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After dinner, both families rushed Ya Nuo and Huan Hei to go pack their belongings for tomorrow's moving day. Although tired, both of them managed to finish packing their clothes, personal belongings, and daily essentials overnight.

The next morning, Qi Yang drove Ya Nuo to her new home to help her carry twenty five boxes of stuff into the house. He stacked them neatly in the living room and patted on the masterpiece he had made. "Beautiful."
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"Thanks, I know I am." She laughed as she stretched, reaching for the ceiling. She carried half of those boxes and was worn out. "Pfft, such confidence," he teased.

"Girls sure have a lot of stuff." He looked at the stacked boxes that were almost at his height. He made sure the boxes weren't stacked too high up so that it would be easier for her to bring upstairs later.

She stroked her head, "It didn't seem that heavy last night. I only remember packing a few boxes. I have no~ idea ~ what happened." She looked at the many boxes and thought about the unpacking process. Already, she felt a huge headache coming. 'Yep. My room will definitely look like a hurricane after all these boxes are opened. A great masterpiece. I suck at cleaning, but great at messing everything up.'

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"When is Huan Hei coming?" He checked the time on his phone.

Seeing that he kept looking at his phone, she said, "If you aren't free, you can leave me here. I wont get kidnapped you know? Hei should be here pretty soon."

"No. I drove you here. It's my responsibility to make sure someone is accompanying you before I leave. The contract can wait." He refused at the thought that she is a clumsy airhead who could bump into any corners and get random bruises. 'If I leave her here, she might end up leaving the door wide open and not notice if anyone attacks her from behind.'

"I'm telling you that you're worrying over nothing." She waved her hand back and forth before looking around the living room. The scent of fresh citrus from the diffuser sticks filled her nostrils, making her feel relaxed and peaceful.

The sounds of someone's vehicle parking in the garage startled both of them. Recognizing the familiar car and license, Qi Yang tugged his shirt and gave her a tight hug, "You better be happy, princess. If he ever makes you cry, I'll get here in fifteen minutes to give him a taste of my fist."

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"Mmm." she reciprocated the hug and gave him a nice body squeeze before seeing him off.

"Ah, right! Almost forgot." He reached out to her hair and rubbed it like always. Except, this time, it was much gentler and wasn't messing up her baby hair. As he passed Huan Hei's side, he patted his shoulder, "Good luck. Take good care of her."

Watching Qi Yang's car drive further away, getting smaller and smaller until it couldn't be seen anymore made her feel a little sad. She didn't feel it when she left home because she still felt her family's presence. Now that he left, she couldn't help but tear up a little.

Sensing her slight bitterness, he wrapped his arms around her from behind, breathing in her scent, "Don't worry. From now on, it'll be us... And more members later." His hands rubbed her stomach lightly, hinting that their future little peeps will keep her far from lonely.

"Mmpffhh" she tried not to giggle from the ticklish sensation, turned around and enjoyed being in the man's embrace. He had kissed her forehead a few times before she looked up and pulled him down for a deeper kiss. 'Why give me pecks on the forehead when you can just kiss me straight up? What a waste! Such delicious lips. Eat me up! Get a hint! Gobble me like you did with the cheesecake yesterday!'

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Her lips parted slightly, giving him full access to her mouth. Their tongues danced together as their lips refused to part. He stepped backwards, feeling the hardness of their house gate, and realized that they were still in public. The sun shone on the girl's healthy, pure black hair, and her long eyelashes fluttered slightly as she sucked his tongue, refusing to let go.

'Damn. When did she get this good?' He finished the kiss off by nibbling on her puffed lips, followed by rubbing it with his thumb. He knew where she liked to be teased and purposely whispered, half an inch from her right ear, "Let's continue later tonight."

Her flushed cheeks and half opened eyes, looked so tempting and seducing. "Are you sure, not now?" Her slightly trembling voice sounded smooth like fresh mountain water, so gentle, pure, and moving. He wanted to stain her and lure the devil from her insides out. He suppressed his urge to hold her up the wall and continue their affectionate kisses. The images of him pinning her to the wall with one hand and teasing her thighs with his other as they continued their kisses was enough to ignite the heat he had just calmed.

'After these years of waiting, how could I possibly wait? But we have to unpack everything or else forget even sleeping tonight!' The thoughts of how much work they have to do made him pause at the intimate moment. When tonight comes, he will play all she wants. "If you want it, you need to wait." His deep sensual voice sent shivers down her spine, arousing a numbing itch between her thighs.

She bit her lips, licked them, and nibbled on his ear in response, "Then it better be worth the wait. Dishes are better when hot than cold."

They walked from the gates to the entrance of their house and turned the key together. Once they stepped into the house, they looked each other in the eyes and said, "Welcome home."

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"Hei.... you haven't brought any of your boxes into the house yet. Look, mines all there." She noticed that the man had been empty handed ever since he got out of his car. Well, not entirely empty handed since she was a handful.

"Ah. I'll grab them now!" He turned around and felt the warm hand in his give him a quick squeeze, refusing to let go.

"I'll go with you." She smiled and laughed happily.

"Mmm... let's go together."

The couple spent their day cleaning and unpacking, but every once in a while, they'll peek into the other's room. Sometimes they'll find the other slacking off and other times they ended up sharing stories of the small things they find in the boxes. It was a simple, yet fulfilling day.

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