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After adjusting their poses, Hen Qing sat on a chair and started drawing. Currently, Ya Nuo is feeling a bit conflicted. Her heart is beating unbelievably fast because she could feel every movement that Huan Hei makes. Huan Hei is sitting on the table with his legs slightly opened, and Ya Nuo is sitting on the area in between his legs. Huan Hei's arms were around her and his hand is holding hers. His head is resting on her shoulders with his face towards hers.

Huan Hei whispered, "Nuo, I'm surprised you agreed to this."

"Well, I said I would help her earlier. As long as it does not involve any stripping or nudity, I'm mostly alright with it."

"So even if your partner isn't me, you'll be fine with that?"

"My partner can only be you. Any other guy, I wouldn't have agreed."

"Oh~ Sounds like a confession I am hearing."

"If she messes up because of you talking, then we'll have to redo it. Don't move."

"Haha, I wouldn't mind sitting here all day with you."

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"Good! Good! I'm done with this drawing. Next!" Hen Qing ran to them and adjusted their positions again.

"Hen Qing, how many poses do we need to do? It's going to get dark soon and it'll be unsafe for you to go home."

"No worries, I live like two blocks away! With your compatibility with Ya Nuo, I can finish in three hours or less."

"The school gate will be locked soon. You better hurry or else we will have to meet up another day."

"Alright, now stay in that position for 15-20 minutes."

When Ya Nuo turned her head facing Huan Hei, her body stiffened. Her nose was touching his and his body was very close to her. His arms trapped her within his embrace and he was looking at her with gentleness in his eyes The nervousness she felt 35 seconds ago slowly faded. She became more comfortable and started to look at his facial features carefully.

'We've been friends for this long and I just realized that I never really looked at him this close before. When did the 10 years old boy who was barely my height get this strong and tall? His hair is still smooth like when we first met. His eyes becomes gentler when he looks at me. His hands are big enough to hold mine with a grip tight enough to bind me to him. He has a few freckles on his cheeks, but this makes him more attractive. His thin, yet moist lips...'

Ya Nuo subconsciously leaned closer to his face and slightly tilted her head.

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"Done! Woooo, we're on a roll. Ya Nuo, you should try modeling for an agency! You had the perfect expression just now and the pose was enough to excite my maiden's heart!"

"Oh, hahaha, you're welcome. I was trying to see if a different angle would motivate your creativity. Looks like it worked!"

"Hahaha, Huan Hei looked surprised too when you suddenly moved closer to his face! You two are too sweet!"

"Alright, next position then."

Huan Hei was silently cursing Hen Qing on the inside, 'Why did you suddenly yell out that you're done? Couldn't you sense our romantic moment?!! She was about to kiss me! Kiss! Me!!!! Me!!! My poor kiss is so close, yet so far away."

Meanwhile, Ya Nuo took a deep breath and calmed herself down. 'Phew, that was so close. What the heck was I thinking or doing. When did i become such a pervert?? Hopefully, I keep my mind clean and wont do something like that again. It would scare him away for sure.'

Hen Qing smirked as she observed their expressions after her interruption, 'Interesting.'

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"Alright! Ya Nuo you sit on the floor here and hold Huan Hei's tie lightly so you wont end up choking him. Ya Nuo, lift one of your legs up and Huan Hei will be on top here. Good! Excellent!"

"Uhh... why do the poses get more sexual and alluring?" Ya Nuo blushed as she made eye contact with him.

"heh, because my theme for this scholarship is beyond friendship, not yet lovers. Unless you two are dating then I'll change it to Secret between them. What do you think?"

"Wait wait what?!" Ya Nuo's hand slipped when he tried to get up from the floor and pulled Huan Hei down with her. Since his tie was still in her hands when she slipped, he followed.

"Oh my~~~" Hen Qing smiled teasingly.

"This is a great pose too. You two can stay right there! Give me 10 minutes!!" she quickly grabbed her pencil and sketchbook.

Ya Nuo opened her eyes when she didn't feel pain on her head. 'Weird, my head should have been the first to touch the floor. How come it didn't hurt?'

She opened her eyes and realized that Huan Hei's hand was her head's cushion and his lips were so close to her that they looked like they were kissing. When she tried to move, he whispered, "Don't move. Stay like this, my legs are numb from the previous position. If you move now, I'll fall."

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She nodded slightly and continued looking at him.

'This is hell. Shit. Someone help my weak heart. Any longer and I might actually kiss him again. Not like we haven't kissed before right? So, he should be fine with it...? No no! Yang Ya Nuo, you can't take advantage of him. Let's see...he's a potato head. Potato head. A good looking potato head...sigh this is harder than taking a math exam..'

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Huh? Uh..yeah. I was just spacing out."

"Your cheeks are a bit pink."

"I'm fine." she turned her head sideways to avoid looking at his lips.

"Nuo, something's wrong with you. Tell me if something is bothering you." he leaned slightly closer to her face.

She turned her head facing him and whispered, "You want to know what's bothering me?"

'Knowing him, I won't get away from his questions anyways. Might as well let him know my thoughts.'

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