Warning: Teens and the story are VERY horny in this chapter.

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Haah~……I finally returned to Cien. I didn’t know what to do when Cobenhaven was about to get into a volatile fight and Karl ended up hungover, but I was relieved to be back safely in my territory.

My plan was to return to Caanburg by the end of the day, but today I have no choice but to stay in Cien. It would be cruel to put Karl as he is now on a carriage again and go over the Hexennacht mountain range.

I can’t help but think he was just an old man of ripe age who drank too much and became hungover, but I also drank too much in my previous life and got into trouble. Alcohol is a magical drink. Even people who don’t usually drink too much can sometimes end up doing just that and up hungover.

Even if you drink the same amount as usual, you may get a hangover depending on your physical condition. There will be times when you get a hangover from drinking alcohol that you have never had before. There are times when I drink in a different environment, like a restaurant, and end up drinking more than usual.

I can’t laugh at how embarrassing it is to see someone with a hangover. Because you don’t know when it will happen to you. That’s why I don’t feel like blaming Karl for having a hangover in this situation.

To begin with, I think that there may have been an interruption like that, so I have plenty of time on the schedule. There is absolutely no need to return to Caanburg today. It was a sea voyage and I was supposed to stop by a foreign country like Cobenhaven, so I thought it might not go as planned.

And thanks to the boat trip, the travel time is much shorter this time. It’s enough because I’ve been able to reduce the travel time by more than 10 days compared to last time.

Well, I have a lot of things to do when I end up having free days, but…

Anyway, we decided to let House Reingen rest at Cien’s Villa, which was being renovated, and we also stayed at Cien. If they could have, they’ll talk about the engagement between their children, so it’s a matter that both families should do as they wish… but even though it’s how it’s supposed to be, I can’t just leave the former marquis and his family alone.

At the very least, I would have to take care of basic sightseeing, transportation, and Helmut’s house. After that, Houses Reingen and Royce should do as they please. I can’t go out with them any longer.

After showing Karl to his room so that he can rest, I immediately head to the office. I want to flirt with my wives because it’s a good opportunity too, but it’s still too early in the day. If you don’t do your job properly and play dumb, you won’t be qualified to be a ruler. If you’re playing after doing what you needed to and well, there’s no reason to complain.


It’s a long-awaited vacation… and my wives’ physical contact with me is gradually becoming more extreme… is it okay to expect something around this time? Do you expect something like “mhm-fufufu”?

For that reason, let’s work hard first. The paperwork should have been circulating around while I was gone, so I started processing it in the office.

The work… the work doesn’t decrease… how strange……. how many hours have I been stuck at my desk?

“Miss Floto, I brought you some documents,” Isabella said.

“… Please leave it there,” I said.

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It’s so weird! I got as many documents as I just processed! Seriously, no kidding, my work doesn’t decrease! Why is this so?!

“Pardon the interruption. Miss Flora, why don’t you take a break now?”

“Katharina?” I asked.

She arrived after I was staring at the documents for so long. When I looked outside, the sun had already set and it was pitch black. It was still early in the day when I arrived at Cien, but where did all that time go?

“That’s right…” I said. “Anyway, even if I do it for longer, the efficiency won’t improve… let’s take a break…”

It seems that human concentration lasts only about 30 minutes. I’ve heard that if you just work by overcoming inertia, the efficiency will drop. I don’t know how true that is, but to some extent it’s true. I don’t know if it’s actually 30 minutes for everyone, but even if you do it for a long time, it’s just listless and inefficient work.

Stop if you want to stop. If you want to rest, rest. And if you want to restart, restart. It’s better to work with sharpness.

I stand up and flex my neck. Yeah… not very troubled. As expected of a young body. If it was an old man’s body like in my previous life, it would have been creaking, but I don’t feel like I’m burdened, whether it’s because I’m a girl or because I’m young.

“Why don’t you relax in the bath for once?” Katharina said.

“A bath, you said…? That sounds good,” I said.

I haven’t taken a long bath lately, and a warm bath would be perfect for my tired body. Here you can immerse yourself in a large bathtub. As a former Japanese citizen, I don’t feel like I’ve taken a bath unless I soak in the water.

I head to the bathroom as guided by Katharina. Even though I’m still in the dressing room, I can feel the heat coming from the bathroom. The glass was cloudy and I could easily imagine that it was filled with warm hot water.

“Today, please put this on and then take a bath,” Katharina said.

“………… Huh?”

I try to unfold the items Katharina gave me… it’s triangular… this is…

It is triangular in the middle and has strings on both sides. The bottom of the triangle has a strip of cloth attached to it, and it connects to a second triangle as a pair, and strings are on the corners of both.

The other is shaped like two triangles side by side. There is a string coming out of each corner, and the triangles are connected on both sides, but the opposite side and top strings are not connected anywhere.

Yes… this is the shape I’m familiar with. These are the bathing suits of the earth. A two-piece bikini type, too… should not exist in this world.

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Even on Earth, swimsuits were only developed in the span of 100, or 200 years. Until then, you enjoyed swimming in the sea while wearing normal clothes, wearing underwear, being naked, and so on. With the development of civilization and of trains, it became possible for inland people to easily move to the sea, and for the first time, swimming in the sea spread widely.


Of course, even in this world, swimming in the sea isn’t a big deal. People who aren’t from the coastal areas probably haven’t bathed in the sea. Of course, people along the river must have at least played in the river. But that’s just swimming in clothes, in underwear, or already naked and then swimming in fresh water.

My sensitivities are of modern earth, so I can’t enter the river or the sea dressed like that. So when I made modern underwear, I also had the staff develop a swimsuit. You may think swimsuits are easy, but it’s not. There are many things to consider, such as materials that can get wet and materials that won’t become see-through.

But as I said earlier, there is almost no demand for swimsuits in this era. I had them make swimsuits as just a hobby and to kill time, and I didn’t intend to make them for commercial purposes. It was one of the attempts to see if giving such knowledge to them and having them develop it into something practical would lead to technological development and new ideas from there.

I had completed some prototype swimsuits, but they weren’t for sale… I was just repeating experiments and prototypes… but for some reason, those swimsuits are here. And Katharina handed me a bikini with her usual emotionless expression.

“Um… is this…?” I said.

“It’s a swimsuit,” Katharina replied.

No… I know that… I made it happen… I’m the one with the idea… I’m also the designer…

“Why am I going to wear a swimsuit in the bath?” I asked.

“I can’t answer that right now,” Katharina said. “But please be sure to wear it. Otherwise, Miss Flora, you’ll be…”

Huh? What? Be what? That was something absurdly meaningful, wasn’t it? Could it be that I would be suddenly thrown out of the mansion while taking a bath? If I don’t wear this, I’ll be thrown out naked, so put it on, okay? Is it like that?

“Anyway, please be sure to wear a swimsuit and enter the bath,” Katharina said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

“Ah! Hold!” I cried.

Without saying a word more, Katharina left. Hey… my maid… Is it okay to behave like that? Your master is still asking questions, but she leaves without even answering them…

For the most part… I’m told to wear a swimsuit to take a bath, so I know there must be something up. That’s good. It might be a surprise as well. I’m not sure what kind of surprise it will be, but it’s good. The problem is more than that…

“I can’t wear something like this…” I muttered.

It’s not that I don’t know how to wear a swimsuit. All you have to do is tie a string. I thought about something that was free-size to some extent, so I made it a string swimsuit. So it’s impossible that this won’t fit my body.

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If it is an off-the-shelf product that can be mass-produced in a factory, it will be possible to prepare many sizes. But it shouldn’t be possible in this day and age. That’s why there are almost no ready-made clothes, and it’s almost all custom-made clothes. The same goes for swimwear.

For that reason, I thought of a type that would be tied with a string so that as many people as possible could wear it, regardless of body size. In this case, as long as the string isn’t so thick or isn’t long enough, it should be fine. Conversely, the triangular part should not be too small, too large, too close, or too far apart.

The width of the triangle, or rather the position, changes depending on the size of the breasts, so it won’t be the same for all small breasts and big breasts. It’s rounded and sticks out. This is what I made as a finished work because I just needed to prepare for a range of sizes.

But that’s not the problem… I’m too embarrassed to wear a bikini, such a revealing swimsuit! Who would have thought of wearing such a tight-fitting swimsuit!? The area is too small! I’m going to have a lot of things exposed! You can see it! Can you wear such a shameless swimsuit!? Moreover, if it’s my chest, it might shift and become lewd just by slipping slightly.

Do you think this is the same as underwear? It’s completely different! Undergarments are made to fit perfectly and not come loose or spill out. But the swimsuit loosens and spills over the slightest thing. Just one slip and it’s off. Can you dress like an exhibitionist pervert would?!

Ah~…. but what will happen if I don’t wear it…? Perhaps they’ll play a prank where I really will get thrown out of the mansion while taking a bath and then I’ll be completely exposed… I can’t help but wear it…

“Uu…, uuu…”

I’m afraid to try it on.

“Woah! After all, it sticks out a lot!”

I match it while looking in the mirror, but my boobs are protruding here and there on the top, bottom, and sides. The tip is hidden, but can you enter the bath calling yourself covered up? Too embarrassing!

“Uh… and below…”

Of course, the important part is hidden. It should be hidden. But it’s very unreliable so. I’m worried that it will stick out if I move it even a little.

How can a woman walk around in such an outfit? I can’t believe it. Women that go out to a crowded beach or a pool dressed like this must be perverts!

No…it was good when others were watching, right? Eye candy, they said it was? But when it comes to wearing it myself, I can’t stand it. It’s too embarrassing.

But I have to wear it. I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, but… Katharina said that if I wasn’t wearing this, I’d be in big trouble. Then it must be so. It must be a big deal.

There is no option not to take a bath now. Besides, no matter how much Katharina does, she shouldn’t do anything that would hurt me. Something will happen, but something so cruel… she’s not doing that, right?

I can’t believe I’d ever do anything to make Katharina angry and force me to have a terrible experience… no no, it shouldn’t be like that only for Katharina.

Alright……! Be prepared. After carefully checking in the mirror that the swimsuit is properly worn, it’s time to go to the bathroom!

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“Excuse me, I’m coming in…” I said.

I opened the sliding door with a rattle and went inside, but there was no one. I don’t see anything particularly strange. Does that mean they’ll come up with something later?


Don’t let your guard down, douse yourself with hot water, and then go to the bathtub. Suddenly the bottom falls out and you are thrown out of the mansion like a waterslide…


When I enter the bathtub, I involuntarily sigh. It sounded like I was out of my mind… it was a stupid sound. People can’t hear me.

………… Nothing’s happened? Did they just want you to check the comfort of the prototype swimsuit or something like that with my unfounded worries?

“… Well then.”

“With all the preparations…”

“… -ming in.”

Huh? Some buzz is coming from the dressing room. That’s what I thought when I turned to face the door…

“Floto! Let’s enter together!” Mikoto cried.

“Miss Flora, I will wash your back,” Katharina said.

“Excuse me for coming in……” Louisa mumbled.

“So this is what you’d call naked skinship, isn’t it?” Alexandra said.

“Ahaha, it’s heaven for me,” Claudia said.

“…… Huh? … What?” I asked.

I don’t know what is going on. I can’t keep up with my understanding. For some reason, while I was taking a bath, the wives came crashing in wearing swimsuits.

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