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During a self-study class, Hen Qing asked Ya Nuo and Huan Hei to step out of class to have a chat with her.

"What is it?" Ya Nuo crossed her arms impatiently. She needed to spend every precious minute there is to review for the upcoming final exams, yet her time is being wasted here.

Hen Qing glared sharply at her, "Quit acting. What did you two talk to my mom about?"

"Who's your mom?" They pretended.

"Stop acting already! I already knew somewhat that your family's rescued my mom or whatever, but my mom never spoke about her kidnap incident! I saw you guys drinking tea the other day!!! Tell me. What did you guys talk about?"

"Exactly, what do you mean by the other day? If you wanted to know anything, aren't you closer to your mom than us? So why would you bother dragging us out of class just to ask us such a meaningless question? Ask her yourself if you want to know." Ya Nuo could tell that Ying Ying hadn't expose her identity in front of Hen Qing yet and probably found an excuse to leave the house. Therefore, she does not have any intentions on telling Hen Qing anything.

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"Are you still being petty about the past? I just want to know about what you guys told my mom! Why won't you tell me?" Her body shook from anger.

"Hen Qing, no matter what you say, you won't get a word from me. Like I already said, go ask your mother yourself. Whatever she says is the truth. Your choice to believe it or not. Why would you come to us, strangers, to get answers to questions about your mother?" Ya Nuo refuted with stubbornness.

"You! You!!! Huan Hei! I know you'll tell me right?" She addressed him in a less aggressive tone.

"If you interrupted our studies just for this, then excuse us. Your mother could provide the answer to your questions." He gently grabbed Ya Nuo's arm and walked back to class.

Hen Qing couldn't believe that they would avoid answering her. 'Something's wrong. They're all hiding something from me. I will find out sooner or later!'

After Hen Qing's confrontation, Ya Nuo texted Ying Ying with the app she created that sends a message to the recipient and disappears after it is seen. She told her about Hen Qing's behavior and would suggest her keeping the true story from her because everything will get even more complicated than it already is. Also, because of Hen Qing's personality, it is not safe to say that she is a trustworthy type of person.

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After some discussions, Ya Nuo agreed that Ying Ying should stay with Hen Qing until after high school graduation. This way, it will avoid any crazy thoughts from going out of control in Hen Qing's mind.

Soon, graduation was right around the corner. Ever since Ying Ying promised to stay with Hen Qing until after graduation, she didn't question further. Lately, though, Hen Qing had been challenging Ying Ying's patience because she was bad mouthing Ya Nuo in front of her. She spoke endless things that were untrue and nasty to hear. Whenever that happens, Ying Ying would act as if she didn't hear those words, defended Ya Nuo, or tell Hen Qing to reflect on herself.

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These actions made Hen Qing feel extremely uncomfortable. She thought that her mother would always listen and support whatever she decides to do. There are certain things that Ying Ying despite when it comes to interacting with people. She hated gossipers, false accusers, and people who make up rumors to ruin another person's reputation.

Ying Ying wasn't too close to Ya Nuo, but she knew enough to distinguish between right and wrong. She knew Ya Nuo's personality from their interactions that she was definitely not a scheming and a seductress like Hen Qing had been blabbing about. Therefore, whenever Hen Qing talked more and more about Ya Nuo, Ying Ying couldn't help but give Hen Qing lectures about the inappropriate words she's been spreading.

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Hen Qing felt wronged when her mother raised her voice at her for someone else. Later, Hen Qing ended up exposing her feelings for Huan Hei and Ying Ying persuaded her to give him up because he already has someone else. Hen Qing felt like her mother had changed and is no longer the mother whom loved her dearly.

Out of anger and frustration, Hen Qing burst out her real thoughts, "Mom! You've changed! You're a stranger to me now! Before you were kidnapped, you had been sweet and loving to me! Now? I only say a few words to vent out things that are unfair, and you lecture you! What's wrong with you? Where did my mother go?! If it's like this, I will rather never have you come back to me! I'd rather be alone!"


The numbing sensation on her face, followed by seeing the red print on her face from the reflection of the television, made Hen Qing enraged. She covered her right cheek and screamed out in madness, "What did I say wrong huh? What kind of mother doesn't support their daughter? I like someone. You shouldn't be telling me to give up! You should be encouraging me! Forget needing you till after graduation! You can leave! You can leave now! Go to wherever the heck that job place is! I don't care anymore. I'm moving out right after graduation. I won't contact you."

She angrily pushed Ying Ying out of the house and slammed the door shut. Ying Ying sighed internally, 'How did I raise her up to be this way?'

She had nowhere else to go so she ended up messaging Ya Nuo asking her for assistance. On the other hand, Ya Nuo replied instantly and welcomed her warmly. The app that Ya Nuo installed on Hen Qing's phone was still active. Once in a while, Ya Nuo would check to see what Hen Qing was up to and when she heard all those vulgar words, she's said about her to Ying Ying, she rolled her eyes. She heard their fight and other conversations.

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Therefore, once she received Ying Ying's message, she welcomed her and told her family what had happened. Her family felt bad about how Hen Qing treated her mother and respected Ya Nuo's decision of letting her stay earlier than expected. They helped change the bed sheets and blankets in the guest room and prepared a warm feast for her. When Ying Ying arrived, everyone had a smile on their faces and treated her like family.

Ya Nuo's parents and brother knew that they didn't have to act the way they did. They behaved this way because Ying Ying was still a guest and furthermore, they would be interacting with her for a while. So, to them, it is best to maintain a good relationship than a bad one.

-Graduation Day-

That day, Ying Ying watched from afar as Hen Qing walked up for her diploma and didn't bother staying after the ceremony to take pictures. For a moment, Hen Qing's eyes met hers, but she still left without giving a second thought. Ying Ying saw parents hugging their children proudly and taking family pictures. She unconsciously rubbed her lower abdomen before shaking her head and leaving.

Ying Ying wanted to see Hen Qing, at least once more before she leaves for college overseas. When she arrived at her house, she found the door unlocked and the house was empty. Other than her belongings, everything else that was related to Hen Qing were gone. Her set of house keys was left on the kitchen table. It was as if Hen Qing knew that she was coming home, so she left before saying goodbye.

'So this is how it feels like to have a daughter, yet not have one.' She packed her own belongings and identification documents before locking the door. She looked at the set of keys in her hands and sighed, 'This keychain was a pair when we bought it. Now, it's only my pair that's left.'

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