I managed to return to the royal capital before the exams! But is it okay to take the tests in this state? I’m not talking about my not studying for exams, I didn’t even take classes for the last month, to begin with. I think it’s insane to take an exam like this.

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“It’s too much to take the exam while I’m like this…” I said.

“It’ll be fine, won’t it?” Mikoto said. “It’s okay if you have 0 marks in all subjects, so you can take it easy, right?”

Mikoto is so carefree… right now, both Mikoto and Alexandra are riding in my carriage and heading to school. I just got back yesterday, but today is the school exam. The schedule is almost the same as the previous term, so I will omit the details. I didn’t have time to research the boys’ practical exam, so I don’t know because it has nothing to do with me.

During the first term, I was involved in the boys’ practical exam as an escort for the Royal Guard Division, but this time I wasn’t told to be an escort. It’s almost impossible to say I could have made it in the first place. Even the Guards have preparations and meetings in advance, so we can’t talk about holding a meeting today, then deploying tomorrow.

It’s still better not to have people who haven’t been to the meetings and are unaware of how they’re supposed to cooperate. Everyone has the experience of being annoyed if there are people who do things on their own whether at work or play and don’t keep pace with the people around them. Furthermore, if it’s an important job that requires cooperation with your coworkers, such as an escort mission, they wouldn’t suddenly let someone who hasn’t been able to make it to the meetings. They’ll just end up interfering with the work.

To begin with, the Royal Guard Division itself is on an expedition, so there must have been considerable changes to the men’s exam this time. At least it won’t be the same as last year. It shouldn’t be the same content again even though the camp training was roughly done in the previous term.

Well, the boy’s exams don’t matter to me. I have more of a problem than that.

“You’re quite calm, Mikoto,” I said.

“That’s because we had a lot of free time while we were in Polsky, so we studied,” Mikoto said.

Huh!? What in the hell?! How unfair! Even though I was running around the battlefield with no time to study…

“I don’t think you studied that much, Mikoto…” Alexandra said.

“Hold it, Alexandra! What do you mean!?!” Mikoto yelled.

“I don’t know why you ask that, what I said is what it is,” Alexandra said.

Ooh! Alexandra also started speaking. I thought she was somewhat reserved with Mikoto due to the difference in their positions, but before I knew it, she seemed to have opened up quite a bit. I can’t tell if she’s joking or serious, but the fact that she can say that much is proof that she’s fairly close and has no reservations with Mikoto. It’s not that they’re on bad terms, but that they’re friends.

“So Alexandra was studying too….” I said, “but then, it’s just me…”

“You had various tutors at your home,” Alexandra said. “I had to take all the classes in the second semester.”

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It’s still unfair…. it would be bad if I didn’t get a perfect score in all subjects as I did in the previous term, but at least I wouldn’t tarnish the name of House Carruthers. From what I’ve felt so far, most of the things I learned from my tutors in the past should have been taught at least once even if I didn’t attend class… I wonder how much I can do…

In no time, I and Mikoto finished the entire battery of tests. All that’s left is Alexandra’s practical test because that was scheduled for later. I don’t know about the practical exam, but the paper test is… I think it’s probably a perfect score if it’s self-grading. I can’t write the answer on the question paper and take it home, so I can’t check it. It’s just a self-grading based on my memory and confidence.

I think it’s almost done. I myself can probably think that it is a perfect score. There is no way to judge practical skills because only the teacher who grades them knows how many marks are given. I don’t think I’ve gotten enough grades to avoid tarnishing the name of House Carruthers.

“Do you have a moment, Flora?”


After that, my father came to where we were waiting for Alexandra to finish her practical exam. Well, this is the Carruthers Residence in the royal capital, so it’s my father’s house… moving on, I was surprised at the appearance of someone who shouldn’t have been here. Father should still be busy in Polsky, but what happened?

“I’m going to the royal castle now,” he said. “You must change into your baron’s formal attire immediately.”

“Huh…? Ah, yes…” I said.

I didn’t understand what he said for a moment, but I started preparing in a hurry. Did something happen? My father was supposed to be on the battlefield, but suddenly came back in a hurry without contacting me, and on the same day he asked me to join him at the royal castle… no matter how you look at it, it smells like trouble.

But I can’t say it’s troublesome, so I change my clothes as I’m told. My father seems to be ready, so he’s waiting for me. I can’t make him wait too long, so I have to hurry.

“Thank you for waiting, Father. Do we need anyone accompanying us?” I asked.

“There is no need,” Father said. “We can go with only those invited.”

With that, I turned to Katharina standing behind me.

“Understood. Katharina, I leave the house to you,” I said.

“Yes, Miss Flora,” Katharina said. “Safe travels to you.”

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Katharina must have been willing to follow me, but if my father said so, she wouldn’t be able to go against him. She bowed her head as she wanted to say it without letting any expression of her dissatisfaction show. But I know. The current Katharina is definitely full of dissatisfaction and is pouting a little angrily. Lately, I’ve come to understand the subtleties of women’s emotions.

Fufufufu……. At this rate, the day will soon come when I can turn into a love master and a lady killer. The day will soon come when you can read a woman’s heart and steal it.

Since I expected trouble from now on, I fled from reality while we rode a carriage to the castle.

As soon as we arrived at the royal castle, we headed to the reception. And as soon as Father finished the reception procedure, he was let through to the back. He was far away so I couldn’t hear everything, but from what I heard he probably didn’t make any promises. Despite that, I think it’s a great deal to be able to get through there as soon as you arrive.

Well… even if I come to the royal castle, I’m almost waved through right away, so it’s not very convincing, isn’t it such a big deal? It may seem like it, but it’s not. It’s unusual to be able to visit the king or prime minister of a country without making an appointment and meeting them on the spot.

I think it’s probably because I’m passing through right away because of my souvenirs. No, I don’t know, but I can’t think of any other reason.

When I climb up to the castle, I usually bring some souvenirs. Recently, it’s become commonplace, or rather, it’s all about the same things, but even so, the royal family and the prime minister jump at my souvenirs every time. It’s worth it for the person I’m gifting it to be happy, but I can’t help but wonder if the royal family and the prime minister are fine with that…

Anyway, I think that they will come to meet me soon, or I can meet them right away because they are looking for souvenirs. But normally, they’re the kind of person you’d be able to meet after making an appointment and waiting for weeks, or even months if you’re unlucky. They’re not casual partners to be able to meet on the same day you visit the royal castle.

Even so, when my father told the receptionist something today, the messenger ran in a hurry and we were immediately let through past reception. No matter how you look at it, this just smells like trouble. I want to go home if possible… I don’t have a part in this, do I? I don’t want it, right? Wouldn’t it be better if I talked with my father, rather than Wilhelm or Dietrich?

I felt like a child who didn’t want to go to school, and even though I was reluctant, I was guided deep into the royal castle. It’s not a room for official affairs, such as an audience room. We’re passed through to the inner palace, that is, the private rooms. I’ve been led through here many times and met with Wilhelm and Dietrich, but I’ve never come with my father.

My father will probably be sent to the inner palace as well. He once entered the inner palace with me. But it is, so to speak, a reception room. You could say it’s a place to welcome guests into the inner palace. I suppose I can explain it as someone being friendly enough to invite them to your house, but you haven’t let them hang out in your bedroom and only dealt with them in the living room if that helps you understand things.

But this time, I was sent to the room I often go to, so to speak, the living room. Isn’t this a massive deal? Father should have been on an expedition to the Kingdom of Polsky and was waging war, now suddenly he’s back and was summoned to the King’s private room… My stomach is starting to hurt. I want to go home…….

“You’re here.”

“Your Majesty!?”

When we got to the room, Wilhelm was already waiting. There is also Dietrich. It would be quite reasonable for the two of us to come first and wait for them. During the greeting, we were also urged to sit down, and we immediately went to the main topic. A normal high-ranking aristocrat would probably make redundant greetings, but my father dislikes such things, and since Wilhelm and Dietrich are the ones who prioritize practical work, this part is omitted and things go smoothly.

Normally, skipping greetings to the king or prime minister would not be allowed, but this person is the type to take practical matters rather than such pomp and circumstance. On official occasions, he is fastidious about manners, but at times like this, practicality takes precedence.

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“Now then… I want to get straight to the point. Is the previous report true?” Wilhelm asked.

“Yes. They’ve already sent a messenger,” Father said.

But I have no idea what they are talking about. They say it’s the main subject or news, but I don’t know what to do because I haven’t been informed of anything.

“Hmm… it’s been a little over a month… this was unexpected for me as well,” Dietrich said. “Is it Princess Flora’s skill once more?”

“Yes,” Father said. “It is most certainly the direct result of Lord Caan’s strategy and command.”

Huh? What? What are you talking about? Everyone stares at me, but I’m the only one who can’t keep up with the conversation. I want you to at least tell me what is going on. Why didn’t my father explain it even in the carriage until we came here? I’m the only one who can’t keep up with the story, but when someone says something about me, I get really uneasy.

“Haah…” Wilhelm sighed, “even though it’s a small country, you can’t usually get them to surrender in a month…”

………… Mm?

“We have also had the messenger sent to the royal capital,” Father said. “We will have a formal meeting later…”

…… Hmm?

“So the conditions for their surrender are…”

“As for this…”

“And as for our domestic response…”

The three of them are talking about something, but I can’t keep up because I can’t organize my thoughts. What did these people just say? Surrender? Whose surrendering? Since my father returned with a messenger, it must be the Kingdom of Polksy’s… and surrender? Already? Just this one campaign?

Certainly, the Hulk Sea coast and some further inland areas were occupied. No, speaking from the Kingdom’ of Ploiss’s standpoint, should I say that it was recaptured? It doesn’t matter which way it is now, but it’s true that we captured the coastal area and defeated part of the enemy’s army and navy. But is that enough to surrender? Or is it something else? Let’s just do a bit of clashing and then be done with it, something like that?

I see……. if that’s true……. maybe they should have paid some compensation and gotten rid of us. Return the occupied territories, receive reparations, and make them promise not to interfere with the isolated free cities on the coast in the future. It must be like that.

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Thinking about it normally, if the battle continues like this, the Houses Caan and Carruthers Allied Forces will be at the disadvantage. If the Kingdom of Plosky seriously mobilizes its troops, the combined forces of two local feudal lords will likely be overwhelmed by the difference in military strength.

So I guess it’s high tide and time to get back on the boats so we can be carried out to sea quickly. I don’t force myself to be greedy either, and the other party admits defeat and settles with a small amount of compensation. I see. Then I agree. I took the time to liberate many towns and give speeches, but unfortunately, the occupied territories will be returned to Polsky and the reparations will be paid.

“Then to Princess Flora…”

“… And then, with that…”

“… I see, so then…”

“Understood… then with this…”




“… That should be it… are you okay with this, Flora?” Wilhelm asked.

“Huh? Ah, yes?” I said.

What? The king suddenly asked me a question.

“I see… It’s fine if you agree. I’ll leave the rest to you,” Wilhelm said.

“Huh?” I said.

Wait, what? I didn’t agree, I just asked back. What are you talking about? Hey? Wait a minute……. isn’t this some kind of ominous pattern? That’s how it felt. If we don’t stop it now, it will be irreversible.

“Then let’s formally visit the messenger and gather the domestic nobles at a later date to make a formal decision. Shall we head back today, Lord Caan?” Father asked.

Wait a minute!? I feel like it’s going to be dangerous if it stays like this! But I can’t say I haven’t even listened yet!? What’s up with this!?

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