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Ya Nuo gracefully sat down on the couch and supported her head using her arm "I'm guessing that you are awake because you were waiting for me? What? Thought I would've ran off by now?"

Qiu Rei shook his head and waved his hands, "No, no. I am just glad that you finally understand me and are willing to team up with me on your future husband."

Her eyes were closed when she interrupted him, "Stop right there. When did I ever agree to any of your cheapskate inhumane actions and plans?"

Qiu Rei smiled, "It's alright. Nobody is here so you can speak the truth. Aren't you after his wealth? That ring on your left hand costs at least $80 million."

Ya Nuo massaged her temples as her patience reached its max,"I never agreed to anything and will never do the things that you want me to do. I accepted his proposal because it is a much better place to be than here. You saw how caring my future husband is and this was our first time meeting each other. Already, he was willing to spend $80 million on a ring to please me."

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Qiu Rei crossed his arms and lit his cigar, "What do you want?"

Ya Nuo: "Every maid and butler's freedom. I don't want your empty words. I mean the original documents that you made them sign and fingerprint. I will also look for a lawyer to check those documents for confidentiality purposes. My future husband will be more than willing to help me if you go back on your words. What do you say?"

Qiu Rei coughed after inhaling the smoke too quickly, "That... That..."

She finally opened her tired eyes and glared straight at the helpless choking man in front of her, "That... what? You can offer me such a shit offer and expect billions back, yet you can't release those poor souls that you've trapped using your old foxy schemes? Choose. Billions of dollars with plentiful more benefits in the future, or your house of maids and butlers?!"

Qiu Rei: "I want to keep half of them."

Ya Nuo repeated impatiently, "No. Everyone must be freed. You can ask your beautiful plastic faced wife to do everything from cleaning, cooking, ironing, making tea, and doing whatever else that makes you happy and lively. You married her for a reason and finally, she can be of some use. She was so useless for all these years, so now it is time for her lesson."

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Qiu Rei: "Fine... 3/4 of the people!! That's it!!"

Ya Nuo: "This is the last time I will be repeating myself. Every single maid and butler. Not one less or else... you wont get even a penny out of my future husband's pockets. The traditions and gifts will be rejected, and I will also tell him to leave my jewelries and everything else at his place. Yes or no? If yes, I want them freed within this week or else the engagement party will have a no-show bride to be. Not only will you suffer from a shitty reputation, you will also lose Xu family's support. So, yes or no?"

Qiu Rei crushed the cigar in his hands and agreed unwillingly, "Fine, but those benefits better be true or else, I will hunt you down and make sure you disappear in this world mysteriously. Nobody will ever recover your body or find any traces of you. I will free all of them by the end of this week. You can hire a lawyer or whatever to check each paper document. Satisfied now?'

She hummed the victory theme song of his favorite horse race gambling game, 'Mhmm... satisfied at the moment. I'm tired. Let's talk later or even better, not talk until my engagement night, which is after this week. So, I must have them freed first or else.... no-show~"

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She walked casually past him and stretched relaxingly as she went back to her fancy room. During the car ride home, Huan Hei told her that he will set the engagement date on the following week. That night, she could finally sleep well for once in Yang Mansion.

Meanwhile at Xu Mansion, Huan Hei was surrounded by numerous smiles and curious faces. His parents and grandparents were pulling him to the living room.

Mother Xu: "Well? How did it go? Did you propose? Did she say yes?"

Grandmother Xu: "Child, even though I've always liked Lan Lan, I will accept whoever you fell in love with. You were always single and I was worried that rumors of you liking guys were true. How was the girl tonight?"

Mother Xu: "Grandma! I told you that I've met that girl once and we got along very well. She was well mannered and very beautiful. She was lovely as an angel. I almost wanted to marry them on the spot!"

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Father Xu and Grandpa Xu drank tea as they listened to their excited wives chat nonstop. Huan Hei smiled brightly, "She agreed to marrying me, but I still owe her a proposal because the Xing siblings interrupted my plan for tonight. So, I will re-propose to her on our planned engagement party. It will be held a week from today."

Mother Xu: "Oh my! Such a huge event and you tell me this now?!! This boy, if you were going to make a grand party this quick, you should've told us a month ago!"

Grandmother Xu: "Sigh, I heard this child had it rough because her father always worked and mother died long ago. I heard he has a second wife now and probably mistreated her. Nobody ever saw Miss.Yang during business events and had many rumors saying she was treated like a servant since young."

Huan Hei stopped her from continuing these false rumors, "Grandma, when you see her next week, you can decide whether she was mistreated. Rumors are rumors because people like gossiping to others. When one person tells another something, the receiver will spread it to another person and words will twist. Don't worry, she is a fine girl. If not, she is an outstanding girl who makes me feel so lucky to be by her side."

Grandmother Xu patted his hands, "My grandson has grown up. Grandma still remembers how you used to run over with flowers from the garden and dirtied your clothes just to make me smile. I can't believe I lived long enough to see you get married and possibly great grandchildren. i believe in your eyes, so whoever you choose to be your wife is definitely a great person. I could tell because when you were talking about her, you showed me the brightest smile that you had on this face when you were a child. This was the same smile you had on your face when you gave me the flowers."

Huan Hei gave her a tight hug and replied, "Grandma, I found someone whose smile will warm me up like the sun. She's a very gentle, funny, cheerful, adorable, beautiful, and priceless girl. someone whom I am willing to spend the rest of my life with. Just like you and grandpa, I too, want to hold her hand and grow old together."

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