Yesterday, I was a little excited because I said goodbye to my relationship with Ludwig, but today, when I calmed down, I realized I ended up saying too much.

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Of course, halfway is not the best. Better to be fully clear. So it shouldn’t have been a mistake. But isn’t there another way to say it? I don’t feel like that.

It doesn’t matter if Ludwig gets hurt, but it might have been an exaggeration to say so much in front of Wilhelm, the King.

But, you know~… If I said something half-hearted and ended up with nothing, there was a possibility that the result would be even worse… and since it’s already in the past, there’s no point in regretting it now.

All right! That’s right! I already said it! Stop worrying!

Follow-up is more important than that. First of all, today…

“Miss Flora, a messenger has come from the royal castle,” Katharina said.

“Geh…” I went.

It was after finishing my morning routine, Katharina arrived with the news while I was doing my usual documents. Yesterday and today, I only have a bad feeling about being summoned to the royal castle… but ignoring it wasn’t an option… so I reluctantly asked the messenger what the matter was.

I was summoned to the royal castle even though I hadn’t finished today’s work yet. The messenger was only told to convey Wilhelm’s order to go to the castle. It’s an order to climb up to the castle now, not like how Wilhelm usually is. Is he still angry about yesterday, after all…?

Lately, I’ve been spending a lot of time on things related to Ludwig and Margarete, so even though I’ve been absent from school and just dealing with things related to work and Margarete… I’ve been summoned again today, and my schedule is completely out of order.

The secret passage is already in sight, and the documents haven’t accumulated by that much, though. Because of that, I was absent from school, and I thought that I would be attending school as much as possible while I was in the royal capital, but now it’s become normal for me to be absent from class.


Even so, what the hell is going on in the early morning with an order to come to the castle right away? I wonder if Ludwig will have me sentenced to death or order confiscations of territory, title, property, etc.? That’s fine, but…

Of course, I’m not going to give it all away in silence. I’d rather divide the country than be silently killed. I want nothing to do with the Kingdom of Frasia, but it’s easy to migrate to the Yamato Empire and the Kingdom of Del. I’ll invite the Principality of Moscove to attack the Kingdom of Ploiss from the east and west…

To be frank, Houses Caan and Carruthers are the cornerstones of the national defense of the East and West, so if you invite the enemies outside of them and they switch allegiances, you can bring the Kingdom of Ploiss to a two-front strategy, east and west. After that, it will be perfect if we use Goslant Island to control the northern sea.

In that case, is it better to attract the Principality of Aust than the Kingdom of Frasia? If Aust attacks from the south, it will be surrounded by enemies on all sides. In the west, Caan, Carruthers, Yamato, and Del already have their forces, so there is no need to forcefully draw in the Kingdom of Frasia.

It might be easier to cross over to the Principality of Aust and the Principality of Moscove because of the division of the Polsky Kingdom. With this, it wouldn’t be too difficult to annihilate the Kingdom of Ploiss. I wonder how I’m going to convince my parents…

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My parents must have pledged allegiance to the Kingdom of Ploiss, and even if I were to be executed, I don’t think they would join the rebellion. I have to get the cooperation of House Carruthers somehow… That’s the problem…

“Ah, Princess Flora,” Dietrich said. “You’re looking quite a bit menacing, what sort of evil scheme is brewing in that mind of yours?”

“If it isn’t you, Your Grace Dietrich, how does the day find you?” I said.

I bumped into Dietrich near the room I was supposed to be headed to… and I hadn’t expected this. This guy was waiting for me I can’t say that I was planning to destroy the Kingdom of Ploiss, so I will deceive him appropriately.

“There’s nothing to be cautious about,” Dietrich said. “Regarding Prince Ludwig, we have no intention of doing anything to you, Princess Flora.”

“Is that so……?”

I should have guessed as much… but do I believe those words? I dumped the Crown Prince. And what’s worse, it was in front of the King… I’m not so entitled as to think that I can get away with it without any punishment. I guess Dietrich said this first in order to get my guard down.

If you take this seriously and let your guard down, suddenly from behind! I might get hit. I’m usually spaced out, but today I’ll be on the battlefield and be wary of my surroundings.

Dietrich guided me to the room where Wilhelm was waiting. It’s a private room, not a formal place like an audience hall. As expected, I would like to think that they wouldn’t suddenly kill me in the private room where they live, but…

“So then… I heard you summoned me, but what is your business?” I asked immediately.

“Umu… it’s about Ludwig…” Wilhelm said, averting his gaze and muddying his speech.

“I and Dietrich knew for a long time that you had no intention of marrying Ludwig,” Wilhelm said. “However… we have no intention of leaving someone of your stature unchecked. You understand that, don’t you?


I don’t understand……. They knew I had no intention of marrying Ludwig. I don’t know how they knew about that, but if the King and Prime Minister were aware of it and still kept silent, that would be fine. The problem is what came after that. I have no idea what they’re talking about.

“Haah…” Wilhelm said as he looked at my face and then shook his head. “So you don’t seem to understand…”

Seemed he’d guessed it. If you figured it out, that’s fine, and if you didn’t guess it, it didn’t matter.

“Let’s be clear,” Wilhelm said. “If someone with power like you is not a relative of the royal family and does whatever she wants in the country, there’s no way we can sleep easy at night, now, can we?”

“Ah~… I understand what you’re saying now,” I said.

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Nobles who are royal relatives are no match for the royal family itself, and because they are related to the royal family they will never betray them, so the royals can rest assured even with the power they’ve given their relatives. Even hypothetically, if there is a noble with power equal to or greater than that of the royal family, and if there is no relation, you’d start to worry about betrayal. That’s what they mean.

“But I don’t think I have the power to merit such consideration,” I said.

“Do you think a woman who single-handedly annihilated the Royal Navy of Hollant, acquired overseas territories, and defeated the Kingdom of Polsky in one month with only the forces of Houses Carruthers and Caan, albeit your parent’s Houses, is not a threat?” Wilhelm said.

Ah.… yeah, that’s right~…?

“On top of that, at present, the protection of the east and west of Ploiss’s borders is entirely entrusted to Houses Caan and Carruthers,” Wilhelm said. “In the unlikely event that both of you become enemies and bring in foreign countries of the east and west, Ploiss will be a sea of fire and destruction.”

“Eh~… well…”

That’s the plan I was thinking of earlier… I can’t say anything because I’m caught off guard.

“I’ve turned a blind eye to the expansion of your power, Flora, thinking you would become royalty,” Wilhelm said. “But if someone who will not become queen has that much power, it’s a national disaster.”

So if you erase me… Then, after all, it’ll divide the country…

“So if you don’t like Ludwig, I think I’ll get someone else that you do,” Wilhelm finished.


Someone else? Don’t you mean one of the two sons of the Second Queen Amalie? Then Ludwig is still better. I refuse to marry a man, but if it’s Ludwig, it’s fine if I just pretend to be married and don’t let him lay a finger on me. But if it’s Amalie’s sons, I refuse to marry even just for appearance’s sake.

“Ludwig will marry Margarete, and Eleonore will marry Lord Floto,” Wilhelm said. “What do you say to that?”

“Huh?! With Princess Eleonore!?”

Is that ok? I’m a girl, aren’t I? Is Eleonore dressed as a girl but actually a boy or something? Come to think of it, I’ve never checked between her legs. Maybe she hasn’t grown yet? To Eleonore, who looks like such a cute angel?

“Your face is completely delighted…” Wilhelm said.

“Ah? … Ahem!”

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I straightened up after that. There’s no way my poker face will crumble.

“Fortunately, few people know about your identity as Lord Floto in detail,” Wilhelm said. “Here, Lord Floto will be the man and Eleonore will be the bride marrying ‘him.’ What do you think? If you have no problem, shall we settle it here?”

“Eh~… well…”

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to admit it. Even if I say I’m not interested in girls now, it’s not convincing. These two would already know that. That’s why he’s saying that he’s going to give his cute and adorable only daughter, Eleonore, to be my wife even if it’s just for show.

Same-sex marriage is not recognized in this country. Of course, if the royal family were to do that, it would be a big problem.

That’s why I’m going to assume that Floto von Caan, whose background is not very well known, is a man, and that Princess Eleonore will marry “him.”

“But is it okay?” I said. “For Your Majesty the King, Princess Eleonore should be important as your only daughter…”

First of all, the political value of Eleonore is immeasurable. Since she is the daughter of a royal family, she could be married off to another royal family. In order to restore the relationship with the dubious Principality of Aust, they have the option of marrying her off. Or, in order to reconcile with the Kingdom of Frasia, to strengthen relations with the Kingdom of Hollant, to suppress the rebellion of the Kingdom of Polsky, to Moscove, to Yamato…

If you think about it, there is no end, and even if you don’t get married to the royal family of another country, there are many people in this country. She will be forced to marry anywhere. It’s not bad to marry into a dukedom or a marquisate who wants to strengthen their relationship with the royal family.

And above all, it’s not just about that kind of political story… Wilhelm dotes on Eleonore. He knows she’s already very important. I wonder how much resolve he would have to marry off such a cute only daughter to someone like me, who is a man inside but a homosexual woman to everyone around me.

“If other men were going to want to marry Eleonore, I would rather leave her with you, Flora. I don’t want Eleonore to marry for political convenience…” Wilhelm said.

No… isn’t it a political marriage when he says she’ll marry me? Didn’t the King himself just say that too? In order to take me into the royal family…

Well, let’s stop the reckless intrusions. I know what Wilhelm is trying to say. The problem is the partner. In fact, if it comes to a royal marriage, you can’t get married unless there is a political meaning behind it. In such a situation, Eleonore will be unhappy if she marries a cruel partner. At least to me, it would be better, I guess.

“Understood… I will definitely protect Princess Eleonore, even if it costs me my life!”

“Umu… your words are brave, but your face is deliriously happy…”


That’s absurd. My poker face is perfect. No emotion should be shown.

“Eh~… was that all you wished to tell me?” I said.

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“Umu,” Wilhelm went.

Huh? Is that so? Then why did you go out of your way to issue an order for me to climb the castle so early in the morning? I must have panicked because I thought it was a serious call.

“Also, since last night, Ludwig hasn’t been out of his room,” Wilhelm said. “Do something about it. That is all.”

“Ah… ah~…,I understand…” I said.

Apparently, a heartbroken Ludwig shut himself up in his room. But it’s a good trend. After leaving the King’s presence, I immediately searched for Margarete. And I found her quickly.


“Flora? I haven’t invited you yet. What’s the matter? You want to hear my story again?” Margarete said.

No……. I’ve had enough of your nonsense stories. I’ve memorized it completely, so that’s fine.

“Actually…” I said.

I explained to Margarete what happened yesterday and part of what happened this morning. Eleonore’s engagement is a secret. I’m not stupid enough to let my mouth slip like that.

“Eh!? You can’t be telling me…” Margarete said.

Apparently, she was worried because she hadn’t seen Ludwig since morning. That’s why she usually sent a messenger to call me, but it seems that’s why she hasn’t sent a messenger to the Carruthers Residence today.

“So, I want you to comfort His Highness Ludwig, Margarete,” I said. “If you do that now, he will hold you in far higher regard at once. So please, do me a favor!”

“Ev-Even if you say that… how can I comfort him…?” Margarete said, turning bright red and fidgeting. “After all, we’d whisper love to each other first, exchange kisses, and then push each other down, and…… KYAAAAAAAAAHHH!”


Margarete got excited all over again and hit my shoulder again. Isn’t Margarete actually quite powerful? Aren’t you stronger than the soldiers over there?

Well, putting that aside, Margarete must have misunderstood. When I say comfort, is she thinking of comfort for the lower half? I’m not saying that, but…

After this, I talked to Margarete about how to soothe Ludwig, corrected the misunderstanding, and comfort Ludwig emotionally. It was weird how Margarete turned bright red and froze, but when I said that, she got shy and didn’t move forward with it, but I’ll keep it in mind as she’s too embarrassed to talk about it again.

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