Georg and Albert headed for the cell together. According to Georg’s common sense, rather, the sense of the world, he could not understand how his father could come back so quickly from the Kingdom of Polsky, a foreign country beyond the far end of the eastern border. But it is the truth that he is there before him now.

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And when Albert peered into the solitary cell that Georg guided him to, Friedrich was sitting on the bed. His face looked a little haggard, but his expression was stern, and he was only staring at the door with bloodshot eyes.

“Georg! Get me out of here! Otherwise, I’ll execute you in the name of Margrave Carruthers!”

Friedrich knew Georg was coming from the sound of his footsteps, it was his cue to start shouting. The other people who were arrested with him were detained as regular criminals, but Friedrich was treated quite well, the same as one would treat an officer prisoner of war.

He wasn’t emaciated or malnourished from lack of food, clothing and shelter was guaranteed, but he was feeling well enough to scream and run wild.

“I don’t believe you have the authority to decide such things as Margrave Carruthers, do you?”

“Fa-Father!?” Friedrich cried, surprised.

Albert von Carruthers appeared from behind Georg. It would be more unreasonable if he wasn’t surprised.

“Father! Please release me quickly! Georg and Flora’s sins must be exposed and then have them put to death! If you order it, Father, it will be resolved immediately!”


Georg and Albert look at each other. Albert closed his eyes and shook his head.

“You’re the one to blame, Friedrich. Do you even know what’s going on?”


When Friedrich saw that, his expression changed, turning emotionless and silent. Then, like falling rain, the words spilled out of his mouth:

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“Fuh… fufuh, ahahahahahah! I’m glad you’ve finally got what you wanted, Father! This is what you planned from the start! To disinherit me! To have Flora take over everything! Do you think I was unaware of all this, Albert von Carruthers?!”

Georg is surprised by the sudden change. He can’t understand what Friedrich is talking about. The only thing he knew was that Friedrich’s eyes were staring at him with even more hatred than usual.

“Georg! You be careful, too! He’s going to do this to you, as well! Kukuku! You didn’t know anything because you were a fool, so I’ll tell you! What do you think of our father’s incompetence?!” Friedrich yelled.

“Elder Brother… what are you saying…?” Georg said.

Until now, Friedrich had been so obedient and now he was suddenly spitting out so much abuse. Georg looks at his father and brother with dismay.

“What do you think Flora was doing when we brothers learned swordsmanship and were taught by our private tutors?” Friedrich said.

“Huh? Flora?” Georg asked.

He doesn’t know why Flora came up. It is true that Friedrich and Georg devoted themselves to studying and training together from an early age. Compared to that, even from Georg’s point of view, Flora was 5 years younger and a girl, so they have never studied or trained together.

It was a matter of course. Flora is going to be married off somewhere in the future. She doesn’t need the same study or training as them. She may be able to learn some self-defense techniques, but if it’s as a normal lady, it’s unlikely she’ll go much further than that.

“You truly are such a good son, Georg!” Friedrich spat. “You really didn’t notice anything! Listen to me now! When we were learning study techniques from our tutors, Flora had already completed a much higher level of education than us and was involved in actual administration work. By the time we learned to play with swords, she had already experienced live combat!”

“What are you saying…?”

Georg can’t comprehend it. What does he mean by all this?

“Albert von Carruthers and Maria von Carruthers birthed a monster! And they raised it! An otherworldly demon!”

Georg can only alternately stare at his older brother and his father. The madness of one and the steadfast stoicism of the other only bring Georg dismay.

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“And Albert and Maria decided to let that monster take over everything!” Friedrich said. “They would do that to us both, Georg! We’re just in the way! That’s why they’re playing this farce to destroy us! I know what you’re doing! ALBERTTTTT…!”

Gashyan, gashyan, Friedrich grabs his cell’s iron bars and rattles them violently. Georg gulped as Friedrich’s expression became more unhinged than before.

“It’s true that Flora is beyond my… beyond all our understanding,” Albert said. “When Flora was young, I sometimes wondered if she truly was possessed by demons. I was worried about how to deal with her. But I have already made up my mind. Walking with Flora will benefit the Kingdom of Ploiss. That’s what I’m prepared to do.

“Hear and see yourself! Listen to the man, Georg!” Friedrich said. “He is going to kill both of us and let Flora inherit our birthrights as sons of Carruthers!”

Georg shook his head quietly, even though he didn’t understand what his brother and father were saying.

“Elder Brother… Father wouldn’t try to kill us for something like that,” Georg said. “It’s up to him to decide who will inherit the title and territory. Assuming Father does hand the title to Flora, I will obey.”

“You idiot! You are an idiot! How do you think you can say that so carelessly?!” Friedrich yelled. “You already assumed you wouldn’t inherit anything from the beginning, so you can say that! Albert and that monster will not be satisfied with just taking titles and territories from us! So long as they believe we’re alive, we’re going to keep being captured and cornered like this! They will surely have us killed! Don’t you understand that?!

Gasyhan, gashyan, Friedrich continued to rage and rattle his bars, but Georg stared at him like you would a pitiful man. But Friedrich doesn’t notice the gaze.

“Flora won’t inherit the title of margrave,” Albert said. “If I had intended to let Flora inherit the title, I would have already taken measures to ensure that. I have given her the Caan Knighthood as Sir Caan, and I will not give her anything more than that from House Carruthers.”

“What do you mean ‘not give her anything more’?!” Friedrich yelled. “You’d just confessed that you’ve already granted her a piece of land! Next, it will be this one, then this one, then that one, then this one, you’ll just wait for an excuse to give Flora one more thing after another!”

His brother may already be confused. When did all this happen…? How did all this happen…? Georg can’t help but think about these.

“I, too… I guess somewhere in my heart, I still had expectations…” Albert said. “When you were born first, Friedrich, you showed some talent after you grew up… ‘Someday, this child will become a better successor than me.’, I thought… and knowing Flora’s talent, fearing it, and knowing how far beyond our comprehension she was, I believed that someday you would show me the same effort and talent as you had before, so you would never lose to Flora again. No, I suppose I wanted to believe that’s what would happen…”

“Father……” Georg said.

For the first time, Georg sees his father’s face in anguish and peer inside his heart. Why did this intelligent and decisive father turn a blind eye to his first son’s arrogance?

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Georg still hasn’t realized Flora’s talent as they claim. Could it be that Flora has such a terrifying talent that even someone like Friedrich, who Georg admired in the past, would become so deranged?

The firstborn was touched by her talent and became afraid, envious, and twisted.

Even though their father knew about it, he wanted to believe that Friedrich would see that and believe he could go further still, that he would find and return to the right path.

Perhaps Georg having had almost no contact with Flora was because their father was trying to avoid having the same fate befall him.

And what about Georg himself? Had he known that Flora was as talented as they said she was… would he have become as afraid, envious, and warped as his older was? Or would he just give up and accept everything?

As his eldest brother said… from the beginning, Georg thought he had no chance or intention of succeeding. That’s why he was able to live while worrying only about a few things. Even in the school in the royal capital, his grades are so-so. Not bad, but not particularly good either. Still, he was reasonably satisfied with his performance.

But how would he have been, if he were the House Head’s heir apparent? He would have to work harder He will get better grades and a reputation worthy of the future Margrave of Carruthers… what would have happened to him if he had lived with such thoughts lording over him constantly? Can you just say that his brother is an idiot?

“The intention was to let her walk with us as House Caan, but I had no intention of letting Flora succeed me as Margrave of Carruthers,” Albert said indifferently and simply. “That is why I kept you on, Friedrich, as my legitimate son… however, this is now unavoidable. Friedrich, you will be disinherited and Georg will now be first in line for succession.

Even if he had only verbally declared it in a place like this, as the current Margrave Carruthers, it was good as written law. It will be formally written later and sent to the kingdom to inform them of the decision, but it is in action immediately.

“Kuh… kuha! Hahaha! You’ve finally revealed your true nature, Albert! Georg! Remember this for yourself! This will happen to you, too, eventually! Unless you abolish Flora! You have no future! Remember that!”

As if the anguished expression from earlier hadn’t existed, Albert just calmly did all that he must and left the cell. Georg has no choice but to follow after Albert.

Albert visits Floto’s office with Georg. He is open about what happened with Friedrich in solitary confinement. He reported that Friedrich had been disinherited and the new heir apparent was Georg.

“Is that… so…?” Flora said, suddenly averting her gaze as a shadow fell over her face.

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But that was only for a moment. She quickly looks up and discusses the future with Alberto.

At first glance, Albert and even Flora seemed cold. Even though they were forced to do something like this to his eldest son, her oldest brother, they did things matter of factly. You might even feel they were emotionless.

But it’s not the case. Both Alberto and Flora are deeply hurt. Yet through the pain or sadness, they must do what must be done. They have no time to stop. Whether they think you’re cold-heated or unfeeling, you have to do what you have to do without having time to grieve.

How sad it is for those who are at the top! How painful it must have been for him to disinherit his beloved eldest whom he had expected so much. from What anguish it must have been.

How painful it would be to lose your oldest brother, driven mad and distorted by your existence and actions. You would feel responsible.

Still, they have to do their work without stopping. Will it work for Georg? If he had to cut off his child, would Georg be prepared for that?

At least at this point, he had no intention of doing so. No decisiveness. No ability to execute. But… but still, he was determined to stand at the top.

Georg can’t live like he used to, thinking that he’s the second son anyway and that he won’t succeed. Someday he will have to stand in the same position that his father and sister are standing now. Even if you don’t have enough resolution for that right now… you have to learn it from now on.

But for now… he will share in the sorrow of those two who are crying in their hearts while doing their job indifferently without letting their faces betray them.

“But I never knew that Flora had such great talent,” Georg said. “If you’re really so great, perhaps we can go sparring sometime?” he joked.

“Don’t do it… I’ll lose my only heir…” Albert said with a straight face.

“Huh? … Is it that much?” Georg said.

Apparently, it really was true. He knew that their mother was monstrous, and his sister seems to be one more among them.

The development of this territory and the mansion looks like a grand palace. The quality of House Servants and soldiers. The quality of furnishings that filled the house. The many new inventions. For that reason, Georg no longer doubts his sister’s talent as a ruler. His sister is the one who makes up and manages all of these things, so that’s the best proof.

But… he never thought that her sword arm and spear-wielding would be as monstrous as their mother… Georg swore to himself that he would not forget to walk the path with his father, mother, and sister, even if he might warp and twist like his elder brother.

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