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Hen Qing's heat up eyes glared at Nana and everyone around her, "What you guys just did was illegal! I'll sue!"

"Sure, sure. Sue if you dare. Your mother will be the witness of your stupidity and wicked doings. You make a move and we will make sure you never see sunlight again." Mother Yang walked in with Ying Ying behind her back.

Hen Qing's eyes opened wide and clear as she saw her mother behind Mother Yang. She started laughing like a psychopath. Her laughter was one that brought chills down everyone's spine. The appalling hollow laughter lasted minutes long before tears rolled down her wrinkled face, "I should have guessed it was you who exposed me! Hahaha, my own mother! My own mother ratted me out to my enemies! Isn't this the greatest joke in history?"

Huan Hei kept her locked in the same position, "Let's go."

"No!!! I'm not going anywhere! I'm going home! Let me go!!! Kidnap!! R*pe!!!! Help!!" One strike on her nape and her world dimmed. Huan Hei skillfully knocked her unconscious and carried her on his back.

- Huang Family's Underground Dungeon -

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When Hen Qing opened her eyes again, she was trapped and chained in a dark underground cell. The first thing she heard were piercing, blood-curdling screams of other prisoners from other cells. Their screams woke her up instantly.

"Where am I?" she tried moving, but realized that she had been chained up. Her wrists and ankles were attached to metal chains.

"You're finally awake." The source of the voice came from one of the dark corners in the same cell. Her eyes wandered and focused at a particular corner, where she saw a group of people sitting. Huan Hei was holding Ya Nuo in his arms while sitting on a clean bed with the rest of the Yang family settled beside him. Ya Nuo was sleeping in his embrace, peacefully. Wei Wei and Chen Mu were also present at the cell with an unknown dark robe covered man next to them.

"What are you guys planning to do to me? Trap me here forever? You think this is legal? When I get out of here, I'm definitely suing for kidnap!" The metals rattled as she struggled to slip her wrists out of the slim cuffs around her wrist.

"It's useless to struggle. You can sue if you want to, but I can guarantee you that it would be useless. The government had always been strict on black magic use. If you say anything, you will end up getting yourself into trouble." Wei Wei replied calmly.
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Chen Mu didn't bother wasting his precious time in this cold, spooky cell, "You can start. She's awake." He said to his acquaintance, who buried his face with the black robe around his body. The man nodded and pointed to the two bowls of unknown substances.

Chen Mu nodded and translated the meaning, "Master Ku wants you guys to feed these two bowls, one to Ya Nuo and the other to her."

After hearing that, Wei Wei snapped his fingers and one of the guards outside of the cell entered. "Force the soup down her throat. Make sure she drinks it all." The guard quickly picked up the bowl, forced open her mouth, and poured the liquid into her mouth. Every time she choked, he stopped. When she finished coughing, he continued pouring the soup down her throat. After that, Wei Wei waved his hand and the guard left silently.

"W..Wait!!!" Hen Qing called for help, hoping the guards would do something about the situation. What she didn't know was that, those hired for the Huang family's underground dungeon had gone through specialized training, so they would only listen to people from the Huang family.

"No use shouting. Better save your breath when you could still breathe in some fresh air." Wei Wei rubbed his ears with his eyes closed, annoyed by her squeaky voice. When he opened his eyes, he looked over to see that Huan Hei had just finished feeding Ya Nuo the bowl of liquid and wiped her mouth clean.

Chen Mu walked over to Huan Hei, "Master Ku will begin the reverse spell, so you need to lay her down on the bed. You can leave the blanket on her, but everyone must stay away from her for now."

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The Yang's helped Huan Hei settle Ya Nuo on the bed before walking away from her. Their eyes never left her. Master Ku had his eyes closed when he started mumbling lowly and increased in volume as his palms raised higher in the air. His hands started waving smoothly in the air, looking as if he was scribbling something with his fingers. Finally, he loudly chanted the word "go" and opened his eyes while directing his fingers at Hen Qing.

The moment his eyes met hers, she felt a rising heat from her legs that spread throughout her entire body, making her scream in terror. "It burns!!! Ahhh!!! What did you do?!! Argh!!!!" She cried hysterically with her mouth wide opened and tears filling the spaces of her wrinkles. While she screamed piercing echoes into everyone's ears, the girl who had been lying on the bed moved.

Ya Nuo opened her eyes wide, looking straight at the wall. Her eyes were black like a puppet without a soul. Her head felt dizzy, and a mixed taste of sour and bitterness rushed up from her throat. Chen Mu took the bucket from the floor and placed it on the spot her head was facing. He patted her back and waited for her to release the toxins from her body.

When patting her didn't work, Master Ku walked over and tapped her acupuncture points while chanting some weird language. The moment he touched the back of her head, her eyes showed signs of consciousness. It was no longer black like before and she puked out half a bucket of gross worms. It was muddy with different critters crawling livelily.

Seeing her vomit such disgusting insects, Huan Hei had his arms stretched, ready to comfort her and soothe her back. "Stop." Chen Mu seriously warned, "Before Master Ku says that you can come over, you need to stay where you are. She's not recovered from the Gu yet. Approaching her now may clash your Qi with hers and delay the treatment."

Huan Hei and the Yang's could only stand there and watch as she continued throwing up more and more chunks of gooey substances. At first, she threw up all brown mud with worms. After a few more rounds of Master Ku's chanting and tapping, the colors of her discharge became clearer. Gradually, less living creatures came out of her vomit.

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Finally, after half an hour of discharging unknown muddy substances, Master Ku drew a symbol on his palm and pressed it against her forehead. After that, she leaned sideways on the bed and breathed regularly. Master Ku nodded at Chen Mu indicating that the reversing had been successful and she just needs to rest well for a week or so to get better.

Chen Mu smiled, "She's fine now. You can bring her home and take good care of her."

Hearing these words, Huan Hei and the Yang's ran to her side, surrounding the pale malnourished girl on the bed. She opened her eyes when she sensed the familiar presences, "Hmm? Why is everyone here? I'm so tired."

Huan Hei initiated the hug, and everyone else followed, forming a huge marshmallow in the middle of a creepy dungeon cell. Everyone forgot where they were until Hen Qing spat out two mouthfuls of blood and cursed, "I won't forgive any of you! You guys won't get any happier! I swear I'll come back to haunt each of you!"

Huan Hei carried Ya Nuo on his back while the Yang's had the essentials in their hands ready to provide her what she needed. When she felt the warmth of his body, she relaxed and smiled sweetly, falling asleep quickly. Chen Mu and Master Ku stayed behind because they wanted to find out who taught her to use such dark magic on another being.

Wei Wei led the group out of the dungeon and went back to get Chen Mu and Master Ku. When he got there, he noticed the abnormal atmosphere that wasn't there when he had left earlier. He shook his head, 'If it's not my business, I shouldn't ask.'

He had a guard release Hen Qing and kicked her out of Huang Mansion. Hen Qing's sorrowful figure slowly walked and crawled back to her home. The reverse Gu sucked up twenty years of her vitality and life span. Strands of white hair formed on her hair, making her look even older.

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