On that day, high-ranking nobles, ministers, generals, and all officials in and around the capital were gathered for an emergency meeting. Most of them enter the room confused, having not even been told what was going on.

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However, some people guessed what the emergency meeting was for via information from various channels. However, at the time, none of the people who had the information thought that the meeting would turn out to be different from what they expected.

All gathered in a room of the royal castle and then had their eyes glued on the person who stood out the most. The man is small, but he wears an eerie mask and hides his body with a cloak. Even from a distance, they have no idea who he is. Those who sat in the conference room were filled with a little fear and a lot of curiosity because of this strange and alien existence.

“What is with that?”

“Now…? What is going on…”

Duke Johann von Nassam entered with his entourage, looked around the conference room, and frowned at the strange-looking person. Being in this place meant you would be a nobleman or a government official in a fairly important position, but they can’t help but say that his mysterious appearance is too much of a joke.

An aristocrat must dress like an aristocrat. A person with such a ridiculous appearance has no right to call himself a noble.

Just when Johann was thinking of approaching the other person to say a word, the door at the back opened and King Wilhelm entered the room. Duke Nassam realized that the meeting was about to begin, and took his seat, wondering if there was anything he could say directly.

“Everyone, I apologize for calling you out so suddenly,” Wilhelm said. “This time it’s an emergency, so I’ll ignore some manners and conventions and get straight to the point.”


The King himself said so in his greeting. Even so, Duke Nassam frowns. Normally, the king would be called into the room after everyone had taken their seats. Even so, there were some empty seats yet, and even though they weren’t all seated, Wilhelm came in and began to speak continuously.

Not graceful at all. The dignity of the King was lost. After all, a King like this is useless. A king of kings must be graceful, intelligent, and charming to others like Nassam was. While thinking about such things, he casually ignores the first greetings and words.

“Among other reasons, I have gathered you here today to discuss the war against the Kingdom of Polsky,” Wilhelm said.


The room rumbles and the meeting room echoes. What a surprise! Duke Nassam sneered at the other nobles, thinking to himself that it would be natural to have such information.

Duke Nassam has already obtained that information from his connections with the Principality of Aust. The other incompetent nobles will be surprised by what followed next. But Nassam already knows. With a sense of superiority, he waits for the next words.

“We are at war with the Kingdom of Polsky… but the other day, an official envoy from the Kingdom of Polsky came,” Wilhelm said. “And now a peace conference is being held in Waalzaw, Polsky’s royal capital, to discuss the terms of their surrender.”


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“You have to be joking…”

“If I remember correctly, it’s only been about a month since the war started…”

Those who are participating in the meeting are surprised by the King’s words. It is hard to believe that a peace conference is already being held when it was just announced that the war had just begun. Everyone wondered what had happened.

But Duke Nassam is not surprised. Since the Principality of Aust was involved in this peace conference, they had obtained information that the Kingdom of Polsky had already surrendered via Aust’s intervention. He watches the others being surprised with a sense of superiority. At times like this, he feels his greatness.

“We have not yet fully ratified the formal decision and the treaty, but I will only speak to the broad policy and decisions,” Wilhelm said.


And at that, Wilhelm began to talk about the course of the war between Ploiss and Polsky. Hearing that, even Duke Nassam was surprised. It is said that they occupied most of the Hulk Sea coast in just one month from the start of the war. He can’t believe that report. It’s not something you would normally think of.

“I can’t believe that we achieved such great results in one month! Isn’t this an exaggeration of the results of the local forces?”

One of the nobles gives his opinion. That’s what everyone thinks. It’s too insane. Who could occupy such a vast territory in less than a month? Putting aside the fact that they just marched on an empty plain, they have taken down all the big cities and important bases here and there. It can’t be possible.

“The war results are real,” Wilhelm said. “The other country, the Kingdom of Polsky, also recognizes this as truth. And… peace will return all these territories to our country. Do you understand? If we had not achieved such great results, the enemy would not have surrendered yet. And they would not have accepted the restitution as they did. That is your answer.”

Once again, the meeting room becomes noisy. What he is saying certainly makes sense. He is also persuasive. Above all, the words after that were much more important.

“At the peace conference currently under negotiation, the conditions for surrender are almost agreed upon, that these regions, along with the southern region, will all be returned to our country,” Wilhelm said. “We will also get customs rights to the Hulk Sea trade against Polsky.”


“That far…?”

The range indicated by Wilhelm is too vast. Certainly, if they don’t have a considerable amount of battle results, the opponent won’t concede so far either. The terms of this peace agreement, more than anything else, confirm the Kingdom of Ploiss’s great achievements.

“However, there have been some troublesome people intervening in this peace treaty…” Wilhelm said. “The Principalities of Aust and Moscove joined the discussions under the guise of mediation, and in return, they are demanding that the Kingdom of Polsky cede its territory. We have no choice but to allow them to.”

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Those participating in the conference will be shown the territories to be ceded and interventions by the Principalities of Aust and Moscove. Some of the nobles were angry at the filthy practices of both countries, but there were also many who shrugged off such things because it was a daily occurrence.

Even if they protest to both principalities here, if they reject the peace treaty, they will have to go to war against those three countries. The current Kingdom of Ploiss does not have the strength to fight against three countries at the same time. Furthermore, if there is a quagmire war in the east, Frasia in the west will move to take advantage. Of course, the nobles also knew about that much.

Duke Nassam also knew through the Principality of Aust that both principalities would claim territories at the peace conference. He didn’t know how much it would actually be, but that’s what Wilhelm just told him. As the Duke of Nassam, it doesn’t matter how much other countries take. What is more important than that is how to distribute the huge profits obtained this time.

“In other words, you called this emergency meeting to discuss how to distribute the huge profits of this vast reclaimed territory and customs rights, yes?” Nassam said. “Well, House Nassam will be glad to manage about half of it for you.”

Naturally, a noble like Duke Nassam would have to receive about half of what they got. It’s a natural right. Let’s distribute the rest to the nobles of other factions. Thinking that, Nassam waited for the next words.

“What are you talking about?” Wilhelm said. “There is no way you are getting any of this land.”

“………… Huh?”

However, King Wilhelm cut off Duke Nassam’s long-awaited words. The other nobles were also confused by Wilhelm’s words because they were calculating where they could get and how much profit they could make.

“This territory and customs rights all belong to those who fought in this war,” Wilhelm said.


Hearing King Wilhelm’s words, not only Duke Nassam but also other nobles began to get noisy. Most people make a fuss about the king’s tyranny and monopoly.

“SILENCE!” Wilhelm yelled.


The meeting room fell silent as the shout echoed. Even Duke Nassam was swallowed up by the king’s power and fell silent.

“Did you gentlemen do anything useful? Did you think that people who are doing nothing but hindering others can benefit from the achievements of those who have worked?”


Wilhelm’s gaze is clearly looking at Duke Nassam. He looked down at him as if he were admonishing an idiot…

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It was unforgivable. After all, Wilhelm and his faction can only be royalty because they are supported by House Nassam. He only carried a foolish Wilhelm who seemed easy to manipulate as a puppet. And yet… nevertheless, you shouldn’t look down on Duke Johann von Nassam, who holds all of that power over him still.

“All the territories that Polsky returned at this time will be given to Baron Caan,” Wilhelm said.


And once again, the nobles in the meeting room were surprised by those words. They thought that limiting it to the people who participated in the war meant it would be distributed among more nobles, but it was unheard of for such a vast territory to be given to just one baron. It has already passed the line of tyranny into insanity.

“What is there to be surprised about?” Wilhelm said. “All of the military results this time were under the command of Baron Caan. The strategy plans, the command of the ground forces, and the administration of the occupied territories were all done by Baron Caan. I have to give him what he deserves.”

The meeting room fell silent. It doesn’t mean they agree or approve. They just don’t know what to say about so many arguments.

“First of all, I would like to confirm something,” General Alfred said, turning to one member. “Might that masked person over there be Baron Caan?”

With that, everyone’s eyes turned to the person wearing the eerie mask.

“Indeed,” Wilhelm said, immediately and while nodding.

It’s not something to hide and there’s no point in hiding it. That’s what he’s sitting there for.

“Is that so…? First of all, I would like to thank you on behalf of the military,” Alfred said, getting up and bowing deeply.

The kingdom’s military did nothing this time. It was of no use even though it was attacked by another country and it was at war. It’s something that the military should not be allowed to do, but instead, they are grateful to those who fought. And thanks for causing no casualties to their army. He was bowing his head with all of those emotions combined.

“On behalf of the military, we are in favor of Baron Caan’s possession of these lands,” Alfred said.

“Wh-What are you talking about!?!” Nassam said, standing up himself.

But it was clear to everyone. which one is correct? Which words are more persuasive?

“The military has no authority to decide such things!” Nassam said, glaring at Alfred as he banged on the table. “If the kingdom has acquired new territory, it belongs to all the kingdom’s nobles! We have the right to obtain it!”

But General Alfred doesn’t yield.

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“The East Plossian territory be returned this time was originally the territory of Ploiss,” Alfred said. “It is not a ‘newly acquired territory’ as you so claim. Baron Caan and his men fought with blood and sweat to have the right to rule over this land. And the cowards who did not fight should not get even a handful of dirt!”

“Wha?! How?! You-You dare to speak to me… you insolent bastard!”

At being called a coward, Duke Nassam turned red and trembled with anger. What a humiliation. It is absolutely unacceptable.

“It’s just as General Alfred said…” another nobleman said.

“What?! Even you, Lord Sormus!?”

At that point, even Minister Sormus threw his lot with Alfred. The turmoil spreads not only to Duke Nassam, but also to other nobles.

“In this war, the Kingdom of Ploiss and its other nobles have not sent a single soldier, let alone a piece of bread,” Sormus said. “You have said yourselves that you would not give them relief supplies, rations, or even money for the war. How shameful it is to say that such a person should be given a share of what the soldiers have won? Let those who have fought for the regained lands rule over them now.”


Many nobles fell silent. Of course, they’re not convinced. But they can’t argue with that. It’s all true. At the beginning of the war, the nobles who were here opposed sending reinforcements, war supplies, provisions, and even war expenses.

Under such circumstances, who has the right to say that those who have fought with their own soldiers, supplies, and war expenses should give some of the results they have earned to unrelated others? If everyone protests, Wilhelm may be defeated. However, they can’t say that they’ll still retain the pride of a nobleman, imitating poor men begging for donations of land and money.

“There seems to be no objection? Duke Nassam?” Wilhelm asked.


Nassam wanted to yell his protest. However, even if you shout it on this occasion, it will only be repelled by those around you. He’s not going to stay silent like this, but it’s bad to say unnecessary things right now. Duke Nassam, a great aristocrat with thousands of mountains and thousands of seas under his domain, knows that much.

“Then, with the results of this war, Baron Caan will be promoted to a viscount, and the returned East Plossian territory will be granted to him,” Wilhelm said. “And from now on, the East Plossian territory will be called the ‘Caan Knights Nation’!”

“Oh, the Caan Knights Nation, is it? That sounds good,” Alfred said.

“Mhm, mhm,” Sormus hummed in agreement.

With the support of two major figures, the others around them began to acknowledge the decision, albeit reluctantly. Thus, the promotion of Baron Caan and the establishment of the “Caan Knights Nation” were decided.

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