“M, maybe… black wizards or similar to that, can’t they be blessed?”

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“I don’t know about that, because black magic is not our research area. We’re looking for rationality, and black magic seeks out all sorts of unnatural things.”

I was the most unnatural being here.

Of course… It could be because of my possession into this body that the demon Neo reacted to me. So, that might mean I may not have the qualities of a black wizard…

Nevertheless, there was no need to tell Serena and Sven about this. In fact, saying this was a fictional world inside a novel, and I possessed one of the characters, Serena was more likely to take me to a proper doctor first.

“I see.”

In the end, I just nodded slowly and didn’t add anything more to the subject.

“Why the hell did you call me? If you don’t need it, a blessing.”

After all the answers were finished, Marcel returned to his original way of speaking.

“Well, just because. It’s nice to talk about each other’s lives.”

I smiled, and he gave me a disgusted look.

“You can’t get married, priest.”

“…I guess you don’t know, but married women can’t get married either. What are you thinking?”

“That’s suspicious, but—”

He rolled his eyes.

“Why the hell did you tell me to come here?”

It was at Baron Lavonis’ mansion that I secretly summoned Marcel. It was the place where I began to build with the money I had earned from Redian’s paintings and madeleine.

Now, somehow, the exterior had been set up, but it was actually empty except for this room where I was sitting with Marcel.

“It’s a strange place, really desolate, somehow.”

There was still not enough money to complete it all.

Marcel came on a horse without thinking and was brought here by Serena very secretly.

On my way from the Marquis of Eldspi, I came to the Baron of Lavonis very secretly. And, it was just me and Marcel in this room.

“You even gave me clothes to change.”

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Even though he refused several times saying it was okay, I forced him to change clothes saying it was going to be hot.

“It’s okay, it’s nothing.”

I glanced out the window.

Wagons were slowly approaching from afar. This room has a large window and is very close to the road, so it was good to see inside as someone passed by.

“Take off the ring.”

“Pardon? Why?”

“There’s nobody here anyway, and it looks fascinating.”

“It’s like my body, this ring.”

“…If I add one gold coin to the donation…”

“Feel free to watch it as much as you want.”

Marcel politely removed the ring and held it to me immediately

With the ring, his divine energy was also drained, and his silver hair immediately turned to a soft blue.


As he lost the silver hair that only priests had and was wearing casual clothes, he looked like a really beautiful boy.

‘Looking again, he sure looks a bit like that.’

Marcel had a gentle expression on his face, it was a good-looking face to see, even if that was not taken into account.

‘He’s a scammer, but he looks really noble-like. Just looking at his face, he does give a holy vibe.’

Outstanding black eyes. Skin white as snow because it doesn’t see much sunlight. As if he had been carved, his detailed facial features were like a handsome boy from a romance webtoon.

“I’m a good priest, though I’m a fake.”

“That’s right.”

I nodded seriously.

“Whether it is your hair, or your eyes, or everything about your face.”

At my words, he brightened his capitalist smile. And taking advantage of that time, wagons rushed by the roadside.

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Marcel had no idea, though they were all looking at us… very intensely.

“Then, come back in about three months.”

“Come back, again?”

“Of course, don’t say that you came here.”

“Do I really have to?”

“A young married woman and a priest were both in a mansion… What will other people think?”

“That’s what the Young Mistress encouraged me to do. What are you talking about…?!”

It would be a very difficult rumor for him, seeing him speak in a fluent imperial language. If for the Duke Icard jokes were a matter of determining authenticity, so was the imperial language for Marcel.

“Who knows that?”

Marcel looked tired but eventually nodded.

“And, when you go, I want you to follow the guide and go there secretly.”

“You did not commit any crime, so why the hell…”

“This is a donation. Add one more gold coin I mentioned earlier.”

“I will disappear like air, like wind, like shadows. Thank you.”

“Anyway, don’t forget that it’s a secret.”

I gave him a firm warning again.

“Don’t get tangled with people who you think are going to cause problems.”


Marcel turned his head without answering.



“Why don’t you answer me?”

“The person most likely to give me trouble is the Young Mistress…”

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…That was true.

“Well, then don’t get tangled…”

Marcel seemed like he was dying to leave here as soon as possible.

I had to wait a little longer, but there was no way I could talk more with Marcel.

“Do you want to play chess?”

After all, time passed well while playing games in tiles like this.

According to this body’s previous memories, I had played with my brother sometimes, although this was the first time since then. Anyways, even in my previous life, I was very good at games like this.

“Listen, I’m good at playing chess. It’s going to be lame for the lady.”

“Thirty silver bet.”

“Where’s the board? Open it right away.”

I won three rounds and got ninety silver. There was no reason why I couldn’t beat the priest in a strategy game.

“One more round! One more round!”

“Go. I have to go now.”

Marcel struggled with his eyes rolling and eventually begged me to call him as soon as possible.

In the end, Marcel visited for a while and left. Of course, he visited the villa for a while after leaving the mansion to deceive the people of the villa.

From the next day on, it was only natural that rumors of Kyle Dart Lavonis had been circulating.

There was no one here who knew the face of Marcel, who was in the Capital and was usually buried only in temples.

“I heard he was really handsome.”

“The appearance was really gentle and soft.”

Well, gentle in front of donations, but anyway…

“The way he talked with Miss Laria was very friendly. He must be polite.”

“The clothes were neat and luxurious, and the blue hair was really pretty.”

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“You two were playing chess, right? You seem to be getting along really well.”

Due to the instructions I had given him beforehand, Kyle was supposed to stop by the manor for a while, take care of it, and leave for the Capital.

“In such a short time, he understood all the problems of the territory.”

“I heard he left a lot of instructions in one day and left.”

“But, it was all so sharp and detailed.”

It was natural, because I, who lives right next to Hanua, gave the instructions at once after being patient for a long time.

The few people working at the Baron’s Mansion were all from the Southwest’s Bestian Intelligence Guild. So, even though they didn’t know exactly about me, they followed Serena’s instructions.

‘Of course, I could have had one of the members of the Bestian Intelligence Guild act as a substitute, still…’

I just smiled quietly at the people who said this and that about Kyle.

‘If I use a real person, Father, who is a capable villain, may notice it, and there is always a risk of betrayal. Kyle must be someone who I never leave behind.’

And, the only person who would ever be a hindrance to me was the one who didn’t exist in this world.

“Miss Laria, how did you feel talking with him?”

I was asked that question every tea time.

“We haven’t talked for a long time because he said he was going to the capital soon. It turned out that we had been acquaintances for a while before I got married, so it was not the first time we met.”

Everyone listened with interest when I recited the answer that I prepared beforehand.

“He is just a gentleman and shy person. He won’t stay long, but he says it’s embarrassing to say hello.”

Since he was the owner of Kyle-Hanua, which everyone was curious about, the rumor spread quickly.

Kyle Dart Lavonis was a nineteen-year-old, blue-haired, black-eyed, delicate handsome man with a gentle impression and was also very good at managing the estate.

Moreover, I would call Marcel regularly, and keep this rumor until I ran away.

‘Since the two of us have been together for quite some time, I can’t speak openly, but dirty rumors will spread little by little.’

Originally, those kinds of scandals were things that could not be stopped even if I tried to prevent them.

I blinked slowly, lost in thought.

‘That way, we can enter the second stage.’

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