The class progresses, but the foreign students can’t it out. It may be true that it’s the first day, but from the point of view of the students of the Caan Knight’s National School, they are frustrated because they don’t understand the abilities of the international students.

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“Teacher! The international students haven’t answered a single question since earlier. You should show us their abilities soon.”

“Yeah, yeah! If you go home while hiding your ability for a month, it won’t be any stimulation for us.”


There was a burst of laughter. The international students who have been quiet since the first greeting must surely not be able to keep up with this top class class. They must have realized the difference in ability and shrank by now. Thinking so, Hans fires up the rest of the class.

“Indeed… then it that case…” the homeroom teacher glanced at the foreign students. “You, Ms. Louisa, Louisa, please explain this problem.”

First of all… it’s scary to name the bullish Mikoto. It might be bad if something happened to Alexandra, who looks like a genuine high-ranking aristocrat. The teacher can’t stand Katharina’s icy gaze. The eerie student named Charlotte hesitates to look straight at anyone. In that case, only Louisa or Claudia was left who could be called out by name.

Claudia grinned as if she was really confident. In that case, as a teacher, it is customary to call out Louisa who is looking down without confidence. The homeroom teacher also had some concerns about the international students’ attitudes, so he thought of embarrassing them at the beginning.

“Huh!? Ye-Yes! Um…” Louisa stands up in a panic and waves her hands.

She’s clearly out of place. And she didn’t seem confident at all.

It would be so. Today’s lesson is about internal affairs. This class discusses the history of each country, the domestic policies and diplomatic strategies that have changed with the times, agricultural land reforms and administrative reforms, and their effects and failures. The curriculum is designed so that if you learn this, you will be entrusted with it even if you become a bureaucrat or magistrate immediately after graduation.

In fact, just because you have seen the history and changes in textbooks does not mean that it will work in practice. Changes occur precisely because the examples of the past do not apply, and simply looking for answers in the past and imitating them does not lead to true solutions.

However, those who do not know the precedent and do not understand the basis of the idea that led to it cannot suddenly come up with a completely new and wonderful system and implement it. On the other hand, it can be harmful that you can’t come up with new ideas because you’ve been taught precedents and keep relying on them, but if you say that, you won’t be able to do anything in class or study anything.

For those who are going to be involved in domestic affairs from now on, this is a matter of course to learn. However, there is no way that Louisa, who can only be seen as a farmer’s girl, would know such a thing.

Peasants live day by day, it’s all they can do. They don’t know the country’s system well, and they just work hard every day until their body is exhausted. There is no way someone like that understands the state’s organization and policies. However…….

“…So, the problem, in this case, is despite imposing a tax based on the population, no census was conducted, and the area of cultivated farmland was also not surveyed…”

“Ho-Hold, hold a moment! Understood! Ms. Louisa! That’s enough already!”

Louisa began to answer like a waterfall. She continues to answer questions that weren’t asked, or rather, questions that the teacher planning to develop in the future. By the time the flustered teacher finally stopped her, it had progressed to the point where he was thinking of raising a theoretical problem or asking for a solution to it rather than the textbook issue.

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The students of the top class have no choice but to be dumbfounded. It’s not like the teacher became a guru and let the international students solve problems that they could easily solve. You can see it from the teacher’s panic. Does this mean that Louisa has already learned what they are going to learn from now on? They don’t think the classes at the Royal Capital’s academy are progressing that much, but whether they believe it or not, what actually happened in front of their eyes doesn’t change.

However, since Louisa is a farmer, she may have had some knowledge and insight about agriculture and territory management. This alone is not enough to recognize that these international students are excellent. This time, they’ll peel off the facade to see the twisted ugliness beneath. They thought so and were aiming for the next opportunity.

The content of the previous class was terrible in their favor. If you ask a peasant about farmland and territory management, wouldn’t they know that…?

The nobles who came here during the former eastern colonization of the Kingdom of Ploiss also cultivated the fields themselves and managed the settlements. However, they had never thought about such advanced things because they were just plowing the fields day after day. They don’t think a farmer who is not even a feudal lord understands that.

But they have no choice but to think so. Louisa’s family is probably a wealthy farmer or a large landowner. So there must be a philosophy and theory about territory management there. The person they heard from and the content were terrible. That’s it. It must be so.

“Teacher! Isn’t it about time to quiz the international students?”

“… Indeed. Then…”

The class changed and it was time for a magic lecture. A magic teacher also thinks about applying this test to an international student after being told so by a student. And looking at the international students… they had the same thoughts as the teacher earlier and came to the same conclusion.

“Eh~… then, Ms. Claudia, please explain this technique.”

They had Claudia explain the rather difficult magic formula. Just like the previous teacher, if he used the process of elimination to choose who to single out, they would only be left with Louisa or Claudia. There is no way Louisa, who can only be seen as a farmer, can understand magic. So this teacher appointed the knight-like Claudia. It was a little kindness of this teacher, but there is no doubt that both of them despised the students.

In a sense, it is natural that farmers cannot understand magic formulas. Although knights may have received some education, many knights look down on magic as an evil method. In the first place, if you can use magic, it’s normal to go on the path of a mage, and being a knight means that you can’t use magic.

People who can’t use magic can’t be studying magic. It’s also a problem that even magicians who specialize in it stumble upon. It’s not a problem that can be solved by a knight who never touched the field. Whether or not Louisa or Claudia could have guessed it from the start, it was a problem they didn’t think they could solve legitimately. But…….

“This spell converts magical power to affect the surrounding air, collecting the moisture contained there to generate water, and uses this control circuit to make it fly it to the target. However, this is a flaw.”

“””””………… Huh?”””””

They were surprised by Claudia’s smooth explanation of the technique, but that wasn’t all. It has been used for decades, perhaps even hundreds of years, and yet the spell that many magicians have learned is called flawed.

It’s true that magic can be improved on rare occasions. In the past, a once-in-a-century genius magician appeared, brought about innovation in magic technology and theory, and overturned what had been considered common sense many times in the past. But this magic is a basic one that has passed through many magicians’ hands till now. If it was a flaw, someone would have noticed and fixed it.

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Even so, no one, not even the famous magicians or the paradigm-shifting savants have ever said that this technique is flawed. Who would say that the knights who can’t even use magic had the authority to call spells defective?

“Hou, hou…? It’s defective? What is the defect? And since you say that, you obviously know how to fix the defect, right? Where exactly are you going to apply this fix? To this traditional spell that has been handed down through generations until now! So! Fix it!”

The magic teacher tapped on the lecturer’s desk while the blood vessels rose on his forehead. They were told that what they had been teaching so far was flawed. Also, the accuser is neither a great mage nor a genius wizard of the century. What can a knight who can’t even use magic properly know? If you can do it, try it.

“Here, like this… Convert from here, control with this… like this… and it’s fixed,” Claudia muttered as she came forward and smoothly rewrote the formula.

The teacher looked at the formula to immediately point out the contradiction… but he stiffened up without saying anything.

“This is… no, this is… there is no contradiction here either. But… no… this is this…?”


The teacher who mumbles while looking at the formula doesn’t answer even if the students call out to him. He is completely concentrating on deciphering the formula. Magic researchers tend to be academics. So once you start immersing yourself in this kind of thing, you can’t be conscious of anything else.

“Are there any contradictions? No, but does this work in practice? In that case…”

Evidence over argument. The teacher read out the formula and began casting. The students panic.

“Hold! Tea-Teacher, please don’t use magic in a place like this!”

“… Show me your might, Water Fang!”


The spell that the magic teacher released was activated with unprecedented power, and it smashed through the window and kept flying away afterward. The students hold their heads and desperately run away from the surroundings.

“Oh… OOOH! A-Amazing! Unbelievable! This much power with just this amount of magic consumption! Revolution! A magical revolution! Amazing! Ms. Claudia! Please help me with more magic research! You’re a genius!”

“I can’t use magic, and this is what I heard from a wonderful friend,” Claudia said. “Even if you’re a knight who can’t use magic, it doesn’t mean that your opponent will never be a magician. That’s why I don’t practice magic, but I was told to study it.”

Claudia returned to her seat while combing her bangs. A normal knight wouldn’t say such a thing. He remembers at least the types of magic, but if he has time to study magical theory, there are a lot of other things he can do with it, such as brushing up his sword skills and learning tactics. They’d never heard of a knight studying magic from a field he’d never use.

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“Well, who is that friend? Please introduce me!”

“Hmm… I don’t think the person in question would want that, so… I’ll ask the person in question before replying.”

“What are you saying?! Please! No, I beg of you!”


While the other students were dumbfounded, the magic teacher bowed down to Claudia, but in the end, Claudia didn’t nod her head.

It’s no fun at this rate. They are completely overshadowed by these foreign students. They have no intention of not recognizing the other party. The students of this school also recognize each other’s abilities. They can be in the elite class because they recognize that there are people who are better than them.

Some are good at magic, others are good at domestic affairs. Some are good at strategy, some are good at diplomacy, and some are good at moving their bodies. You have the capacity to recognize others who have what you don’t have.

However, they cannot fully accept these foreign students yet. It turned out that they were certainly better than they thought. They’re not going to deny it. They are who can do it. Great people are great. However, I still haven’t fully grasped the opponent’s abilities.

“Teacher! I’ll partner with the foreign students in today’s duels.”

“Hmm? You’re going to fight a girl, are you? Hans, aren’t you thinking of touching a girl’s body in the scuffle?”

Hans is an excelelnt individual. Certainly, his academics are also reasonably high. That’s why he is in the elite class. But what Hans does best is to move his body. Hans, a physically minded person, has achieved the best results in the class called “Physical Education.”

“Hans, you bastard!”

“How dare you try to touch a girl!”

“Hmm! Whatever you say! I’ll win here and teach the international students how great the Caan Knight’s National School is!”

There is no chance of winning in academics. In the first place, Hans is at the bottom of the elite class in academics. Part of being able to enroll in the elite class is having high physical education results and physical ability, too. Then! Physical education is the only way to show your strength! No matter what the people around him said, Hans had no intention of giving up.

“It’s fine by me. Then let’s take Mr. Hans’ suggestion,” Alexandra said. “I’m definitely the weakest of the international students, but… that’s right. If you were my partner, you would be suitable, so I’ll make sure I don’t move from this circle.”

“………… Huh?”

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Saying that Alexandra drew a circle on the ground. She stands there with her legs spread.

“If you push me out of here, I’ll give you the victory. Please, do take me on. Ready on your mark.”

“-! Yo-You little…!”


Even though he hadn’t given any signal yet, Hans accelerated to the maximum speed at once and charged Alexandra. There are hardly any students in this school who can handle this. There will be people who can accept the fact that it will be a head-on struggle, but there is no one who can dodge it, let alone catch him and redirect him… or that was supposed to be the case.

With a flutter… Hans vaguely realized that his body was weightless. Even if you don’t understand the concept of weightlessness, you do understand the sensation of floating in the air. And the next moment, DOSON! He was slammed into the ground.

“Kaha!” Hans coughed.

“Oh? It’s better to take at least some defensive measures. First of all, you won’t get seriously hurt, but there’s still a possibility that you’ll injure something regardless.”


They don’t know what happened. Alexandra held out her hand to Hans, who rushed forward with all his might, and Hans was flipped onto the ground. No one can say a word about what happened.

“-! Not yet!”

Hans stood up, did not charge this time, and immediately tried to grab Alexandra on the spot. In a grappling match, Hans who excels in physical strength, wins! ……It was supposed to be. But…….


Hans was also slammed into the ground on his back. He has no idea what is going on. From afar, it seemed that Hans flew into the air and plunged into the ground when Alexandra moved her hands.




No matter how many times Hans tries to grab Alexandra, no matter how many strategies he uses after the charge, nothing will work. On this day, instead of pushing Alexandra out of the circle, Hans kept rolling on the ground without Alexandra taking him seriously.

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