In the end, Adilott managed to suppress Count Célestiel’s treason. He couldn’t catch the Count, but he got his daughter and territory, so it was the same as winning.

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Adilott heard that Count Célestiel ran away without packing a single bag. And yet, he managed to run away with a chest full of gold, which enraged Mia so much.

‘He probably left me behind on purpose. All he was concerned about was himself and he turned his back on me.’

How could a person be so unlucky?

‘Fine. It might be better to crawl like a pet under the male lead than to make money for that kind of guy!’

On her way to the Imperial Palace Reventor as a hostage, Adilott made Mia walk next to his horse.

Mia asked seriously.

“On four?”

“…Two legs!”

Adilott replied annoyedly.

‘Adilott must like animals that walk on two feet.’

Mia was relieved. She was glad that she could walk next to Adilott without having to lose her face.

‘Though I thought he was going to tie my hands, I guess it won’t happen.’

Mia thought with her hands clasped. She could see through Adilott’s ‘wise’ warning of what he could do even if she ran away.

‘And even if I ran away, Adilott was confident in hunting me down. It would be nice if he could hunt down Count Célestiel too.’

How could he let her arms and legs free after he spared her life? Mia thought that it was clear that Adilott was the type that cared very much about animal welfare.

‘It’s way better than I thought!’

But there was only one problem.

“Your Majesty, the law states that we have to destroy the traitors and their three generations of descendants.”

It was Marquis Ferdinand Quito who said so.

Long black hair tied together with gray eyes.

Although he had a beautiful appearance, he was a close aide to Adilott, who was famous for his mercilessness on the battlefield.

‘And later on, you are going to end up liking Serenity silently.’

He just returned from searching for Count Célestiel, who had fled, and as soon as he saw Mia, he had a terrifying look on his face and pulled out his sword. Adilott blocked him, and the two began a war of debate.

“For Your Majesty’s safety, we need to kill Mia Célestiel right away.”

“I am just going to put it on hold for a moment.”

“It’s unprecedented, Your Majesty.”

“When did I become the Emperor who cares about precedents?”

“It will be an excuse for some people to find fault and raise a doubt about you.”

“Did they ever not try to find fault with me? They have been arguing about my fault 24 hours a day anyway.”

“However, she is the one who raised the funds for Célestiel. We don’t know what made her want to stick to your side.”

“If you have to kill some woman, you can do it anytime.”

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“Then can’t I just kill her now?”

Ferdinand asked and looked at Mia with his squinted eyes.

“If His Majesty orders me, now….”

At the same time, his hand naturally headed to his sword handle.

Soon after, Mia felt the fluffy hair all over her body stood on end. What a fierce life.


Then, Mia grabbed Adilott’s hem of clothes without realizing it. Both Adilott and Ferdinand stopped moving at the same time.

“Hic… Hiccups!


In their eyes, there was only a weak woman hiccuping in this room.

She had a scared face and trembling fingers. She also had a pale complexion, and her shoulders were curled up roundly and flinched. She was flinching in such a state and slowly leaning toward Adilott.

Strangely, rather than having any hidden intention, it seemed like an action that came out without even her realizing it. Adilott and Ferdinand, who realized it, looked at her strangely.


Mia looked around anxiously and spoke quietly when the two men looked at her in silence.

“S-Save me….?”

Adilott sighed briefly and he said just one thing.

“Let’s stop here today, Marquis.”


Ferdinand immediately straightened up. And then he went back to his place, and he didn’t even look at Mia anymore.

As soon as Ferdinand stepped down, they started moving again. It was a huge army that looked like a big dragon from a distance. The flag on which the red lion was drawn was shaken by the wind, and the trumpet spread the emperor’s victory with a high note soaring from a distance.

Adilott stood at the forefront of the convoy and looked indifferently forward. He seemed very familiar with this situation, where the whole world seemed to exist only for him.

Looking at the calm side of Adilott, Mia thought.

‘I was wrong. I should’ve made money, given it to Adilott, and got familiar with him!’

Mia was thinking that she shouldn’t have thought welfaring Count Célestiel was enough to help her survive. Wasn’t the best survival guarantee check to gain the main character’s trust?

‘Since the milk had spilled, let’s stick next to Adilott and stay alive for as long as possible!’

Of course, for that to happen, she had to be his pet and that was a very small and trivial issue.

Moreover, when she thought about it, it didn’t sound that bad. A dog’s life was much easier than a human’s life after all.

Above all, animals were able to live even if they didn’t work! And in the novel, they killed people but not animals!

Mia clenched both fists trying to have a positive mind.

‘That’s it! I will work hard to get rid of the treason’s charges and become a great pet!’

If Adilott heard what she was just thinking, he would realize what he got himself into.


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* * *


Imperial Palace Reventor, where the Emperor’s room was located.

It was a large and long hall used only for special occasions.

‘In the novel, it was used when Ren and Adil got married, and it was also used when the villain was defeated….’
(** Ren is a nickname for Serenity, the original female lead, while Adil is Adilott)

The setting she had only read in a book was getting closer. As the high door to the ceiling approached, Mia took a small deep breath. Adilott looked back at the young woman who looked like a missing child.

“Mia Célestiel.”


“You don’t have to follow me here.”

Mia hardened her face.

‘What are you talking about? You have to announce that you decided to leave me alive so that people won’t touch me!’

Mia, who became agitated, whispered.

“Your Majesty. An Emperor needs to bring along at least a cool animal next to him to look more dignified!”

“I don’t think carrying you around will create dignity.”

“Right? I’m actually a cute type.”

Mia thought that the original Mia was the cute type of person. She managed to have such a proud expression while Adilott was giving her an indescribable look.

She was determined that she could do anything to survive; even by confusing the tyrant with nonsense.

Fortunately, Adilott only sighed and did not kick Mia out. Soon, a huge door covering the Emperor’s hall opened. The gatekeeper shouted accordingly.

“Your Majesty, Emperor Adilott Genchen Schröder, the lost moon of Orquenina!”

As they entered the room, the chandelier’s lights and red insignia flowed down on their heads. Mia, who didn’t get nervous all the way here, had no choice but to be a little nervous.

All the high society rank people were gathered at the edge of the long passage.

Expensive clothes and accessories. A strict and strict face.

The awl-like eyes of the elderly ministers and expressionless knights all turned to Mia.

‘It’s okay. Adilott saved me, so no one can harm me.’

Mia swallowed her saliva and followed Adilott a few steps back.

Adilott walked on the red carpet and calmly sat on the throne. It was a natural movement for a person born with such privilege to receive the attention of others from the beginning.

When everyone found a seat, one of the ministers opened his mouth for the first time.

“Your Majesty…?”

Mia looked at the voice’s owner.

Gray hair and brown eyes. Single lens that covered the left eye.

Thanks to his characteristic appearance, she could tell who it was at first sight.

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‘It’s the Marquis of Gras!’

Marquis Gras played a role in arguing about everything when Serenity entered the Imperial Palace in the original book. He was also a supporter of Adilott’s political opponent Queen Chrysor. He looked very uncomfortable.


Marquis Gras cleared his throat at Adilott’s answer.

“That young lady, no, that person, is…. Isn’t she the daughter of a traitor, Célestiel?”

“That’s right.”

“But why is she here….? I am sure that there is no way Your Majesty is unaware of how to proceed with an execution.”

Mia immediately frowned. It was an open mockery that he killed a lot of people. However, Adilott responded calmly.

“You do seem to have a lot of worries about death, Marquis”

If you don’t want to be included in the list of those who have been killed by me, be quiet. Marquis Gras, who got the meaning, wriggled.

“….It is natural for a servant to worry about the safety of Your Majesty, who is responsible for the future of the Orquenina. So for what reason is she here?”

Ferdinand stepped up to answer the question.

“Mia Célestiel remains to receive the deeds of her father. She also pledged his loyalty to His Majesty. His Majesty decided to take her and keep her alive.”

Marquis Gras immediately made an impression upon hearing Ferdinand’s explanation.

“It doesn’t make sense. It is the national law for traitors to be executed along with their three generations of descendants. Also, she could be one of his allies, but how…”

“Marquis of Gras. Are you going against His Majesty’s will?”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Then follow His Majesty like a god.”


The two glared at each other.

“Please calm down, both of you.”

Someone stepped forward, clapping his hand together.

“The sincerity of the two people who think of what could be the best for Orquenina was well conveyed. First of all, why don’t you celebrate your successful suppression of the rebellion?”

An ivory robe with light brown hair. Mia muttered without realizing it as she saw his eyes bend affectionately over his silver-rimmed glasses.

“…. Sub-lead character 3!”

Joaquin Kirch.

He was the third male lead and the prime minister of Orquenina in 〈Serenity in the Rose Garden〉.

‘So many handsome people.’

Mia admired his looks and watched the three-way war between Joaquin, Ferdinand, and Marquis of Gras.

“I was just worried that His Majesty would go the wrong path.”

“His Majesty is always right.”

“His Majesty isn’t always correct, of course.”

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The Marquis of Gras, Ferdinand, and Joaquin argued in turn. The conversation showed each person’s personalities. And of course, the winner of the conversation was the prime minister with a smiling face.

“It is our priority to give appreciation to the knights by holding a feast and giving them a break right now. We should celebrate on such a good occasion.”

Joaquin said so and winked at the knights who seemed to want it to end quickly.

“….We should talk about this issue again at the next meeting.”

Eventually, the Marquis of Gras stepped down, kicking his tongue.

Finally, the room became quiet. Adilott looked around without hesitation.

“It’s quieter than usual today.”

He smiled and added.

“That’s weird. You used to pester me when I had done something.”

As he said that, Adilott put his hand on his waist. The nobles were avoiding his gaze.

‘I’m kind of scared right now, but I could be dead if I move.’

Moreover, because he led the army, Adilott was in his heavy armor, and so were the knights who supported him. They were glaring as if they would not let them go if they said nonsense, and in the end, no one dared to talk carelessly.

Soon, Ferdinand took a step in front of the cynical Adilott.

“Your Majesty, I will lead the army to trace Count Célestiel.”

“Do whatever you want. But don’t do anything unnecessary.”


“Isn’t it the Count’s precious child here? He will come around someday.”

Ferdinand’s eyes widened at Adilott’s answer. He soon bowed his head politely.

“I will heed to your order.”

“Then this is it for today. I leave the rest up to the prime minister.”

“Please don’t worry, and rest well today, Your Majesty.”

Then Adilott got up from his seat.

“What will you do with this?”

Ferdinand asked.

“Just put her anywhere….”

Adilott, who was answering casually, stopped and looked back at Mia. The same was true of Ferdinand.

Along with that, Joaquin also smiled vaguely.

“Originally, criminals were bound for dungeons, but…”

He paused for a moment and glanced at Mia.


At the sight of the three men, Mia blinked because she didn’t know what to do. Then, she opened her eyes wide like a staring contest.

She had a face like ‘I won’t lose!’ and a strange false laugh came out of the three men’s mouths at the same time.

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