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Isn’t To Be Called By That Name The Purpose Of Having A Name?

“It’s endless……” Jing Yue crouched on the paved ground, her head was dizzy.

“It’s the Second Prince’s palanquin, kneel.” Yun momo saw that there was a palanquin not too far from them that was slowly approaching. She waved her hand to let everyone moved to the side and knelt down to show their manner. Jing Yue’s eyes suddenly widened after she heard Yun momo’s words.

‘Xiao JingRan’s palanquin?’

Jing Yue’s eyes went wide and she immediately hung her head down even lower. Her heart continuously recited ‘You can’t see me, you can’t see me……’

Xiao JingRan’s palanquin moved slowly towards them, appeared like it had no intention to stop. Jing Yue didn’t dare to move. That palanquin passed in front of her and she watched it moved away just like that out of the corners of her eyes. Joy and surprise emerged in her eyes; ‘Very good! Quick go away!’

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“Arise.” Yun momo’s voice came through. Jing Yue stilled for a moment before she lowered her head and stood up. However, Xiao Jing Ran’s palanquin, it had also just passed by them only a moment ago.

Jing Yue sighed in relief. Fortunately, she wasn’t discovered. She had already offended Xiao JingRan on their first meeting, if she was discovered… Jing Yue fought a shiver.

(If you are not reading this story on Renren’s WordPress page {}, then you’re reading a stolen material; I hope you can just read on my wordpress page, it’s free of charge and free of virus. To those people and web’s admins who copied-pasted my translations, I wish you a whole life of fungi-infested-armpits and bald-scabious-head.) — RenRen —

“Halt!” Just as Jing Yue was drowned in her thought, Xiao JingRan who had already moved quite far away suddenly raised his hand and shouted ‘halt’. This ‘halt’ word really frightened Jing Yue ah! She hung her head down, as low as she could possibly do. Meanwhile, those young ladies at Jing Yue’s sides, everyone was excited and blushing.

‘You can’t see me…… you can’t see me……’

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Jing Yue’s brain focused completely on reciting those words.

“Future Huang Fei, we meet again.” A cunning, ice-cold voice filled with killing intent appeared above Jing Yue’s head and broke all of her delusion and camouflage. She really wanted to cry yet she had no tears ah!

‘You say, there was no problem, you provoked such a thing to do what kind of ghost ah!?’

“Hehehe…… Second Prince, long time no see.” Jing Yue silently moved a step back and stared at Xiao Jing Ran, ‘hehe’ laughing.

Xiao JingRan’s eyes were narrowed as he stared at Jing Yue. He sneered and said: “You’re still not going to kneel to show your meeting etiquette after meeting this Prince? It seems, even after all this time, you’ve still learnt nothing about etiquette.”

Jing Yue blinked her eyes to stare at Xiao Jing Ran. She spoke in a deadpanned manner: “What you’ve said is indeed correct, I don’t actually forget that meeting etiquette thing.” (RenRen: She deliberately didn’t salute yo! ( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ( ̄ー ̄)ニヤリ)

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“You……!” Xiao JingRan was furious. He flung his sleeves and stared at Jing Yue before saying: “Just with this kind of you is fit to be Ninth Huang Fei? If people know they would laugh until their teeth fall out!”

Jing Yue wasn’t swayed by Xiao JingRan’s words. She blinked her eyes and watched him doubtfully before saying: “Ei? Xiao JingRan, why haven’t your teeth fallen out yet?” Xiao JingRan was dumbfounded. His expression changed continuously as he stared at Jing Yue’s ‘not taking in oil or salt’ manner.

“Jing Yue, your courage is really big! You actually dared to say this Prince’s official name!” Xiao JingRan spoke, glaring furiously at Jing Yue.

“Isn’t to be called by that name the purpose of having a name? Otherwise, why do you bother to have a name?” Jing Yue shrugged nonchalantly and spoke.

“You……!” Xiao JingRan’s chest was filled with rapidly rising anger. He really wished he could slap the woman in front of him to death. She kept provoking him, to let her die just like that was simply letting her off too easily! He had to severely torment her!

Thinking like that, much of the anger in Xiao JingRan’s heart was dispersed. He saw everyone’s gazes, sneered and said: “It’s rare to meet you. This prince will have pity on you and send you on your way.”

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“What*?” Jing Yue’s mind went blank. She didn’t understand what Xiao Jing Ran’s words meant.

“Someone! Help the future Ninth Huang Fei onto the palanquin!” Xiao Jing Ran waved his big hand and pointed at a tiny plank attached behind the palanquin and said: “Please, may the future Ninth Huang Fei sit there?”


* 油盐不进 (Yóu yán bù jìn):not taking in oil or salt, stubborn and refused to listen or consider.

* Official name, the literal translation was supposed to be ‘taboo name’ instead of ‘official name’; the royal family’s birth names are usually taboo and should not be said by the commoners as they ought only to call them by their title. But it was kind of weird if I use ‘taboo name’

* JFYI: the ‘what’ word Jing Yue said was written as (虾米/ Xiāmi) instead of the usual (什么/Shénme). Xiāmi literally means ‘small dried shrimp’ but is used as Chinese slang words for ‘what’.

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