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"Long time no see, Qiu Rei. Seems like you've been doing pretty well." Ku Ze initiated the conversation.

The minutes ticked past and still no response.

Qiu Rei stood there emotionlessly with his chest heaving as he struggles to breathe. His prideful smile had been gone. The moment he saw Ku Ze on stage waiting for him, he knew that things are not going to run smoothly. He tried to remain calm, but his heart is thumping like a bass drum. His attempt to control his breathing and maintain his composure failed. Sweat layered on his forehead and dripped down the sides of his face leaving trails behind. His hands shook as he wiped the sweat off using a handkerchief.

He stuttered, "Why are you here?"

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He took a quick glance and noticed the awkward, confused expressions on everyone's face.

Guests whispered amongst themselves after seeing his abnormal behavior. Everyone recognized Ku Ze's face because he was a legend in the business field years ago. Suddenly, he announced his retirement one day and never appeared in Yang Corps again. His clients and business partners were shocked that he let Qiu Rei take over the company. Since then, the company had been doing alright, but definitely not as great as it once was.

Guests attended the party tonight because they heard Xu Corps' heir, Xu Huan Hei, and Yang Corps' daughter, Yang Ya Nuo, were getting engaged officially. When they heard Yang Corps, they naturally assumed and thought of Yang Qiu Rei, but now, Yang Ku Ze showed up on the stage as well. Some of them looked excited, bewildered, and even cheered when they saw Ku Ze. They thought that he might be announcing that he is coming back to Yang Corps. Seeing Ku Ze's appearance, everyone sitting had huge question marks on their faces.

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Ku Ze raised his arm asking for everyone to give him a moment. Recognizing this gesture, everyone shut their mouths immediately. He used to be a legend because of how powerful and wealthy he was. He stood by his standards, morality, and ethics when he worked with his partners and clients. Unlike most business men who tries to suck money out of people's wallet, he was one of the most honest ones. Therefore, he gained everyone's respect through his own efforts and intelligence.

Ku Ze's righteous tone echoed loud and clear to everyone in the room, "Why can't I be here? This is my daughter's engagement party."

His straightforward response struck one of Qiu Rei's vital weaknesses. One of his darkest and deepest fear is that someone other than him and Gu Wing would know about Ya Nuo's identity. There were many fears that followed this one and all of them are related to the kidnapping incident. An outbreak of cold sweat made him shiver uncontrollably. Goosebumps spread from his nape to his whole body. He was lucky that he had his suit jacket to cover his back and armpit areas because it was soaked. His skin was clammy and he felt uncomfortable. He repeated in his head, 'He doesn't know. There's no way he would know at all. No way...'

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In front of all these people, he had no place to hide or run. He could only figure his own escape route. 'Right! There is still Huan Hei. As long as I get him to trust me, then he can clarify and say that Ku Ze is not in the right state of mind. Right...I can get out of this...'

"I don't know what you're talking about. Ya Nuo is my daughter!"

He turned his body toward Huan Hei and reached for his arm, "Huan Hei, Ku Ze has some mental problems. He used to be the CEO of Yang Corps, but because of his mental illness I made him retire. He lost his daughter years ago and went crazy. He probably came today thinking that Ya Nuo is his daughter. You need to help me out of this and explain to the guests. They seem very confused."

Huan Hei brushed Qiu Rei's hand off politely, "I understand. Give me a moment, and I will resolve this matter."

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Qiu Rei nodded delightfully thinking that Huan Hei was fooled by him. Qiu Rei watched as Huan Hei walked towards Ku Ze and shook his hands, 'Why is this squirt going so close to Ku Ze for?! I already said Ku Ze was crazy! Why would he still shake his hands?!' He was so anxious that he couldn't feel the bottom half of his body. His legs went numb.

Huan Hei faced the crowd and smiled admiringly, "I am sure everyone is curious about why Mr. Yang Ku Ze is standing beside me on the stage tonight. Before we answer any questions, I would like to announce that Mr.Yang Ku Ze will be my partner for the upcoming billions of dollars contracts. I look forward in our future collaborations."

"What?!" The crowd gasped with the surprising twist. The person who was most shocked is Qiu Rei, who was standing behind them with his mouth wide opened. He was in denial and didn't believe in what he just heard. He grabbed Huan Hei's arm and spoke aggressively, "What do you mean Yang Ku Ze? I am the one who is working with you for the future projects! Did you forget that this was our deal when you asked me to let Ya Nuo marry you? Do you want me to take that decision back? She listens to me more than anyone. If I tell her to not marry you, she will reject you!"

The respectful smile that Huan Hei had on his face disappeared, and his eyes narrowed as he made eye contact with Qiu Rei. His eyes were cold and unsettling as if Qiu Rei was nothing, but dust particles floating in air, "Mr.Yang, please watch your words and manners. Marrying Ya Nuo is none of your concern. Being partners for business is another thing that has nothing to do with you. I never mix my personal life and business life together. Besides, you are not her biological father, so what right do you think you are entitled to, to make any of her decisions?"

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