Eventually, our lips slowly separated. I found myself reflected in his passionate, amethyst, eyes. I didn’t know what had happened and had even forgotten how to breath.

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When I thought that Noel’s beautiful face was approaching once again, our lips overlapped. The second kiss was gentle. From my eyes, which finally understood what had happened, tears spilled.

…I never thought my first kiss would be with Noel, someone I had loved for a long time. I didn’t know such a satisfying feeling existed.

I also couldn’t stop crying—I was overjoyed.

However, Noel was staring at me with a terribly hurt expression, for some reason.

“…I’m going home for today. No matter how much Sherry hates it, I will proceed with the engagement.”

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…It seemed that he’d still proceed with the engagement, regardless of my attitude. Such a benevolent being existed! My chest constricted. My love for Noel grew deeper.

Noel, who thought I hated him, applied for an engagement, then confessed to me. To top it off, I was kissed twice. That must be where my lifetime’s worth of luck had gone.

“Please stay here. I don’t want anyone else to see you cry.”

“… I understand.”

“You’re so cute, Sherry. I will come see you again.”

After he had said that, he smiled gently and left the room. I was left alone. After recalling the series of events, my happiness exceeded its limit and I lost consciousness.


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A week later, Noel visited my house once again. The talk was settled in no time. That day, my engagement with him was decided.

He greeted my parents again. Afterwards, we had dinner at a famous restaurant. When I asked if I needed to visit his parents, he seemed a little confused and laughed in embarrassment. “It’s alright.”

“Are you angry about our engagement?”

“No, not really.”

“Then, that’s good.”

Noel smiled and talked to me. I could only react with my usual frosty tone.

…In the first place, I set the duration to three months because I never expected to meet Noel that often! Above all, I never knew Noel felt that way for me. My heart was beating so hard, it might burst at any moment—especially when he said I was cute or referred to me as his beloved.

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I felt rewarded. I felt that my past feelings had reached fulfilment. My field of vision grew blurry.

“It doesn’t matter whether Sherry loves or despises me. Just marry me and stay with me for the rest of your life.”

Towards his words, which sounded like a heartfelt proposal, I almost stopped breathing.

Was it alright to be so happy?

I never expected to spend my life beside Noel. I must be dreaming.

However, what came out of my mouth was still flat as usual. “Is that so?” The fluffy atmosphere ended in a flash.

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“…It seems that you truly despise me.”

I couldn’t hate him. No matter what I did, I couldn’t muster a shred of dislike for him. However, my cold attitude made it inevitable for him to come to such a conclusion.

When I thought that I was hated by the man I loved, my heart was about to burst.

Noel, I love you!

No matter how much I screamed in my heart, it couldn’t be conveyed to him.

It was so frustrating, I wanted to cry.

“Doesn’t matter—you’re mine.”

With a horrifyingly beautiful smile, Noel said so. His words were akin to a sweet chain, and I felt the illusion that it tightly entwined around my body.

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