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Hen Qing felt the sharpness of the X-acto knife against the tip of her finger and grinned evilly, 'Yang Ya Nuo, let's see how you'll be able to get away with it this time. I couldn't do anything while being overseas, but now, everything is different. I'm back. You're definitely not going to be happy. I'll make your life a miserable hell hole.'

Hen Qing fixed a few strands of her hair while she continued talking to herself in her mind, 'There are two things in this world that I would never share with anyone. First person, Huan Hei. Second person, my mother. How dare you snatch both of them from me? How dare you?'

She grabbed the box of extremely sharp tools and walked out of her house. In a specific corner, she waited patiently for Ya Nuo to show up. During the wait, she changed out the bag of trash from the public trash can and replaced it with a clean one. Once she saw Ya Nuo walking down the block, she grinned from ear to ear. 'Yes! Walk. Get closer to your death!'
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From the moment Hen Qing got off the plane, she had investigators track Ya Nuo's recent activities. Since her wedding was getting nearer, she had been walking the same routes to the wedding studio to try on different outfits and plan the events for her wedding. Therefore, around a certain time, she would appear on that street.

When Ya Nuo turned the corner, Hen Qing purposely ran into her, scattering the box of tools onto her. With Ya Nuo's fast reflex, she managed to avoid most of the sharp objects thrown onto her. She suffered minor scratches and cuts from the X-acto knives and sharp trimmers.

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"sssss..." she hissed when she looked at the fresh cuts on her arms and hands.

"Ahhh!! I'm so sorry miss!! These tools were too heavy for me to carry, and I was rushing to get to class on time!" Hen Qing bowed apologetically at her, pretending it was purely unintentional and an accident.

"It's fine." Recognizing Hen Qing's voice, Ya Nuo shook her head and decided to ignore it. When she saw the scattered tools, she even helped her pick them up and put them back into the box. Hen Qing sounded surprise seeing it was Ya Nuo, "Oh!! It's you!! I'm very sorry!! Here, I have some napkin and alcohol pads. Sanitize those cuts since these are art supplies."

"Thanks. You said you have to get to class right? You can hurry and go. Your supplies are all back in that box. Just make sure to tape it up next time, so it wouldn't fall onto anyone else." Ya Nuo took the alcohol pads and napkin from her hands. After sanitizing and pressing on her minor cuts, she tossed the napkin and alcohol pads into the trash.

"Then, excuse me!" Hen Qing rushed away. Ya Nuo didn't think much about the situation and hurriedly walked to the studio. 'Crap! I'm late."

After making sure that Ya Nuo had left, Hen Qing quickly picked up the napkins and alcohol pads with Ya Nuo's blood on it and went home. She remembered to lock the door to her room before doing anything else. She quickly dialed the same mysterious number as before and said, "It's done. I have them. Yes, okay. Alright. Thanks."

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- Wedding Studio -

Ya Nuo was usually either on time or early, never late for the wedding planner appointments.

Huan Hei paced back and forth by the entrance; waiting for her arrival. He kept checking his phone and mumbled that everything is alright. He didn't want to call her and sound like he was rushing her or anything.

Finally, he saw her running towards the wedding studio. "Nuo! What happened?"

He saw the breathless girl panting and bending her knees to catch her breaths. The first thing he did rub her back and hand her his bottled water.

"Sorry, I ran into Hen Qing so I came a little late." She took several sips of water.

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"What? Did she do anything to you?" He asked in concern.

She shook her head, "I think it was an accident that she bumped into me. Her art supplies spilled on me and I got a few minor cuts. But it's fine, I had them sanitized and we separated."

"Be more careful next time! We all know how she really is. If she can add an aphrodisiac drug to our drinks, she can do the same for anything! Even though it's been years, I don't want to have our guards down when we see her." He observed the minor injuries to make sure it wasn't anything serious and that it was properly sanitized.

She circled her arms around his and smiled cheerfully, "Aiya~~ Let's go. We're late. Forget about her. These are just tiny cuts. Besides, don't you believe in my reflexes? Have some confidence in me~"

He sighed, "Alright, alright. Let's go. We have a lot to do. If she ever tries to pick any fights, she'll definitely lose anyways. Have you decided on which bouquet you want to order yet? And your wedding dress came in, you'll get to try it on today~"

His voice sounded extra sweet and gentle. "Mmm.... Heh, I have a few bouquets in mind~ And..." she tiptoed, leaning close to his ears, "I can already imagine how great your tux will look on your perfectly fit body. Can't wait to have a taste of you on our wedding night."

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"Hey! What were the rules that we made up huh? No flirting until the wedding day! What if I decide to take you in that dressing room huh? You think your excuse for these staff would be that I'm a designer from some foreign country, so I wanted to try on your wedding gown? Hmmm? You think it'll work?"

She laughed, remembering her excuse covering up their flirting session at the mall from years ago, "Hahahha, you're right. The staff from here would definitely not take that for a reason. Hahahahaha"

After checking in with the staff, they took their wedding outfits and went to separate changing rooms. For Ya Nuo, she had the circular changing area, while Huan Hei had to walk downstairs to change into his tux. He dressed quicker than her because his outfit didn't require any help. Meanwhile, her dress required professionals to hold the wedding dress tail and another to make sure the dress isn't wrinkled and was zipped properly.

While he faced the huge mirror outside of Ya Nuo's changing area, trying to straighten his tie, the curtains to her changing room pulled open. And from there, his hands paused and his eyes were focused on the figure reflection in the mirror.

From the mirror, he could see the sweetness overflowing from her lovely smile. He turned around with his mouth slightly dangling opened; speechless. Even without asking him what he thought of the wedding dress, she could tell from the glistening sheen in his eyes. Her smile grew wider as she got closer to his side.

The staff couldn't help but squeal on the inside from his stunned reaction. They swore that they would find a guy like him, who will look at them the way he did when he saw her in the wedding dress for the first time. They whispered amongst each other, "See? This is what a real couple reaction should look like. Most men we saw weren't even that excited or mesmerized by their wives in the wedding dress. They're so adorable together."

They stood facing each other, looking content and blissful. He gazed into her eyes right before he kissed her in front of everyone. The look in his eyes and how he reacted expressed more than a thousand words about how he felt for her. When he saw her from the mirror, he could only think of one word, "eternity."

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