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Behind The Scene Of A Fairy Tale








I was holding a luxurious gilded envelope. From Yonas Von Raiganian.


I’m sure it’s about how what I did was wrong, and I was expecting this to come, but it's so scary.


Right. I couldn't have let him go. I am not me, and he is not simply Yonas.


I thought of myself as a dancing tiger butterfly and shook my body. I didn't hold onto the idea of flying away, saying that I would see the universe far away. Haha. Hahahaha.


Though it wasn’t anything unusual. I pondered for a moment whether I should applaud him for his actions that did not deviate even an inch from my expectations. I can't seem to open the letter. Can't I just throw it in the fireplace and say I didn't receive it?


Should I open it? No, I think I know what this is about. Do I really have to make sure he's dead?


No. it could be something else.


…..What is it?


I stood in the hallway for a while, contemplating, and the letter fell to the floor. Oh, my reminder! As I bowed my head in surprise, I saw honey-like blonde hair and worn out maid’s clothing.


"Oh, what's this? ….Yonas?"


The child's voice rose sharply. Ugh, I'm screwed! I crumpled my face and reached out to take the letter from Cinderella's hand.


"Hey, give it to me!"


"No! Isn't it for me?"


"No! Give it to me now!"


Akh, you son of a bitch! Cinderella opened the envelope with her bare hands, avoiding my hand. Oh my god, she didn't even have an envelope knife, she just ripped it open by hand and ran away!


It was hard to run in such a heavy dress. As soon as I gasped, Cinderella opened the letter and started to read it. Her anticipated expression gradually rotted into dismay. Ah, I let out a sigh and touched my forehead. I think I'm going to be sick. I am absolutely going to get sick.


Cinderella's mouth gradually opened. The paper fell from the child's hand and rolled on the floor. However, I closed my eyes and opened them again at her words.


"…...Proposal Letter?"




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For a moment, all the thoughts in my head stopped. I couldn't even blink and comprehend the words that I just heard.


Proposal. Proposal. From the royal family. A marriage proposal.


A marriage proposal?!


There were about a million question marks in my head. I hurriedly picked up the paper that fell onto the floor and read the contents inside. I skimmed through most of the letter and read only important paragraphs written in gold ink on the last line.


"Prince Yonas Von Raiganian, Prince of Raiganian, wishes to propose to you. I hope that you will accept and make a hundred-year promise with the Crown Prince...?"


Blink. Blink.


My mind was blank. I couldn't sleep last night because I was so disturbed. Maybe this is all a dream?


But no matter how many times I look at it...


It's a real proposal!




When I woke up from my short escape from reality, I heard the sad cries of the child next to me. Oh, right. She just lost the first love she’s been harbouring for a while to me. Tears filled her blue jewels, and then dripped down. They looked like faucets that had been turned on.


"Si-Sister How did you…."


"Well Lira, that’s not…"


"Whatever! I hate you! Heuk, heuk, Eeuahhhh!"


Wait a minute, Lira. I know you are very sad and feel unfair right now, but your tears are mixing with your soot powder. Without those tears, her sadness would be worth a look. But black water is flowing from her face, so even though she has a really pretty face, this looks more like a horror scene. I took a deep breath after trying to appease the crying child for a moment. Ah, I think I'll soon get a disease that exists in this world. I don't think it's a marriage proposal, I think the Crown Prince sent someone to assassinate me.


"What are you crying about..? Oh, my God, My Lady!"


"Lady Cinderella? Why are you crying?"


As the child's cry filled the hall, the maids began to pop out one by one. It was her nanny who first approached and comforted Cinderella. She looked up at me with a worried look while patting the child who couldn’t stop crying.


"Lady Anastasia. What's wrong with her? Why is she crying like this?"


There was not a single word of resentment towards me in her eyes and tone, so the child's cry grew louder. I quietly showed her the proposal. The nanny's eyes grew bigger and bigger. Whether she knew how serious the situation was, she gave her a cheer-up look and gently comforted Cinderella.


"Come on, Lady Cinderella. Stop crying. If you cry here, your body will dry out. Now, talk to this nanny. What are you so sad about?"


"Heuk, huk, Sister, My sister..."


Cinderella looked at me with resentful eyes and sniffled away into her room with the nanny. I waved my hand to the child without enthusiasm and headed to my mother's office. I had to suffer for a long time at my mother's strange gaze at me.


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* * * *




"Hello, Young-ae, Marquis of Hwizna."


"I can’t say hi."


I saw the servant panicking but I didn't mind. I walked past him and entered the Tehina Palace. The servant rushed after me.


"Well, Young-ae? I don't know what I did wrong….."


Of course, the servant is not to blame. It was me and Yonas who had a problem. However, the problem was that his master was the crown prince, Yonas.


Does he think I’m about to say bye?


I don't know who the crown prince is. I thought he was a good guy yesterday, but today I think he’s crazy. What the hell is this unexpected development?


The reaction of everyone at the Hwizna mansion after the marriage proposal was a sight to see. Cinderella cried, wishing for her sister to disappear from the world. My sister, Drizella, tapped me on the shoulder with a pitiful face, but couldn't hold back her laughter. The biggest reaction came from my mother, who pulled out a knife. I had to desperately stop my mother, a civil servant, from trying to ride the carriage to the royal palace with a smile on her face.


But, huh. Yeah. What's wrong with the servant? What's wrong with his master? Other than that...


This is all a big mistake, isn't it?


"Huu. No, it's not."


I suppressed the anger that was beginning to boil again. Now, control your mind, Sasha. In a way, she is also a victim… It doesn't make any sense, but it's bad to get angry…


I thought I couldn't stand it any longer, so I hurried my steps. The servant was still in a daze, but he led me to the Crown Prince as he did his duty.


Yesterday was my fault. Yeah. I don't deny it. But I didn't think the crown prince would be this coy.


You said it's okay in front of me, but you did this behind my back? If you're mad, don't tell me it's okay. You wave your hand saying it's okay and then ask for a wedding proposal? What kind of shit is this?


Before long, the door to the drawing room that I had come to yesterday opened. Huuuh, huh. Okay, Sasha. Don't hit the crown prince as soon as you get in. You can't curse. Let's apologize again for yesterday. Throw the marriage proposal at the face of the crown prince and throw your middle finger….


No, you can't. Please calm down.


I tried to ignore the temptation of the devil that was creeping in my head. The white door, which came out curiously yesterday, was filled in front of me. The marriage proposal showed off its presence in the arms.


In the Kingdom of Raiganian, if the receiver of the proposal accepts, he or she could write a letter in return. But if he or she refuses, he or she has to go to the other person and return the proposal with an apology. If not, it is considered to be very rude to just ignore it or send a rejection letter. It was a custom to keep good manners, but right now I’m trying very hard not to fight the Crown Prince.


It's a little ridiculous in real life. Even if the house was turned upside down because of the proposal, why did you send the proposal to me out of the blue? It seems like he just sent it to mess with me. Why didn’t he just send me an official letter reprimanding my actions? Or did he really fall in love with me yesterday?


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After thinking dangerously for a moment, I shook my head. Although the Crown Prince's attitude was strange yesterday, he did not seem like a masochist. I think.


I didn't want to open the white door that I had entered yesterday, as if poison had been applied to it. I didn't think I'd be back here anytime soon. The servant, who couldn't read my mind even if I died, opened the door tactlessly.




Looking at the black-haired person that could be seen through the gap, I vowed to assassinate this servant someday. Then, I took a step inside.


In the drawing room, Yonas, the Crown Prince, was reading a book. A piece of paper fluttered between the long and pretty fingers. Fortunately, his hair and shirt looked normal today. The shirt button wasn't ripped like yesterday. I slowly walked towards him. The sound of footsteps buried the sound of the turning pages. As I approached, I glanced at the book he was reading and quietly admired it. He was flipping through the book at a very fast pace, even though I didn't know what the letters were.


Wow. What language is that? Rahansen language? Or is it a foreignlanguage?


As I was peering at the book, I shifted my gaze to the back of the book to look at the title. The moment of admiration I had disappeared.


He was holding the book upside down and reading it with an insanely serious face. I thought it was a foreign language because it was upside down. No, he's holding it like that and reading something.


".....Your Highness."


"Oh, you're here."


He spoke to me without taking his eyes off the book. Once again, he turned the page. His eyes slowly began to steal the paper. I couldn't hide my pitiful gaze at the sight.


"Your Highness. I'm sorry, but are you practicing reading books upside down?"




His hand slipped at my words and made a creepy sound. His fingertips were cut, and blood gushed out. Red blood gradually dripped onto the book. It must have been painful, but he just looked at the cut on his hand. I was the one who was panicking.


"Hold on, Your Highness?! Your hands!"


"Huh, oh……"


He looked naive and hopeless. I took a napkin from the table and wrapped it around his hands. The book the prince was looking at upside down was closed and thrown on the sofa.


"No, why are you reading the book upside down and cutting yourself in the book. You read it so many times that you could memorize it, so it didn't matter if you read it upside down?"


Oh my, What a waste. He will have a scar on his pretty hand now.


I expressed my regret that something beautiful was ruined. Let's talk about what I did yesterday first.


The crown prince subtly stared at me concentrating on his hands with my forehead slightly narrowed. Feeling the gaze, I raised my head in wonder.


"What's wrong?"


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"……...No, well."


His cheeks were red as he slowly turned his head away in the middle of speaking. Seeing this, I frowned in disbelief.


I really hope the crown prince doesn't have a crush on me. Don't blush, you son of a bitch.


With bandages wrapped around his finger, I straightened my back and pulled out the paper I had in my arms. It was the proposal.


"Your Highness, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I cannot accept this proposal. I'm sorry."


With my concise words, the Crown Prince's gaze shifted to the paper. The crown prince, staring at it for a moment, nodded.


" ......Alright."


I paused at the sight of him picking up the book again. I expect this reaction from him.


Even if it wasn't an official letter, I thought that the Crown Prince sent the proposal to bother me or that he’s a masochist. Both options could’ve ended with him clinging on to me. If it was the former, he would threaten to send an official letter if I refused the marriage proposal, and if it was the latter, he would ask me to hit him one more time. However, with this reaction, all of my plans to throw away a bunch of money in the former case and kick his crotch in the latter case were ruined.


No, if it's just going to pass like this, why the hell did he send a marriage proposal?


"Your Highness, why did you send me a marriage proposal?"


Eventually, the question popped out of my mouth. I couldn’t come up with a conclusion for all of this.


His eyes turned to me at my question. The prince, who had blinked for a while, blinked again. And I blinked my eyes.


What is it? Why is there only one option? Try something else.


Staring into those eyes, I found my pupils shaking slightly. I had to think again about why the question of sending the proposal was such a difficult question to answer.


No, he sent it himself. It's not like he sent it without thinking, did he? He should get married, but I was the only name that came to his mind, so I wondered if it was because of that he wrote my name and sent it.


"......Your Highness?"


Still no answer. I came to the point of being a little worried that he might have passed out with his eyes open. I reached out carefully and waved my hand in front of him.


"Why did I send it?"


Only then did the crown prince, who seemed to have come to his senses, manage to spit out words. With a quick nod, I waited for an answer from him.


"I mean, why did I send it?"


Yeah. Why did you send it?


" ……Because."


…...Should I kill him?

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