyard she was hiding at. Those eyes carried the intention to kill and stared unwaveringly at the courtyard’s gate. Jing Yue was so nervous that her heart seemed about to jumped out of her body.


*尼玛 (Ní mǎ): can be considered as a slang word; doesn’t have any literal meaning but it is a homophonic characters of 你玛 which means ‘your mom’, it is used more as an expression and could mean ‘God!’, ‘really!?’, or ‘come on!’

**轻功 (qīnggōng): Chinese martial arts; in many wuxia movies or stories, it was the ability to move swiftly and lightly at superhuman speed, and perform gravity-defying moves such as gliding on water surfaces, scaling high walls and mounting trees. (Cr. Wiki)

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