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The birds were chirping and sun was shining into the bedroom of an apartment. On the bed, lies a girl who is moving disruptively in her sleep. Her smooth black hair scattered on her pillow and traces of sweat covered her pale complexion. "Please… no.. I beg you.. ahhh!!" her eyes flew wide opened and her body sat up. The girl recognized her empty apartment and sighed in relief as she laid back in bed. "It's alright... I am safe here.. nobody, but me.."

After 10 minutes, she took a quick shower and bandaged her chest like usual. Then, she got dressed in her male school uniform and applied her skin care routine. After making sure that her skin was smooth and hydrated, she spent the next 15 minutes on applying makeup to her healthy natural glowing skin. She smiled and nodded satisfyingly as she observed every parts of her face making sure that the makeover was perfect. The reflection from the mirror shows an attractive youth with short dark brown hair and hazel colored eyes. Her flawless delicate face from earlier had been long gone. In front of the mirror is the number 1 ranked most popular male from Tian Ren High school, whom female students wished to date.

"Handsome like always. It's another day! Yang Ya Nuo , you got this!" she cheerfully sang as she hopped her way to the kitchen.

Her stomach grumbled signaling her that it was time for breakfast. Her smile instantly turned into a frown the moment she saw the emptied fridge in front of her.

"Oh great… I forgot that I just paid the rent so I didn't go grocery shopping yet. I guess I'll have to wait until lunch to get food." she sighed inwardly.

Ding Dong

After checking who it was, she opened the door and answered in an amicable tone, "It's too early to go to school. Don't you usually get out of your house at this time?"

A charming young man with slightly curled brown hair and a gorgeous smile looked at her, "Yo! morning! I have a favor I wanted to ask you."

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"Hmm? Let's talk food first. I'm hungry. My brain can't function without food to fuel me up in the morning."

"I'm already well prepared for that. I have a bag of groceries in one hand and two bacon, egg and sausages in the other."

"Oh? Seems like it is something important. Let's talk while I eat then."

After settling at the diner table and unwrapping her bacon, egg and sausage, she started devouring her breakfast joyfully.

"Oh yeah, so you were saying?"

The young man smiled and laughed as he handed her a tissue to wipe her mouth, "Ya Nuo, can you be my girlfriend?"

She instantly spat out her mouthful of food after almost choking on it. He dodged quickly as if he expected such response from her.

"Xu Huan Hei! Are you crazy? I'm 100% male! M-A-L-E!"

"I know."

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She placed her hand on his forehead and then felt her own temperature with her other palm. "You don't have a fever… then maybe it is me who is sick?.."

"There's a girl who liked me for the past two years and kept chasing after me. Recently, she asked me out again and I rejected her like previous times. She wasn't satisfied with my answer and questioned about my reason. So.. my tongue slipped from the annoying situation and I said I already have a girlfriend. Then, she said unless she meets my girlfriend, she wouldn't give up. I don't have anyone else I could go to for this favor. Please help me." he asked sincerely as he cleaned the crumbs from earlier off his uniform.

She face-palmed and replied, "No. You were better off telling her you like guys instead of saying you have a girlfriend"

"If I did that, then I'll never find a girl. If I ever do fall for someone, I'll be unable to get her if rumors of me liking male spreads out."


"Pretty please~"

"Why me?"

He chuckled and lifted her chin, "Your features are feminine, yet handsome. Girls in our school always wanted to dress you up as a girl remember? Rather than having more misunderstanding with girl's at our school, I'd rather be in debt to you."

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She slipped his hands off her face and smirked, "No."

"I'll cover your lunch."

"No. I'm not that cheap."

"3 months worth of groceries and lunch."


"You're the best! Thank you, here's the address to a makeup salon. They will help you do your makeup and choose your outfit."

"It's okay. I can do those myself. My friend knows how to do makeup. You just have to prepare a dress or something for me"

"Okay! It's almost time for school. Let's go~ The meeting is this Saturday, 10 A.M. at Granstial park.

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"Alright. We're going to be late. Let's go"

-Night before the meeting-

Ya Nuo finished taking her shower and walked out with an oversized button down shirt that was long enough to reach half her thighs. Her hair was wrapped up in a towel and traces of water drops could be seen on the back of her neck. She opened the fridge and took out a bottle of homemade lemon tea.

"Ahh… he remembered this."

She smiled and sat down on her bed as she drank the lemon tea.


She picked up her phone and read Huan Hei's message, "See ya tomorrow~ Don't forget"

"Don't worry, darling"

She laughed as the image of his expression from her text appeared in her head. She laid on her bed and looked at the lemon tea in her hand.

"It's already been this long since we've met huh? Time sure flew by fast. It's surprising how he didn't realize that I'm actually a girl. It's been... almost 8 years since we've met, this idiot sure is slow.. or maybe I just hid it very well. Anyways, it still feels like it was yesterday…" a saccharine smile appeared on her face as she closed her eyes.

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