
Chapter 16

Chapter 16 – Saving Howl (1)

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Jorge was well aware of the benefits of rest. The clean, refreshing air of the gardens had invigorating effects.

However, even in the midst of flowers, they continued discussing medicine—they could not help it. Sometimes like a pair of chattering schoolgirls, and sometimes doctors, Jorge and Chloe remained consumed in their conversations.

When a doctor from the infirmary passed them, Jorge asked him about Evan.

“Is the Deputy Grand Master still asleep?” Even though he had watched Evan fall asleep, Jorge felt compelled to check the patient’s status once again. Once the doctor reassured him, Jorge described the situation to Chloe while carrying on with their walk.

“Jumping uncontrollably and harming himself while carrying a man on his back—I imagine that horse is going to be put down.”

“That’s correct. But they will likely wait until next week since I have asked to examine him.”

Chloe wondered why Jorge wanted to take a look at the horse.

“Perhaps I should do it now. Have you ever seen a pedigreed steed?”

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Chloe, remembering Gilbert’s horse from her days as a princess, took a moment to choose her words wisely.

“I…haven’t. Is the horse that exceptional?”

“There are better ones out there, but this one is the prettiest that I know.”

Chloe could see that Jorge cared about this horse. A steed belonging to the Deputy Grand Master, she figured, would indeed be one of the best in the empire.

The two headed towards the stables. The trip, given the sheer size of the training facility, required a carriage. Although Jorge invited Chloe to climb into the carriage box with him, she chose to sit out front with the groom. Jorge was too generous about granting privileges to Chloe. She was afraid that accepting them freely would make her life as a slave impossible.

Feeling a vague sense of separation between her nights in the slaves’ quarters and the days spent discussing medicine with Jorge – the deputy head of the infirmary and a viscount – she tried hard not to forget her status despite the nature of her work.

I must know my place. No matter what false hopes she had, as a slave captured during a war, her position was never going to change. Chloe knew that pretending not to be a slave would be a ridiculous thing to do.

Let’s not delude myself. She only wished for what she had been given, as long as she had her work with Jorge at the pharmacy. The uncomfortable bed and terrible food did not bother her – she still knew that she was the lucky one

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The groom dropped them off at an enormous, grand stable. Chloe was astonished by its vastness and the excellent quality of its facilities. This is much nicer than the slaves’ quarters, she chuckled to herself. When they followed the groom into a large, luxurious room, she spotted a black stallion, lying on its side with his nose bleeding.

“So, this is the horse?”

The stallion panted as if exhausted, with blood gushing out of its nose. Chloe felt pity for the animal. A life of near-abuse, carrying people on his back from birth to death—her heart went out for him.

As Jorge had commented, he was exceptionally beautiful, even to Chloe’s untrained eyes. Even in its pathetic state, the steed’s shiny coat made him look like a precious black pearl.

“He seems quite extraordinary. It really is too awful.”

“There’s a mountain near the capital, called Nalusuwan. Apparently Lord Cupihit allowed him to drink water by the creek while up there, and I think he might have eaten something that he shouldn’t have.”

“A mountain?”

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“Yes, Nalusuwan is closed to commoners due to its poisonous plants. For some reason, not that many animals live there, either.”

“Forbidden due to poisonous plants…?” This concept was foreign to Chloe. Even in Elpasa with its mountainous terrain, no areas had been closed off for such a reason. To her, mountains had always been beneficial to people.

Seeing her puzzled face, Jorge took her to Nalusuwan right away.


The mountain was not far, only just outside of the capital. When they arrived an hour later, Jorge and Chloe began examining its plants. Chloe could not hide her amazement.

Look at all these herbs! My, the amount of money that could be made off of these.

She observed many plants that were rare in Elpasa. Nalusuwan was rocky but its two peaks were rather low, compared to the mountains that Chloe had climbed in the past.

“Sir, may I please have a look at the plants at the peaks?”

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“I must leave now, but yes, if you’d like. Just please make sure to come back.” Even though Jorge knew that Chloe would never do such a reckless thing as running away, he implored once again. Runaway slaves, if caught, were executed without exception.

“Certainly, sir.”

Her thorough scan of the mountain ended up taking far longer than she had expected. The groom, who had been waiting for her, was greatly annoyed and barked that he had been about to leave without her. Chloe apologized profusely—she could imagine his anger at having to wait around for a slave all day long.

“A little girl like you, strutting about a forbidden mountain all day long. Are you out of your damned mind?”

Chloe could only continue to beg pardon. Her short height, small build, and bobbed hair made her look like a girl of only twenty.

Taking a seat behind the groom, she quietly held on to the train of his cape. A wary voice came at her, “Don’t sit too close.”

“Yes, sir.”

It took another hour to arrive at the Cupihits’ mansion, where her quarters were located.

I should stay in his good graces, or he could take off without me. Setting this thought aside, she was not a bit bothered by the hurtful things that the groom said.

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