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-At a luxurious Mansion-

Master Yang, a 50 year old man who has gray hair and black mustache was sipping a glass of red wine in the living room while servants were kneeling in front of him.

"So...guess what today is?"

"..." The servants trembled from his chilling voice.

"Heh, today is your yearly punishment date. That's right... since I am the owner of this house, it is good that all of you learned your place. You people are my dogs who needs to start listening to my commands. Remember what happened 2 years ago, today? That's right. One of you unlocked the door and let Ya Nuo escape. If she married that family, I would've been richer and been enjoying all the luxuries. Now? I am sitting here drinking cheap wine and seeing all these match making invitations on my desk. Oh and did I mention? My money flushing down the toilet with all these rich families asking about Ya Nuo!"

He held a thick rope covered with dried blood stains, poured alcohol and salt on it, and whipped several servants from behind. "And until now, none of you came out or pointed out who the person was who let her go! For a girl like her, did you all think this was worth it? I have dirt on every one of you and your life long contract with me. I can torture you every year and slice your fresh opened without caring about your permission." He nodded in satisfaction after seeing bloody wounds and painful expressions in front of him.

knock knock

Mistress Yang walked in and ignored the wounded servants, "My dear hubby, who made you angry? Is it these heartless pigs?"

"Because of these heartless bastards, I'm losing a great amount of money. Ya Nuo was my money tree, but somebody helped her escape.. so now they must pay for it every year, same date, same punishments. "

Sigh, "Hubby, it's been two years. She's obviously at her rebellious stage. You fed and provided for her all these years even though she isn't your child. She needs to think more about others."

"Hmph! When I threw that wench mother of hers out of the house, I should have thrown her out too. Such a nuisance."

" Well, you're not to blame because you thought that she was your child and your first wife claimed that too. You were love blinded by your previous wife."

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"Don't mention that bitch! She cheated on me and had a bastard! I found out through a DNA test. Hah, how could I ever guess that the person closest and sleeping next to me every night is a slut? So now, her daughter pays for her deeds."

-Taekwondo house-

"No... nn.. sniff.. don't...ahhhh!!" Ya Nuo woke up drenched in sweat. She sighed and wiped her forehead, 'Right.. I'm at Grandpa Hoons...'

A delicious fragrance filled her nose and the door creaked open slowly. Her eyes sparkled as the scent grew stronger and closer by distance. Huan Hei cautiously walked in with a tray of food in his hands. When he saw that Ya Nuo was awake, a gorgeous smile appeared on his handsome face. "Ya Nuo! You're awake!! How are you feeling?"

She smiled happily, "I'm good! more importantly, is that Aunty Marina's special tofu beef glass noodles soup with extra meat, three drops of lemon grass juice, 15 different spices, and a variety of yummy self picked herbs?!!"

"Hahaha! You are correct like always~ This also means that you are fine. That's great. If there is a profession related to listing out ingredients for food based on its fragrance... you'll definitely get it."

"Food first! My stomach needs the most care right now!"

"Alright, alright. Your arms were hurt so I will feed you instead okay?"

"Tch. It's faster if I eat it myself though!"

"Be a good patient and let me do my job." he smiled and held the chopsticks in his hand. She was reluctant at first, but once the mouth-watering beef touched her lips, she quickly devoured it.

"mmmmm I haven't had this dish for so long~~ It's been two months since she made this!"

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"Heh.. don't worry, Aunt Marina knew that one bowl is not enough so she made you five extra bowls as backup. All of them has your name on it so nobody would dare eat them. I'll go get you more after you finish this bowl."

"You're the best!!! Hehehee.. if every girl sees the way you are treating me now, they will kill me."

"Haha, I'd rather stay single though.. because I already have someone I really love."

"Ohhh? Ohhhh? Who is the lucky girl? Have I ever met her before?"

"Yep. You've met her before. I just never told you about her."

"Oh la la~ Heh, who knew.. wait wait wait! Then why would I be dressing up as a girl if you already had your eyes set on somebody??"

"Because I don't want her to know my feelings."

"But why? Be a man and confess to her! Maybe she likes you too."

Huan Hei shook his head, "I've decided to look after her in my way. I know she isn't interested in me the same way I feel towards her so I won't confess."

"...are you ever going to?"

"Depends on when this silly girl opens up her heart to me more." he laughed and fed her another piece of spicy beef. Ya Nuo chewed on her beef with happiness written all over her face.

"I'm sorry.." Huan Hei sighed.

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"What are you being sorry about? You're not the one who hit me or chased after me. You couldn't have done anything regardless so don't blame yourself. Blame it on my bad luck."

Huan Hei put the tray of food on a nearby table, "Ya Nuo, if there is a next time.. can you please not tell me to go first? I don't care what danger I might end up facing. I don't want to see you get hurt again. Especially within my sight!" He narrowed his eyes as he reached for Ya Nuo's hands.

"Huan Hei.. this is a request that I cannot fulfill. If I know that danger is coming, then I will definitely make sure you leave unharmed before escaping myself. The same way how you don't want to see me hurt, I too, would never allow that to happen." she smiled slightly and tightened her hands around his.

"Nuo...but you can't always face everything alone.."

"Huan Hei, do you trust me?"

He nodded gently and Ya Nuo smiled from his response. "Then have faith in me and my abilities. I didn't train for 8 years to end up losing my life. Although I can't tell you what and why things are happening related to me, I really appreciate having a best friend like you who will always support me."

"Of course, but if I ever see danger coming for you.. I will not stand there and do nothing. I want you to remember that you will never just be my best friend. I am your comrade, an ally. I will fight whoever dares to cause you harm and return it 1000x folds."

"Pffft.. alright. Now buddy, feed me the rest of the soup and get me seconds. I need to fill my stomach up~"

"Gotcha! Here ahhh"

"Ahhh... after going out with you for half a day, I totally became a girl. I even respond like a girl!"

"Heh, are you interested in becoming my girlfriend/boyfriend? if it's you I wouldn't mind spoiling and feeding you everyday."

"Hahahaha, your parents will kill me if I turn you gay!"

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"Hey, it's for a good cause. We can go for adoption. We can elope and fly elsewhere to start our own family~"

"... don't tell me you actually thought of it..."

"Yep! Since I'm single and alone anyways~ By 40 years old, if we are both single, I will propose to you and marry you. Even if my family disown me, I will still have you. Instead of having to adjust my lifestyle habits to a girl, I might as well stay with someone who knew me for most of my lifetime."

"Hmm....maybe you'll be the cat guy... you know like the cat lady.. except you're a guy."

"Which part of me is not good enough to be your spouse huh?!"

"Hmm...nothing..but I'm not gay. I'm not sure of your preferences though hahahaa"

"For now, I like girls. Future, who knows.. maybe you'll become my husband.. or "wife" if you're the bottom.. if you know what I mean heh.." he tickled her chin and smirked.

"Any further flirting and I will end up going to sleep without my second to fifth bowl of meal~"

"fine fine.. here open wide!"

"Ahhhh~~ mmmm this never gets old. The taste dances on my tongue every time hehehee"

Huan Hei left out a small breath and smiled, "I'll feed you everyday just to see your smile."


"That's because your smile is very beautiful."

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