Karen was getting irritated inside. She didn’t have any business with his cousin, who died after living like a troublemaker anyway.

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The very last memory that she had with him was when he visited her and asked for money before he passed away.

However, it came to her knowledge that her cousin’s daughter had entered the Icard’s household and became the Duchy’s Princess. Initially, Karen hesitated because she thought being stuck next to a kid would be a nuisance, though things changed.

Laria suffered from mild lung disease, and rumors began circulating that Duke Icard was putting money on the villa for her.

‘I don’t know how I would make this happen, but I have to use this opportunity since it’s my chance to live comfortably.’

Karen was a member of a fallen noble family who was treated worse than a commoner. Her most prestigious cousin died dishonorably, leaving no money behind. Still, the Rostry’s were a historic noble family, so she had no intention of making money as the commoners did.

‘This is when I hit the jackpot!’

She knew well that she would never get her money’s worth if she approached Laria as if she was a bag of money. So, Karen took out a mortgage on a small house, bought clothes and accessories, and entered the Duchy of Icard, pretending to be quite wealthy.

‘No way, I’m the only blood relative that came and reached out to Lariat, would they be harsh?’

She dreamed big, even becoming the Mistress of the Duchy of Icard. Because then, she would take care of Laria like a mother. The Duke already had a stable successor, although becoming a mistress wouldn’t be that bad.

Besides… if they ended up having a kid, well, you never know.

Even if that didn’t work, Karen thought she could at least be a resident governess for Laria. There was nothing she could teach, but it would be great to get the highest salary with that kind of title.

Of course, worst case, she was still Laria’s blood relative, so she may have to attach herself as a maid, but she would get the best room. Even though she didn’t want to follow Laria to the villa, though either way, she would come back to the Duchy someday. The guest room assigned to her was eye-popping.

‘…But, why is she so sick? Are they really sure it’s not a big deal?’

When she tried to coax her while talking, Laria would cough and hug her.

“My mom always hugged me like this when I coughed.”

It was true that this cute little girl looked pitiful when she coughed that much.

“If Karen hugs me, I think I can feel the blood bond more deeply…”

It was nothing much, and there was nothing wrong with Laria coughing in her arms. However…

“Well, Miss Karen.”

Within the day, her doctor, Serena, spoke with a serious look on her face. It was the afternoon when Laria left for a walk with Evan. At the time, she was relaxing and eating all the finest snacks in Laria’s guest room.

“I heard you were a relative of Laria’s?”

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“Yes, that’s right.”

Karen replied triumphantly. She continued, “If I had known about this earlier, I would’ve taken Laria in so she wouldn’t get married so soon.”

“I didn’t ask you that.”

Serena spoke firmly and continued, “In the recent paper about Laria’s illness…”

Karen almost spat out the tea at Serena’s subsequent words.

“The information mentioned that the disease from her blood is contagious.”


“And, if one develops it at Laria’s age, it can be taken care of. However, if it becomes contagious at your age, there can be permanent damage to your lungs.”

“…Are you sure? I’ve never heard of contagion like that before.”

“I am Laria’s physician, who was hired by Duke Icard himself.”

Serena reacted coldly as Karen seemed to be doubting her skills.

“I bet my entire career as a doctor.”

“The- then, is Laria not supposed to cough like that when she hugs me?”

“Of course, coughing up close increases the likelihood of contagion.”

“Then, you should have stopped her!”

“I’m Laria’s doctor, not others.”

Serena replied with a shrug. To make it even worse, she added.

“Because having someone next to her when she was coughing like that may be good for Laria’s mental health.”

Karen felt like the world was falling apart. As Serena mentioned, she was a doctor directly hired by Duke Icard, who even bought the genuine ‘Tears of the Spring Leaves.’ She couldn’t help but believe her words.

“So, I’m not going to tell Laria about this because I don’t want her to worry any more than this. Though I’m here to inform the person concerned because of my conscience and morality as a doctor, of course.”

Coldly, Serena turned away and left.

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After hearing everything, Karen didn’t have the appetite to continue her drink and put down the teacup.

Soon after, Laria, who had finished her walk with Evan, rushed to hug Karen.

“Cough, cough, cough!”

“Laria, are you all right?”

Although this time, Evan was with her.

“You should have told me if you wanted a hug… I would have hugged you.”

“Of-of course, Laria, wouldn’t it be good doing it between a couple?”

Karen spoke quickly in worry, but Laria shook her head, “No, Evan, I want to hug my blood relative, cough—!”

Because Evan was also watching, Karen couldn’t even say no to Laria’s request.

Even though coughing in the arms of her relative was not something she really wanted, it was necessary to the plan.

“Cough, cough…! Cough, cough.”

Panic, Karen didn’t know what to do. She didn’t want to get lung disease.

“Hey, Laria. If, uh, if your disease happens to be contagious, you… wouldn’t it be bad for me—”

“Well, cough. Serena’s said it’s fine, cough, cough.”

‘Being the Duchy’s hostess is good, being a honey-sucking governess is good, too… However, nothing is more precious than my life.’

And so, Karen concluded. She was going to choose money this instant rather than money in the distant future. Still, if she was caught touching the Duke’s belongings, she would quickly be tracked down.

‘But, if it’s a simple replacement…’

Since Lariat won’t wear the necklace until the welcoming banquet, she won’t notice it for a while. In the meantime, she could have gone into hiding aboard, anyway.

And, another good excuse came up…

Laria’s departure to Borotna was approaching.


* * *

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“I got an emergency call.”

It was the day before my departure. Karen sighed in regret.

“My friend is in a critical condition, I’m sorry to break my promise, but… I’m afraid I can’t make it to Borotna with you, Laria.”

‘I didn’t intend to go with you in the beginning, but I couldn’t cut off my act in the middle…’

“Still, I had a great time with you, even if it’s just for a few days.”

‘It had been nice to spend five days playing and eating leisurely at the guest house and receiving all sorts of treatment.’

“Then, goodbye…”

Karen greeted politely, the same way when she came.


Duke Icard spoke bluntly.

“It’s a shame, though Laria has been doing well. If that’s the case that you had to go, that can’t be helped.”

I also chimed in and sighed with a sad expression.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve grown so attached to you.”

“I can’t help it. So, I have to…”

Unlike the first muddy appearance, Karen was greeting and saying her goodbyes swiftly as if she was in a hurry to leave.

“Miss Laria!”

Lisa came in, and the door of the drawing-room burst open. She had just returned from vacation today.

“Lisa? Without knocking…”

“The ‘Tears Of The Spring Leaf’ looks strange…!”


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When I asked back in surprise, she handed out the box.

“Serena snooped around and dropped it, saying that she wanted to see, but there was a scratch when she put it back.”

‘Serena, you did a great job.’

“Diamonds never get scratched just because they fall from such a short height. Probably because it’s an emerald. Emeralds are easily damaged.”

Pretending to tremble, I continued my passionate performance with my hands on my mouth.

“And, the color is definitely different from the first time I received it…”

I stepped in quickly.

“…Isn’t that right, Ms. Karen?”

Karen’s face was already pale.

“When you came to the Duke’s residence, you were wearing a similar necklace, just like the ‘Tears of Spring Leaf,’ didn’t you?”

It seemed that Evan and Duke Icard had already known about this, but they didn’t say anything. Because of that, I continued with a trembling voice.

“You also knew where I put the Tears of Spring Leaf—”

To be exact, it was as I had planned.

“La-La-Laria, it’s…”

“At the time, Lisa was on vacation, the room was unexpectedly empty, so it was a perfect opportunity to swap it.”

I had created the perfect scenario, so I just waited for her to act as predicted. Meanwhile, Karen glanced around frantically, nonetheless, there wasn’t anywhere to run.

“That necklace around your neck right now. It shines more brilliantly than before…”

I continued with tears in my eyes.

“You said you are here for me. I never thought that my very own relative who came all the way here would betray me twice like this…”

Evan, who had enough of this situation, sighed. He then spoke slowly while staring at Karen.

“Just turn yourself in and get the heck out of here.”

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