At the door, Jiang Tang stopped.

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At the end of the first day, she gave her a last look, and Teacher Lin brought her into the class.

Through the window, Jiang Tang saw Chuichi standing beside the two teachers. Among a group of innocent children, he was like a angel who fell into the world, at a loss, wondering what the way forward was.

Listening to his faintly self-introduction, Jiang Tang felt a little distressed. When he first arrived in an unfamiliar place, it always took a while to adapt. Some children only needed half a day, some day, some week, like the first day, maybe It takes ten days and a half months, and it may not be cooked.

Jiangtan sighed and turned to leave.

"The first child of Lin Lin sat next to Ouyang, and Ouyang raised his hand."

... Ouyang.

This familiar and unfamiliar name immediately stopped the first day.

She turned back suddenly and saw a thin boy sitting in the third row by the window.

The school uniform on the little boy was big and old, not very fit, and was obviously worn by someone else.

He brushed his short head, his skin was black, but his facial features were not bad. At this time, he was looking at the first day with his lips closed, his eyes cold like a hedgehog.


The future actor of "Love and Miracle".

In the plot, he passed miserably as a child.

His personal father is now the head of the spotlight film and television BoSS Ou Pingyun, his mother is a little-known little actor Xu Qingqing, although Ou Pingyun has a family, he can still spend time, once he fell in love with beautiful Xu Qingqing It goes without saying that Xu Qingqing dived. Xu Qingqing gave birth to Ouyang, and she originally thought that she could get Ou Pingyun's pity through her children and step into the sky. Ou Pingyun's wife knew which matter he wanted.

Ou Pingyun's wife is a lady of nobility, and it was not a matter of minutes before she was born into a famous actor to destroy a small actor.

She hired a navy to guide the fallacy, and she also designed a video that Xu Qingqing made with other men and posted it online. Soon, Xu Qing was in flames, the fire was so unbearable, and the reputation of the fire was notorious.

One night, Xu Qingqing committed suicide by jumping off the building, causing countless sighs, and her young child was handed over to her only mother.

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After growing up, Ouyang's outstanding appearance and outstanding temperament made his debut, and checked into the spotlight. All he did was to find revenge for Ou Pingyun. As a result, he accidentally met Xia Luo. Deliver sincerely.

It seemed that Jiang Tang's vision was felt, and Ouyang's eyes looked over.

She turned around and smiled stiffly at Ouyang.

The child froze slightly and bowed his head in a hurry.

Jiang Tang sighed and left the school pacing.

Because the original plot did not account for Ouyang School, she did not care, and thought that the hero was in which corner, who would have thought ... Coincidentally, it became the same table as Junior One.

In order to cater to the players, the male characters in "Love and Miracle" are very beautiful, and the characters are also very unique. Like the actor Ouyang, it is the kind that almost all young girls like. Tragic childhood, handsome appearance, proud Personality and one-person behavior ...

Look at her stupid second son again, crying, making troubles and hanging three times.

Jiang Hu was a little worried.

The first day of the first year itself is special and sensitive. Ouyang was a thorn in his childhood, can he ... make friends smoothly?

Jiang Tang's worries finally came true.

The six or seven-year-olds are enthusiastic and enthusiastic. After the school bell rings, a group of people can't wait to be around the first day. They want to know new students, especially girls. They are very active.

Schools in the past have paid attention to etiquette.

The first day, like a monkey in a zoo, caused everyone to watch and discuss.

"Lin Chuyi, your pencil case looks good."

First day: "My mother bought it for me."

"Lin Chuyi, can you invite me on your birthday?"

First day: "My birthday is over."

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"Lin Chuyi, do you have a girlfriend?"

First day: "..."

First day: "... I don't have a girlfriend."

"Then do you have a boyfriend?"


"Lin Chuyi ..."

"Lin Chuyi ..."


Twitter, it's all Lin Chuyi.

When I was quarreled on the first day, I had to remember Jiang Tang's entrustment. It was not good to leave everyone alone. I could only listen seriously and answer seriously.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound around me.

The abrupt impact made the noisy classmates quiet immediately. At the first glance, he kicked the table off at the same table, and his eyes were extremely impersonal.

The children looked at each other and dispersed.

The last little girl leaned into the ear of the first day and whispered: "Ouyang is a bad boy. He still fights with junior high school students. Don't play with him on the first day."

Like he was afraid that Ouyang would ask her to settle the bills, she quickly ran to her position.

He tilted his head and looked at the new desk at the first day. He sorted out the desk silently, like a little monkey.

Punching his lips on the first day and courageously reached out his hand. "I am Lin Chuyi and I transferred from Changqing College."

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Evergreen College is a famous aristocratic elementary school. The children of the noble family are all there. Before Xu Qingqing died, Ouyang listened to her nagging a few times. Raised his eyebrows, and finally snorted, patting the hand of Junior One.

The back of the first hand was flushed with red on the back, he smiled immediately, and his daughter-in-law lowered her head.

The new table ... may not like him.

The first day is very sad.

In the evening when Jiang Tang came to pick up the first day, many children had greeted him and said goodbye, and most of them were little girls.

Jiang Tang stooped down and took off the red scarf on his chest. "It looks like our first year is very popular."

He smiled and said nothing.

After Jiang Tang put his red scarf on his hand, he hesitated and asked, "Is it alright with the new table?"

When she lowered her head on the first day, she could not see his face clearly, only to hear him say: "It's good."

"That's good ..." Jiang Tang breathed a sigh of relief. "How about the school, how are you?"

"Also good."

Talking, the first day suddenly stopped, looking across the street.

Jiang Tang looked down.

Under the dense camphor tree, the elderly woman stood in front of a dilapidated tricycle. The passers-by rushed back and forth to scream and sell sweet potatoes. She coughed a few times from time to time.

At this time, a shadow flashed.

It ’s Ouyang.

After speaking a few words with the old woman, he helped sell sweet potatoes.

When I looked there at the first day, I didn't move.

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Jiang Tang hesitated and asked, "Do you want to eat sweet potatoes on the first day?"

He shook his head: "No more."

"is it?"

"Student Ouyang should not want to see me." He took Jiang Tang's hand. "Even at the school gate, he should not want his sweet potatoes to be bought by his classmates."

It's about dignity.

Jiang Tang was stunned with his carefulness and emotional quotient for the first year, and he could not say a word.

Children of this age are kind and pure. When they see people who need help, they will feel compassion and extend a helping hand, but some people do not need help. Help is a blow to these people. Sharp edge.

Ouyang is the latter.

The child's self-esteem is strong, and pure kindness will become a premeditated irony in his eyes.

In the first grade, I could think of this level.

Shocked and heartbroken, she couldn't help bending down and hugged him in his surprised eyes.

Some are heavy, but they can also hold.

"Mom." Blushing at the first day, "I have grown up, no need to hug ..."

"I just want to hug you."

The tree shadows are mottled and the sunset is just right.

Her shadow fell through the ground, blending into the first little body.

Jiang Tang of the last life was helpless and unrelated, and she was her only relative. She had complained about the injustice of her fate, and she turned back to think about it, it was not the pity that God gave ...

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