It’s difficult to prepare and then clean up afterward. The amount of time I actually spend executing a strategy is extremely limited and not a big deal. If you want to do something, preparation is important, and the hardest thing is cleaning up after you finish.

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If I had to say what I wanted to say… it would be that the Polsky Kingdom Army’s invasion was too hard to deal with and nothing of worth was done!

First of all… it’s already been 5 days since the battle ended. In the meantime, the 300-strong enemy unit that had become a rescue party also surrendered to us.

Apparently, my strategy went well, and those 300 men were dispatched to rescue the burning navy in the Hulk Sea. The Koenigsvelg side also knew that some troops were moving, and we had received reports, but the interrogation of prisoners confirmed their purpose, and how we could trust they were who they said they were.

As soon as I found that this dispatch was still alive, I decided to take some generals, such as Janzicka, and some other general staff to go press the rescue force to surrender.

I knew the number of enemies, and basically, my goal was to have the captured generals order a surrender, so my mother led a galleon crew along with a Koenigsvelg unit. I don’t know what happened there, but the detachment they captured was terribly frightened, and the number didn’t match what I had heard, so there must have been some kind of conflict. I don’t want to go into too much detail, so I didn’t ask for details.

There were supposed to be more than 300 people, including those who had gone out for reconnaissance and scouting, and those who had gone to the rescue of the ships, but the captured detachment was slightly less than 300 people. The number of enemies captured in the Battle at Koenigsvelg is less than 200, so even if you add them together, they total less than 500.

And according to information from the enemy navy, there were 9 warships that had been dispatched. Four ships were burned just before heading to Danzihi, and 4 more were sunk during the blockade of Lake Vistra. The remaining one came from the direction of Lake Vistra during the Siege of Koenigsvelg and rushed over, but it was also half-burned by Mikoto and Louisa’s magic and surrendered, so the navy was annihilated.

The Polsky Navy ship from Lake Vistra was slightly burnt by the two’s magic, but it was extinguished before it was completely destroyed, so it’s still afloat. It is currently moored off Lake Vistra to isolate some enemy prisoners of war.

The number of navy survivors is about 200 people, including those who were on board 1 of the captured ships, and a few people who were rescued from the Hulk Sea bringing the total number of POWs to nearly 700.

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You might think that 700 would be a lot of prisoners since the enemy army was 3,000 heads strong, but that’s not the case. The navy is not included in the 3,000 men, so in terms of the army, only 500 men remain out of the 3,000 men. If you think 5/6ths of them are dead, you can see how devastating this attack was. There’s no way to go to war with such a merciless and senseless sacrifice of so many people.

The Polsky Navy also had nearly 2,000 crew members, but only 200 of them remained, so the navy suffered more damage. There is no place to escape on the sea, so if the ship sinks, a large number of crew members will naturally sink with it, so this is inevitable.

As a result, the total number of enemies is about 5,000, and the number of survivors including the injured is less than 700, so it can no longer function as an army. Regarding the invasion of Koenigsvelg this time, I think it’s fine to conclude that it ended in a complete failure and there is no way to recover from this.

But the troublesome thing about war is that it doesn’t end there. In this case, the Kingdom of Polsky invaded the Kingdom of Ploiss without a declaration of war, and even if we won the tactical and strategic aspects of defending Koenigsvelg, it would not end there. From now on, the war between the Kingdom of Ploiss and the Kingdom of Polsky will not end unless some kind of settlement is reached.

During this time, reinforcements from the Caan and Carruthers territories arrived, and the combined army of the Caan and Carruthers families has already exceeded 1,000 total with the army alone. Of course, most of them are soldiers of House Carruthers, and even though there hasn’t been a war with the Kingdom of Frasia recently, I’m worried that it’s okay to send this many soldiers over here.

But the most surprising thing is the speed of the mobilization. After I received the news in the royal capital, I also sent an order to the territory, but I can’t hide my surprise that 1,000 troops were mobilized and dispatched in just a few days.

Of course, it was the House Caan Merchant Fleet that transported them, and thanks to the boat trip, the travel time was considerably shortened, and there was no need to worry about replenishment. The Knights of Caan and the House Caan Merchant Fleet have completed preparations for departure in just a few days, and have even stocked supplies.

The House Caan Merchant Fleet had a rented warehouse in Koenigsvelg and it is now packed with large amounts of provisions and ammunition. The trade goods that were originally placed there were sent to Koenigsvelg, which were in short supply due to the blockade, and the supplies of the Caan and Carruthers Allied Forces were stored in other rented warehouses.

The fleet that came this time not only replenished the cannonballs and gunpowder of the galleon ships, but also the other ships in the fleet. Furthermore, thanks to the cooperation of other Caanza Alliance members, sea transport is now being carried out at a tremendous speed, and Koenigsvelg is currently overflowing with wartime supplies. With this, it might be possible to survive sieges at the castle walls year after year.

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We’re a minority, so I can understand why decisions are made quickly because I’m a one-man system with light decision-making speed at the top, but it only takes this much time for House Carruthers to mobilize a 1,000-strong force and depart for the front lines. It was too unexpected.

I guess it’s not fair to say that, since they’ve been protecting the border between the Kingdom of Frasia and the Demon Country for many years. It’s because they already had that kind of system in place over the years that we’re able to move quickly in an emergency like this. This is a place that House Caan should emulate. To be honest, I have to say that I was jealous of my father. I never thought that there was a Feudal Lord who laid down such a system in such an era.

To be frank, most wars in this era are carefree. There are also wars that are only fought for half a year, or in some cases for years or just laying siege with no clashes. If the one who attacks is carefree, the one who defends is also carefree, and it is an era when reinforcements finally arrive after enduring many months and the siege is lifted and the besieged settlements are liberated.

At a time like that, who would have thought that someone would be able to summon 1,000 units of troops in just a few days and deploy them immediately? If he came from a far earlier era than mine, then I have no choice but to admit that my father is quite capable of reaching that far on his own. He wasn’t underestimated from the beginning, but now I’ve realized I wasn’t appreciating him enough.

The Frasia border is a little uneasy, but it seems that the neighboring lords and kingdoms are dispatching support as a backup, so let’s concentrate on this one front. It’s a good story to finish quickly. It will take a considerable amount of time for the Kingdom of Frasia to notice the opening of House Carruthers’s missing garrison and prepare for an invasion themselves. We should be back by then.

Apparently, the officer I fought one on one, General Janzicka, was also the guy who crossed swords with my mother many times. It’s just that he’s the same as me, even though he’s crossed swords with Mother, it seems that he only managed to escape each time rather than beat her. In my case, even though I didn’t really come to kill him, it was all he could do to escape the surety of death from Mother.

Nevertheless, General Janzicka is undoubtedly a superhuman and seems to be the strongest class of warriors in the Kingdom of Polsky. He probably had a lot already working against him when he fought me. He was chased by fire, and while being bombarded by cannonballs, he couldn’t just run and had to protect the other generals, staff officers, and that old fart called the magnate. Even if it’s a situation where you can’t do your best, you can’t stop, either.

The magnate, Mikalojus Lazicki, has a broken nose and can no longer be interrogated. He has broken teeth as well, and even if you let him speak, he just says “fuga, fuga” and you can’t understand much. It seems that the other generals and staff members have given up and are obediently responding to the interrogation, so I have a general understanding of the Kingdom of Polsky’s status.

After the siege of Koenigsvelg was settled, the news was also sent to the royal capital, so it may be about time for a reply from Wilhelm and Dietrich. Do you not want to expand the front line any further, or do you intend to continue until Polsky surrenders…? That’s not for me or my father to decide. Now I just have to wait for a reply from the royals.

And then…

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“Baron Floto!”

“Stefan… at least knock before you enter the room…” I said.

Stefan entered without knocking at the House Caan Merchant Fleet Office in Koenigsvelg, a temporary assignment for the circumstances.

“I beg your forgiveness! I wasn’t brought up well, so I’m ignorant of such customs…” Stefan said.

No, it’s not like that… no matter how many times I say it, he won’t learn… if it’s the first time, it might be worth listening to that line, but no matter how many times I warn him, he says it’s because of his upbringing that he can’t fix it, or because he hasn’t learned manners. It’s just that he doesn’t want to change.

After eliminating the Polsky Army that had besieged Koenigsvelg, Stefan apologized for his impoliteness earlier and bowed his head, begging me to let him serve as a subordinate. I’m not sure because of his youth, though… well, House Caan is always understaffed, so people who want to join are welcome, but there are many secrets, so people who can’t be trusted can’t easily be let in.

Therefore, in order to check whether Stefan can be trusted, I temporarily entrusted him to Schwartz. For Stefan is a man of the sea, as he was the Admiral of Koenigsvelg. He’s still young, but he seems to have some experience as a sailor… apparently.

I’m wondering if the Koenigsvelg Admiral was missing, but it seems that he’s just been forced to play the role, so there’s no problem.

Stefan’s personality is also honest, he is quite outspoken, and has the ability to take action. And even though he’s called the Admiral of the Navy, the members themselves are just a group of workers who worked at the port and sailors who lost their ships and guarded the port, instead. It seems that Stefan was only raised to the title because he was already their leader.

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Since the Siege of Koenigsvelg has already been lifted and our navy is also on guard around the area, there is no problem even if Koenigsvelg’s troops return to normal. The security guards are now only guarding the castle gates and walls as before, and the vigilantes are cooperating with the lack of stability and maintenance of public order. All other volunteers and the navy are to be disbanded.

Among them, Stefan and nearly 50 of his navy followers were to join House Caan Merchant Fleet at the same time that the Koenigsvelg Navy was dissolved. In addition, Stefan’s other subordinates who were no more than children who didn’t belong in the navy, or rather, mixed with actual children, joined together to form a large force of about 100 people.

Apparently, Stefan was organizing the port workers, their families, and the vagrants. Among them, he seems to have assigned those who had been working as port workers to join the navy, but during peacetime, some children had not yet reached adulthood who were helping with the labor, and those who were difficult to turn into a labor force. They have many smaller children. He wants them all in the House Caan Merchant Fleet.

So far, Schwartz said, it was almost impossible for Stefan to leak our info. Also, although he is young, he has a lot of experience, and Stefan himself seems to have the ability and experience to use it immediately. However, the other members serving under him are different in their proficiency and morale, so it can’t be said for all of them.

In particular, the children who have to earn their own food from now on, seem to admire Stefan and follow him firmly, but some of the adults seem to follow him reluctantly in order to keep eating. They seem to consider him a necessary problem.

Also, if there are that many, there may be people who sell information with low loyalty to the organization, or perhaps spies from the beginning. We will have to investigate all of them and reject those that are unacceptable. It’s helpful to have more people, but it’s hard to have more extra work controlling them.

“So… you came here for some business, didn’t you?” I asked Stefan.

“Oh! That’s right! A letter arrived for you, Lord Floto!” Stefan said.

“A letter……?”

Maybe the letter is suspicious. It’s probably an imperial decree from the King or something because it arrived at such timing and Stefan rushed to bring it. I received the sealed letter from Stefan while feeling a little uneasy about what kind of order was written in it.

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