Every day life continues, waiting for the graduation and closing ceremonies to end as soon as possible while dealing with documents from various places and the work of the Trading Firm that can be delivered wherever I am. I already knew that I would be in the royal capital due to the schedule, but I can’t help but feel like I’m wasting my time staying in the royal capital just doing my daily paperwork without doing anything in particular. If this is the case, I want to go to the Kingdom of the Blish Isles as soon as possible.

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However, this year is the graduation ceremony of Crown Prince Ludwig. It’s hard to ignore this. Even my older brother Georg came to Ludwig’s graduation ceremony on behalf of Father. It seems that it will be a big event where not only neighboring aristocrats but also aristocrats or their representatives from all over the country will gather.

It’s just a school graduation ceremony…, but I can’t help but think that Ludwig will be involved in the practical work of becoming a king after graduating from the Academy, and from now on, he will be more and more a representative of His Majesty. If I ignore Ludwig like that, I don’t know how my noble family will be treated.

Just because Wilhelm and Ludwig are moderates, no matter what they do, it doesn’t mean that they will look so leniently to the nobles. From my point of view, the punishment for the crime seems too light, but it actually does a lot of damage to the Bayen Faction. Even if you don’t harass them because you’re in a bad mood, if the aristocrats you were trying to destroy are actively rebellious, there’s a good chance that you’ll use that as a justification.

That’s why Ludwig’s graduation is a big event that involves aristocrats all over the country, and I can’t just ignore it and return to my territory. Even if I thought it would be nice for House Carruthers to just have my older brother, there is no substitute for House Caan. It doesn’t mean that anyone can be a substitute, it’s fine if it’s a family member, especially the eldest son, but it’s no good to just send one of your subordinates as a substitute.

House Caan has no family or heirs, and no one is available to represent me. It’s just as I said that Helmut and Kanbee are useless, and I can’t send my wives out as my representative family members. If the wives are supposed to be my official spouses, it won’t be accepted in the world, and there’s no point in leaving the wives behind and returning to the territory alone.

And if you’re in the royal capital until the graduation ceremony, you can attend the closing ceremony a few days later. It’s not like I’m in such a desperate situation that I can’t attend the closing ceremony just for a few days. In that case, there will be no choice but to hold a graduation ceremony and a closing ceremony so that there will be no corners cut.

I wish there was at least something better way to use my time while I was in the royal capital…

Since I don’t have my parents, I haven’t made much progress in my training, and I haven’t been able to work or inspect anything. I can’t go to the research institute and help with research… The only thing I can do right now is write down my own research content and ideas. The rest is about magical research.

It’s nice to have a break like this once in a while, but when this kind of free time continues for months, I can’t calm down. I have a job… yet I don’t have any work to do…

“Master Flora, a servant from somewhere and brought a letter, what do we do with it?” Kanbee asked as he came into my office and handed it over.

“A letter?” I asked.

It had come while I had so much free time. If you contact me by letter in advance, it’s likely that it’s a messenger of some noble or a major company that knows that kind of thing. If you look at the sender of the letter you received with that thought…

“The Loppe Marquisate… from Simon?”

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The only direct acquaintance in House Loppe is my classmate, Simon. Since they were all attacked by monsters during an outdoor exercise in their first year, the content of the practical exam for boys has changed, so he might be able to send a letter, but I wonder what it’s for when it’s still in the middle of the exams.

I open the seal and check the contents of the letter. But it just says that he wants to meet because he wants to talk, and doesn’t touch on the content of this discussion. It seems that our mansion is a good place. Is it a big deal that the other person invites you and wants to visit the receiver’s home instead of your own?

Also, the letter said that three people would visit. Who are the three? One, of course, would be Simon. Is the other one Emma? That’s possible with that shameless couple. Maybe the two of them have decided to get married or something like that? But then who is the other one? Simon’s parents… it’s hard to imagine…

For the time being, the messenger who brought the letter seemed to be waiting, so I immediately wrote a reply and sent it to him.

After a while, a carriage arrived on the day promised in the letter. I don’t know the details about the new boy’s practical exam, but it seems that this year it has been shortened and shortened still due to the graduation ceremony of Crown Prince Ludwig. Ludwig really is a nuisance here and there. A big man on campus can cause a lot of trouble to those around him even if he moves just a little.

While I was waiting at the entrance, I heard some voices outside. In Simon’s letter, he wrote that he wanted me to wait inside instead of meeting him outside. From that, I can guess that he didn’t want to have a long exchange outside in public, and I accepted it, but apparently, they were arguing outside. If you open the door a little and take a peek outside…

“You can’t possibly expect someone who looks like this to be brought before my Master.”

“I know it’s rude. But please, I don’t want to cause too much trouble here.”

The House Servants stopped three people who hid their whole bodies in robes. The letter also said that the three of them would visit. That’s probably the case with the three people in those robes.

I certainly understand what the House Servants are saying. They can’t let these dubious robed people pass in front of their master. If this is an assassin or something, they might be hiding a weapon under their robes. In the first place, it would be unthinkable to let someone whose face you don’t even know through to your Master.


Even if they know that they still want it to pass. I’m sure it makes a lot of sense. And from the voice, I can tell it’s Simon talking. There may be the magic that can change your voice, or rather, it can exist because I can practically use it, but if I doubt that, the story won’t progress.

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“It’s fine. Just let them pass through,” I called out through the slightly opened door.

My House Servants were surprised, but they can’t go against me saying that. Three people in robes rushed into the entrance. One of the first people took off his hood and showed his face.

“I’m sorry, Lady Flora. Please forgive us for being dressed like this,” Simon said.

“It’s fine, Simon. Let’s leave the greetings behind. You don’t want to stand out too much, do you?” I asked.

“Yes. Thank you.”

There must be a reason why he purposely hid. Even if you argue here, it’s not clear. It would be quicker to go inside and listen to the detailed story.

I let Simon and the others go through the reception room and let the other servants back down. They’re going out of their way to hide their appearance, so I guess they came to have a conversation that they don’t want to be known.

“So… what in the hell is all this?” I asked.

“First of all… I’m sorry for intruding like this,” Simon said, taking off his robe and kneeling.

I don’t think it’s something to be ashamed of, but if the other person thinks it has to be done, then you should accept the apology.

“I have accepted your apology. Please raise your head. You two as well.”

“Excuse us, Lady Carruthers.”

“Sorry, Flora.”

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The two people who came with Simon were Emma Valtek and Christa. It’s surprising that these three are together, but I don’t understand why they went out of their way to hide. I think it would have been better if the three of them had come to my house with dignity, but I wonder why they did this. Did you come here to talk about something very important? You don’t want people to know?

The conversation won’t progress even if I stand for a long time, so I recommend a seat and sit down and calmly listen to their business.

“So what is it that you’ve all gone through so much trouble for?”

At my words, the three of them looked at each other and nodded at each other. Judging from the atmosphere, it wouldn’t be such a simple story that Simon and Emma would get married. If that’s the case, there’s no point in hiding it, and the two of them should be happier. You shouldn’t come here with such serious faces.

“Lady Flora……, we, no, please add the Loppe Marquisate, the Valtek Marquisate, and the Rheingen Marquisate to Margrave Carruthers’ Faction.”

“………… Huh?”

I don’t understand what was said for a moment, and my thoughts stop. Instead of joining Simon and the others, the Loppe, Valtek, and Reingen families join the Carruthers Faction, do they?

“Is that the consensus of each family?” I asked.


The three of them immediately answered my question without hesitation. It doesn’t mean that the three of them are saying it personally, but that they came today as representatives of each House. Just because the three of them said so, I can’t take it for granted. In particular, I heard that Rheingen is clinging to Duke Bayen’s Faction since Karl was forced to retire and the eldest son succeeded him…

“Do you have any proof of that?” I asked.

When I told them something like this, there was no “I’ve got you!” moment when they jumped. There is a possibility that there is some scheming behind it, or that these three people decided on their own and said that under false pretenses. It’s not that I don’t believe in the three or that I suspect they’re plotting something, it’s because it’s possible for me to go out of control or make assumptions without proof.

“This is a letter signed by the current House Heads and their heirs,” Simon said.

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First of all, Simon sent out a carefully wrapped letter from his bosom. There were even the joint names and seals of the current and next House Heads. The contents of the letter are routed through Simon, but it’s simply House Loppe acting as the messenger for their consensus of joining the Carruthers Faction.

Next, Emma also presented a letter from House Valtek. The content is also almost unchanged. However, there is a high possibility that House Valtek will go downhill in the future due to the impact of the fraud incident. House Valtek’s wish is to at least ask for their daughter to marry into House Loppe. They would love to be included in the faction if possible, but they also wrote there were no guarantees with the upcoming trial.

Christa’s letter is basically the same. They want House Rheingen to join the Carruthers Faction. Currently, Christa’s older brother is the current House Head, but she plans to somehow persuade him, or depending on the situation, they plan to retire and replace him. Also, it is written that even if the main body of House Reingen is still the Bayen Faction, they will only ask for Christa’s section to join.

In other words, if possible, all three Houses would like to join the Carruthers Faction, and if Valtek and Rheingen could not escape from the Bayen Faction, they would at least ask their daughters to be allowed to flee.

I know what each family is saying. I guess they’re trying to get out of the Bayen Faction, which is a boat sinking in the quagmire as reality begins to come around. “Even if it’s impossible and the House will fall, I want to at least let our daughters escape,” their intentions are clear.

To be honest, it’s not a bad thing for me, either. Enemy factions are divided and weakened, and we have more allies. Even if the words of Houses Valtek and Reingen are false and they are approaching us to spy, there is no problem if I don’t tell the other Houses what is important.

It seems that the Bayen Family also had this tendency, that the master decided almost everything on his own and didn’t inform the faction members of even the important things. In the same way, until you think that these three Houses can be trusted, don’t let important stories out, and just let out information that you don’t mind if they find out. If you are a spy who has a connection with the enemy, you can use that information source to deceive yourself by spreading false information.

Even if I trust these three people to some extent, whether I can trust the three families is another matter. The three people who delivered the letters seriously think that their parents will switch sides on the House level, but it’s also possible that their parents are trying to get close to House Carruthers to spy on us. Trust in the three and their Houses must be considered separately.

Also, it’s called the Carruthers Faction, but House Carruthers didn’t have a faction until now, and they probably don’t intend to create one in the future either. I’ll have to tell you at some point that these three families are still ostensibly part of the Carruthers Faction, but they’re actually part of House Caan

Well, at least that’s after I’ve been promoted to Marquis… If the head of the faction is the Count and all the nobles of the faction are Marquises and Margraves, it is inconvenient in various ways. At least not until I become a marquis… including that, it would be better to call it the Carruthers Faction for now.

“I understand what you’re talking about. However, it’s not something I can answer right now. Shall we discuss it first?”


The three of them nodded, not their usual friend faces, but responsible nobles’ faces. After that, we talked about the future until late.

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