“A, amazing! It’s that easy to learn!?”

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The very next day, I bought and read the book that Claris told me about. In the story, the woman who had been appealing to the man suddenly became cold. During the climax, the man then said, ‘It was only after losing you that I realized your importance.’ The two quickly became aware of each other’s feelings and ended up together. I unintentionally gasped out in admiration.

It seemed that the stronger someone were to pull away, the more effective it was. I didn’t want to do that to Noel, but I did yearn for some changes.

But the problem was in the ‘pulling away’ itself. That was, I had to be cold to Noel. For many years, now, it had become a habit for me to just confess to him the moment I saw his face.

Indeed, it’s definitely impossible for me.

Finally, I decided to rely on my father’s connections and visited a person who could use high-level restriction spells.

“Anyway, I’d like to stop myself from confessing to Lord Noel Anderson. Also, please make sure that I won’t smile in front for him. Lastly, to avoid showing any hint of excitement when I’m with him… Well, I wonder if those are too extreme…”

“I understand. What about the duration?”

“For the time being, set it to three months.”

The old wizard casted a foreign spell on me. Immediately afterwards, I got kicked out of the room, “Done. Next person, please.” Usually, it’d take a full year to make a reservation with the old wizard. I had to thank my father for making one.

To be honest, I didn’t feel like anything had changed. Even so, I paid him with half a year’s worth of my salary. It’d be troublesome if nothing happened.

By the way, it seemed that people couldn’t tell that magic had been applied. It was a powerful spell that couldn’t be written on paper, or be conveyed through words. Anyway, all I had to do was meet Noel. I tightly clenched my fist.


It had been a month since I received the restriction spell. Unfortunately, Noel was on an expedition. The day had finally come where we’d be attending the same party.

Although Noel was already at the venue, I passed by him and headed for a window. The moment our eyes met, I kept walking. With that alone, I felt confident that I could ‘pull away’.

The book said that ‘pulling away’ was a gradual thing. For the time being, I was wondering if what I did was enough. However, when I was talking with an acquaintance with champagne in one hand—

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“Yo, Sherry.”

“Oh, it’s been a long time, Walt.”

“Huh? You aren’t going to greet Lord Anderson today?”

“Y, yes. That’s right.”

“Huh?! What’s wrong with you!? Do you have a fever!?”

He immediately put his hand on my forehead and checked his own. Although he was being fussy, he was showing his concern for me.

“I, I just don’t feel like it.”

“Are you really Sherry? Well, you’re an adult, already. It’s time for you to accept reality.”

“How noisy, leave me alone.”

“If you’re available, should I go for you?”

“Huh? What are you talking about? Such a tasteless joke.”

“It’s as if you don’t know what I’m like.”

Despite being treated coldly, Walt continued to talk about things that I wasn’t really interested in until he was called by an acquaintance.

Freed from Walt, I decided to take my leave. The party was of no worth to me. Taking the big first step in pulling away filled me with satisfaction.

It was when I was walking alone in the corridor to the exit.

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I reflexively turned towards the voice. It was a voice I wouldn’t mistake for the entirety of my life.

Suddenly, Noel appeared. He seemed to be chasing after me. His soft silver hair looked a little disturbed.

That was my first time seeing him like that. I couldn’t hide my shock. Was the strategy of pulling away effective?

Although my heart raced like mad, my face, which was reflected on the window, was horribly flat.

“…Why didn’t you greet me today?”

“There’s no rule that said I’m obliged to do so. I just didn’t feel like talking to you.”

A surprisingly cold voice flowed from my mouth without permission. I hurriedly closed my mouth. Noel, whom was in front of me, looked utterly surprised by my words.

I couldn’t stop sweating—the effect of the spell was stronger than I expected!

Rather than pulling away, that was just asking for a fight!

At that rate, I’d end up being hated!

“Did I do anything to bother you?”

“Nothing at all.”

“…Then, why?”

“No reason at all.”

Noel seemed to be quite confused by me, who had a different attitude than usual. Gradually, his expression turned into a sad, hurtful, one.

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Looking at him like that, my chest was about to tear. No more—I couldn’t say anymore cold words to Noel. Thinking so, I decided to escape from that place.

“I’m sorry. My carriage awaits.”

With that said, I bowed to him, turned around, and hurriedly took my leave.


The next day, I couldn’t stop thinking about the previous night. I continued to suffer from chest pain. For making Noel sad, I deserved to die. However, I was supposed to attend the evening party with my boss tonight, as well. After greeting everyone properly, I was thinking of going home secretly.

At the venue, Noel, whom I had just met yesterday, was also there. He was in casual attire. I didn’t think I’d meet him at such a small evening party and froze.

I was afraid of spouting heartless words like yesterday, so I turned around, and moved to a secluded place. When I glanced at him, he was surrounded by many gorgeous women and my heart ached.

“Would you like to dance with me?”

“Eh? Oh, yes, gladly.”

When I was standing alone by the wall, I was suddenly called out to. He was a decent looking man, probably about my age. He smiled happily when he heard my answer.

I gently laid my hand on top of his outstretched hand and went to the center of the hall.

“I always thought that your smile was adorable, but I’m aware that you had something for Lord Anderson, so I gave up.”

“I, is that so?”

“Yes, but when I saw that you weren’t talking to him today, I took it as an opportunity.”

I was embarrassed to learn that my feelings for Noel were no longer a surprise for anyone. At the same time, I was also surprised that there was a man who thought I was adorable.

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While taking light steps to the music, I realized that it had been a while since I had danced with a man.

The man who invited me to a dance was called Craig. He seemed to be the son of a viscount. Every time our eyes met, he’d laugh bashfully. I wondered if I was like that before Noel.

After finishing the dance, he stayed by my side, and we talked about various things happily. I thought that he was a very nice person, but it seemed that I couldn’t consider anyone other than Noel as a man.

“Sherry, you’re here, too.”

My heart bounced when Noel suddenly appeared.

I wanted to cry that he still treated me so kindly after my horrendous treatment yesterday. I wanted to scream my love for him, but it was as if my throat was blocked.

“Why don’t we talk a little, if you like?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m talking to him right now.”

For Noel to ask me to talk—it was like a dream come true. But, as usual, my lips spun such heartless words. I felt like crying.

When I looked up at Noel, thinking that he’d hate me, any trace of expression had left his face.

“…It seems that you’ve betrayed me.”


Noel turned his back on me and started walking away.

It was the first time I saw him make such a face—he was definitely angry. I just wanted to be liked by him, so why did this happen—!?

As I stared at his back, tears spilled out of my eyes.

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