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Step on the Road to Yellow Springs Together!
(Translated by: RenRen, Edited by: Yzrahc`dryzzle, Proofread by: Strix)
“My parents were being chased and about to get killed. To draw the chasing soldiers away and protect her life, they had no choice but to hide her away.” Jing Lang said, slightly sucking in a deep breath.
“Really can’t be forgiven ah…… abandoning their own child.” Jing Yue slowly stood up before saying in a dull tone, “Even if they would have died together, they still shouldn’t abandon their own child……”
Jing Lang’s expression went cold as he stared at Jing Yue and said, “How could you speak like that? It was to protect her life!”

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“Protect her life and then what? Let her grow up by herself outside for fourteen years? Not knowing who her parents are and being ridiculed by others as a b.a.s.t.a.r.d? Having no one to cry to when she was sad or in difficulties? Suffering the severe winter and getting through it alone? Shedding tears… and wounded… she had to bear them on her own? This kind of protecting life, does it have any use for her? It would be better to follow her parents and step on the road to Yellow Springs together!”
Once Jing Yue’s words fell, Jing Lang suddenly felt a pain in his chest. He raised his gaze and met Jing Yue’s cold, lifeless, aloof look. Panic suddenly flashed in his eyes.
“You don’t have to search. If I were her, I would stay by myself forever and ever. I also wouldn’t go acknowledging some father and brother who suddenly appeared.” Jing Yue turned around and walked towards the room’s door, pulling it open as she left in large strides without the slightest hesitation.
Something flashed in Xing Er’s eyes. He glanced at Jing Lang before following Jing Yue’s footsteps, going down from that floor.
(If you are not reading this story on Renren’s WordPress page {}, then you’re reading a stolen material; I hope you can just read on my wordpress page, it’s free of charge and free of virus. To those people and web’s admins who copied-pasted my translations, I wish you a whole life of fungi-infested-armpits and bald-scabious-head.) — RenRen —
Inside the room, Jing Lang had become silent. Jing Yue’s words were echoing in his ears, making his heart feel suffocatingly painful. He wholeheartedly wanted to find his sister back, however, he had neglected such an important matter.

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‘Right, these fourteen years, if she really manages to stay alive……’
‘How did she get through these fourteen years?’
‘Has she been believing in her heart that she was abandoned by her own parents, harboring resentment in her heart?’
Jing Lang dejectedly hung his head down, staring with lackl.u.s.ter eyes at the stunned man in front of him, asking, “ZiCheng, what should I do……”
“Maybe what Jing Yue had said is quite correct……” Fang ZiCheng sighed silently. His heart was asking why Jing Yue’s reaction would be so big upon hearing about this matter. While softly comforting Jing Lang, he called for several jars of wine. Together with Jing Lang, the two of them drank until they were drunk.

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Jing Yue had become particularly silent throughout the journey back to the w.a.n.gfu. Xing Er followed silently at her side, there was a slight movement on his lips as if he wanted to open his mouth and speak. However, in the end he didn’t. He just watched Jing Yue hang her head down all the wa
y back to the w.a.n.gfu until she was inside Lian Yuan.
Xing Er slightly opened his mouth when Jing Yue entered her room, wanting to tell Jing Yue to call him if she needed something. Unexpectedly, however, Jing Yue had turned around and instantly shut the door. A m.u.f.fled voice came through, “I won’t be having dinner, don’t come and bother me.”
Xing Er blinked. He stared at the tightly closed door and deeply frowned .
‘This situation…… shouldn’t this be reported to Master?’

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Jing Yue was curling on the bed with a pair of opened, soulless eyes . Countless messy thoughts were pouring inside her brain. Every scene of her previous life flashed in her mind.
She was abandoned by her parents on the streets; homeless, sleeping inside a heap of garbage, eating bad, moldy food and even fighting with ferocious dogs for it, beaten up by people. She wept, she shouted, she prayed. In the end, she was still all alone.
One accident had let her met a police officer who sent her into an orphanage. It was also at that orphanage that she stepped into a road with no return.
Jing Yue firmly closed her eyes. She then permanently sealed these memories in her thoughts, she wasn’t willing to think about them again. She had thought that in this life it would probably be the same as her previous life, being abandoned, and having no parents, but didn’t expect……
Yellow Springs (黄泉/Huáng​quán): also called (地獄/Dìyù) or Yomi in j.a.panese. The realm of the dead, purgatory where the spirits were punished and renewed in preparation for reincarnation. Lian Yuan (莲苑/lián yuàn): Lotus Court, Jing Yue’s living area.
Will Bonnie Xu please contact me again? I can’t reach you on your current email address….

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