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"We've investigated the Xu's residence already. They have the Huang's specially trained bodyguards from outside to inside their home. It's going to be difficult to even get close to them with such tight protection." One of the hooligans reported back to Gu Wing.

She sipped the burning hot tea from her mug while her fingers tapped impatiently on the handles of the chair, "Useless! I asked you to figure out a way to get their triplets or Ya Nuo in your hands and you came back telling me it's impossible? Hah, don't you know something called distracting them?"

"But they are specially trained... by the Huang's. It's impossible, literally, to distract them without getting caught. If caught, we will get locked up in the Huang's dungeon. I heard that place was only for people to enter, not exit. None of the imprisoned ones ever made it out alive to tell the tales of their experience from that underground dungeon." The hooligan shivered as he thought of entering the cold dark dungeon and the endless tortures waiting for them.

"You never tried and yet you speak of such nonsense? Who said nobody ever came out from that dungeon? People who entered and actually came out probably wouldn't be a blabbermouth and run around telling everyone what they've seen or gone through right? Use your brain for once. Huang's can't just kill anyone or keep them in their damn dungeon. It's illegal." She threw the mug in her hand onto the floor.

"Then what are your suggestions in distracting the guards?" He mocked as she always only told them what to do and never thought of how to do it herself.

She smirked, "Who said distracting the guards are the only ways to do this? Why don't we start with our target Ya Nuo? I'll have her know that between her children and her; her husband will definitely choose children." Her eyes smiled along with her curved lips evilly.

Meanwhile in Xu residence, Ya Nuo and Huan Hei was changing their children's stinky diapers in separate rooms. Their daughter, Xu Huai Nian moved around too much that poop got on her thighs, making it more work for Ya Nuo to clean up.

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"Aiyaa, what did I tell you hmmm? Mommy told you to stay stilllll~~ Yea yea youuuuu, don't giggle like that innocently! Mommy will pat your tiny butt if you do this next timee~~~" she wrapped the dirty diapers and used tissues up while talking to her daughter, Nian Nian.

"ahhh gaaaaa"

"Mmm... yes, yes. Mommy knows you know you're wrong rightttt? Hmmm? Come here you... ahhh you've gained weight. Mmmm.. look at you cutiepie. Ayeeee, let's go see your brothers and daddy now, let's go~~"

"gaaaaa~~" Nian nian waved her tiny arms excitedly as she felt Ya Nuo lift her up. She loved being held by her parents and feeling their body warmth.

"Hubbby~ Look at your little princess looking for you~ How are you doing~~? Ahahaahaha here let me help you pffffft." When she entered the room, she saw him holding a stinky diaper in one hand and a clean one on the other while staring at Xu Shao Tuan, their second son. They were having a staring contest.

"Aigoo, my little princess, stay here a little okay? Mommy will change your brother's diapers since your daddy is having fun reading Tuan Tuan's mind." Once she put Nian Nian down on the bed, she complained, "aaa gaaaa ahhhhh"

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"Yes, yes!! Mommy knows! I'll be right back!!! Hahaha~" She wrapped the dirty diaper from Huan Hei's hand up, tossed it in the trash and then replaced the new diaper on Tuan Tuan.

"Gaaaa" Tuan Tuan giggled with his little fingers stretching out.

"Squirt, you like challenging your daddy me huuuuuuuh? You only let your mommmy change you huuuuuh?" Huan Hei gibberingly spoke to Tuan Tuan.

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Tuan Tuan's round eyes focused on Huan Hei for one second, "gaaaaaa" and quickly went back to concentrating on Ya Nuo. She laughed hearing their gibberish talks to each other. "ayoo~~ my favorite children and big child, what do you guys want to do now hmm?"

Huan Hei held Tuan Tuan in his arms and stared at him with the sweetest smile, "Aigoo~ our Tuan Tuan really loves sticking to mummy hmm? That's good, that's good. You better love your mummy more than daddy since she brought you all to this world~"

Ya Nuo picked up their first son, who has been smiling the whole time at them, "Woooo, our handsome fellow Xu Ting Jun~ Jun Jun~ Here, mommy will carry you and your sister~ awwww look at you sweethearts, so cute. Look at those cheeks. Muahhh."

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"kaaaa" Jun Jun and Nian Nian were giggling while being held back and forth by their parents. Huan Hei laughed as they rotated and took turns carrying each of them pleasurably. They made funny faces to make their little ones laugh and played with them until the babies fell asleep.

Nian Nian is always the first to cry for her meal. Ya Nuo poked her small nose lightly, "You ah, hehe, here, come to mommy." She unbuttoned her top and guided Nian Nian to her nipple.

"sss... hey princess, nobody is taking your food, suck lighter."

Meanwhile, Tuan Tuan and Jun Jun were already asleep, and Huan Hei was watching her breastfeed their daughter. "Hahaha, she took after you."

"Hmmm? What do you mean?" She hummed happily as she smiled at her daughter, keeping eye contact with her.

"She's curious about food, just like you, wifey. She's going to grow up looking super gorgeous like her mother." He hugged Ya Nuo's shoulders as he looked at Nian Nian with the gentlest eyes.

"Heh, I hope they grow up happily and healthily. That's all I ask for. Haaaa, time flies so fast. I can't believe we're parents already. But waking up to them is the best thing ever." She brushed Nian Nian's cheeks lightly.

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"Mmm...I didn't understand why parents always called their children cute until I saw our triplets. They're the cutest wonders and we can never get bored around them." He whispered, "Thank you for bringing them to this world. I love you so much."

Ya Nuo smiled, "I love you too." He kissed her lips and quickly separated when Nian Nian protested.

"gaaaa" Nian Nian finished her meal and protested when she saw their kiss but didn't get one.

"Hahaaha, here, here. Daddy will give our little princess a kiss too. Muahhhh." He chuckled when he heard his daughter's objection.

"Here, mommy will give you one tooo. Muwahhhhhh."

Nian Nian giggled from the two kisses she received on both side of her cheeks. "Okay~ Let's soothe your back after your meal, shall we? Let daddy help you get that burp out~"

After their little princess went to sleep, the couple whispered sweet words and rested in each other's embrace.

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