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Bin Guan told Gu Wing that he had a family emergency that needed him to rush back home. After he had separated from her, he went straight to a fancy restaurant to meet up with Bin Ruo and Ran Ran. He also bought a new set of clothes to switch into because he couldn't stand Gu Wing's perfume.

- Private Room at RG Restaurant -

"Guan, you're here. I ordered your favorite dishes already." Bin Ruo smiled seeing his arrival.

Bin Guan gave his brother and Ran Ran a hug before sitting.

"Bro, sis, What's your reason for calling me out for dinner tonight? It's not just a meal right?" From the previous phone call, Bin Guan already sensed that Bin Ruo wasn't supporting his decision in dating Gu Wing. Therefore, when his brother asked him out for dinner, he didn't hesitate to come.

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"Guan, I want to know what you are thinking and planning to do by dating her. We've been looking for Xiao Ling for so long now. If we can't find her, then she might be..."

"No! She's not dead. I know she isn't. I won't stop until someone finds her body or her alive. It's been years, but don't forget how she saved us! It was these two bastards who kidnapped us and tried to get a ransom. Xiao Ling helped us escape, but couldn't leave with us because of those stupid guards."


Ran Ran lowered her head, "What he said is true. She risked her life to save us when we were just kids. We've been searching for her, but got no news. We had people investigate about her, yet nobody found anyone named Xiao Ling in Yang Mansion."

Bin Ruo's hand subconsciously gripped his tea cup tighter, "When we first met, she looked like she had been there for a long time. She didn't talk much, but she always smiled at us even though she had obvious wounds on her body. If it wasn't for her, we wouldn't be sitting here right now."

Bin Guan poured himself a glass of wine, "The only way we can possibly find her is through Yang Qiu Rei and Gu Wing. I'll never forget these two bastards."

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"Dating her won't do us any good. She divorced him and would probably never show that side of her in front of you. You might end up losing more than gaining." Bin Ruo pointed out something that has been on his mind.

"Don't worry. I haven't touched her. I only pretended all this time. I can't believe she actually didn't realize that I've been using a strap on with a substance type of function where it releases sperm like liquid out. Well, it works out fine for both of us since I never intended on doing her. Plus, it'll be a wonder if I could get myself up for her."

Bin Ruo laughed, "And here I thought what tricks have you been using to avoid sexual contact with her. It seems like you did a great job! I hope all this work is actually for a good cause, and we find something about Xiao Ling."

Ran Ran blushed, "Aiya! Did you two forget that I'm still here? Or am I officially a man to you guys now? Sheesh. Also, Guan, I heard about that sneaky plan of yours. Did that woman really think that she could easily hack into the Bin Corporations with her skills and take a huge amount of money like that? This was all your doing!"

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Bin Guan smirked, "If the rat wants to be trapped, why would I let her out that easily? I'm only planning to give him a small lesson and then release him. Making him bankrupt is enough of a punishment. I just want to find Xiao Ling."

"Oh yeah, I heard that Yang Qiu Rei is locked up in prison again. He tried to kill Xu family's daughter in law apparently and was caught red handed. This time, no bail." Bin Ruo shook his head on how stupid Qiu Rei could be.

"Huh? Xu family? What does he have anything to do with them? Xu Corps is pretty famous in the business field." Bin Guan sipped his wine slowly.

"Remember the invitation that we received, but then we decided to not go because we thought it was some boring gathering at a stranger's wedding? At the end, father and mother went, and it was for the wedding between the Xu and the Yang corps." Bin Ruo recalled skimming through the invitation and leaving it to his parents.

"Well... I only wanted to teach Yang Qiu Rei a small lesson. He dug his own grave for going against the Yang and Xu's this time. None of my business. I already passed down my words to those officers to take good care of him for ten days. Don't worry, though, I don't want his life so I told them to make sure to know their limit." Bin Guan clarified his intentions were never to take someone's life.

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The dishes were served within the next fifteen minutes and the group talked about a more peaceful topic. When they finished dinner, it was around 11:30 p.m. Bin Guan's car was parked in the underground parking lot, while Bin Ruo's car was parked across the street of the restaurant. After they had finished their meal, they left separately.

Bin Guan calculated everything, but missed one point; Gu Wing's low esteem and uneasiness. He didn't realize that Gu Wing had been tailing him all along. When Gu Wing recognized a familiar figure exiting the restaurant, her legs made a few steps forward, ready to hop into his arms.

Her smile froze when she saw the man holding another woman's hand to his car and drove away. She didn't bother looking at the license plate or brand of the car before concluding that it was Bin Guan cheating.

Suddenly, the words that Qiu Rei had said to her during their previous meeting repeatedly echoed in her mind. 'Do you think he would choose you, when facing his father's business and you, a woman he could find everywhere else?'

These words haunted her deeply as she settled herself on the sidewalk. After a while, her fingers dialed an overseas number, "Hello? It's me. If you do what I say, then I will give you twenty million dollars. If you reject my offer, then prepare your ass for jail. I want to see you at that same cafe within a week. Bye."

She then whispered, "Yang Ya Nuo, don't blame me. Everyone is selfish. If you want to blame, then go find Qiu Rei. He pushed me to this point. I was going to let you off, but it seems like it'll be impossible now." Her body trembled from the cold night. Finally, she stepped back into her car and went back to her apartment.

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