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After the hosts' friendly greetings and handshake, Huan Hei whispered something to his ears, which nobody else could hear. The host finished his announcement and gave the Xing siblings an odd glance before leaving the room with other employees. Since the bidding was done, the lights were adjusted back to its original brightness. Now that the lights were back to normal and the romantic atmosphere was gone, it was time for the Xing's to pay up their debt.

While everyone was busy gossiping about the dessert bid, Huan Hei's bodyguard skillfully prepared sets of knives on a nearby table and guarded it. When the lights were back to normal and everyone opened their eyes, they were shocked to see various branded knives separated by its size organized neatly on the table.

Huan Hei's fingers smoothly glided the surface of these knives, "So, your time is up. Do you want to do it yourself? Or should I have someone do it for you?"

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The various sets of knives on the table left him in a daze. His face was white, similar to Geisha's white painted skin. If one didn't know what was going on, he or she might have called the ambulance already. After a while of consideration, his lips trembled lightly as he mumbled, " just want me dead so I'll make you regret it."

Perhaps Ya Nuo read his lips, she approached him steadily after he had one of the knives in his hand and knocked it out of his palm with a striking kick. He fell backwards and landed on his butt. When he realized that he had been publicly humiliated by a girls' kick, he rubbed his aching back and pretended to be seriously injured, "Owww!!!!! I can't move my legs. I can't move my lower body! This woman attempted to murder me! Someone call the police!!!"

Huan Hei brought Ya Nuo a chair, knelt to clean her heels, and checked for any leg scratches. While Xu Tao accused her and screamed in agony, nobody cared enough to record his poor state. Instead, their focus fixated on the couples' intimate act. After making sure that her leg was perfectly fine and heels were intact, he pecked her forehead, "Let your man handle these roaches."

She felt a tug in her heartstrings and covered her blushing cheeks like a schoolgirl would, "nn.. then you better hurry. They aren't worth my dessert delay."

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He chuckled and lightly squeezed her tiny nose between his index and middle finger, "Alright."

Once he turned around, the devil has arrived. The moment his icy eyes met Xu Tao's, Xu Tao looked as if he was haunted by a thousand strands of doll's hair. His voice was stuck in his throat like a heavy lump that refused to swallow. His body no longer felt goosebumps, instead, it felt like maggots and worms were crawling under his skin and eating his flesh slowly. Huan Hei stepped close to him and revealed a bone-chilling smile, "You said your legs couldn't move and you can't feel your lower body right? Don't worry, I know how to fix it. Since you can't feel your lower parts, there is no more use of it. Therefore, even if it gets crushed, it'll be okay. Since you're going to cause trouble for my fiancé regardless, I might as well make your injuries real to make it worth my time."

Since Xu Tao wanted to play, Huan Hei made sure to cooperate and make him regret ever trying. Huan Hei's words were said with a low tone that sounded deadly, like a slow poisonous venom that penetrated several layers of skin, to his bloodstream, and rot his heart away. Nobody heard what Huan Hei said, but they did see Xu Tao jumping up and wobbled back down to the ground. After he did that, Huan Hei smiled towards everyone else, "Everyone is my witness. Xing Xu Tao publicly damaged my partners' reputation by falsely accusing her for injuring his lower body. As everyone could see that a minute ago, he stood up and fell down himself. This is solid evidence that proves my partners' innocence, along with his slandering and false accusations."

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Lan Lan saw how traumatized her brother looked and decided to avenge him, "Xu Huan Hei, a few minutes ago, it was you guys who forced him to fulfill the bet conditions! How could you guys be so shameless to bite us back when he only did it for defense?! That crazy woman kicked the knife out of his hands even though he was only following your instructions!"

Both of them let out a clever smile after hearing her words. Huan Hei walked to Ya Nuo's side and rubbed her cold hands, "Did anyone ever hear me tell him to pick up the knife? Did I ever say he had to cut his finger off and that I'll force him? All I asked him was whether he wanted to do it himself or have someone do it for him. I didn't put a gun pointed to his head or force him to do anything unwillingly. It was his choice."

Lan Lan: "You told him that he can't leave unless his finger is cut off! Everyone heard you!!"

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Huan Hei: "I also told you to stop bothering me for the past 1,098 days. Did you do that? No, and why? Because that was your choice. Just because somebody tells you to do something, doesn't mean you have to do it. I didn't tie him up or touch him during this process. All I said was some empty words and he was the one who picked up that knife. My fiancé kicked it out of his hands as defense. Who knows what kind of things a lunatic like him would do with a sharp weapon like that?"

Ya Nuo yawned and covered her rosy lips, "Hei~ People have no brains these days. Forget arguing with pigs who won't understand human language. Let's eat dessert and go home."

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His expression and voice softened, "Alright. Time for dessert then. Leave these impossible people alone."

Lan Lan stared blankly at the lovey dovey couple in front of her and swore that she will never let them have what they wanted.

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